Swords & Wizardry Light - Forum

Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Do We Do a Kickstarter Dos and Don'ts Post(s)?

Looking over my assortment of Kickstarter posts, I'm wondering if I should put together a post or two listing basic Kickstarter "dos and don'ts", such as:

- make sure your funding levels actually add up to funding your project


- wear shoes in your videos


- don't have public fights with those that critique your Kickstarter presentation

So, what say you all?

Yea or nay?


  1. I think watching the season premier of South Park as well as the the honest Kickstarter video.

    "Please donate to our bullshit product."

  2. No, do not do that. Because you'll get that whole, "who the fuck is this guy, and what makes him an expert?"

    1. I have a bully pulpit damn it!

      I must be an expert ;)

  3. don't forget: "Have a completed prototype of your product" and/or "Have all of of the work (writing, etc.) completed before asking for money to publish it"

    1. Man, that'd be a shame. Neither of my two successfully completed, on-time projects would been Kickstarted if I worked that way.

  4. Sounds like a good post to me.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Do a whole 'how-not-to' video.
    ... or start with the post, and offer the video as a stretch goal

  7. You should kickstart this fine idea :)

  8. Just last night I was thinking is asking you to do one. Seriously serendipitous.

  9. Your recommendations would have the effect of making Kickstarter less entertaining.

  10. Well the people who really ought to find out 'what not to do' probably won't listen -- they already know it all, right?

    How about 'Doomed KS bingo cards' instead, so we can play along at home? (Crap, someone probably just a launched KS to create that ... with a staff of 20 and all they need to do is write it, lay it out, hire artists to illustrate it.)

  11. I think you should do it Erik! Seeing that I've been kicking around the idea of doing a Kickstarter for Mischief, Inc. to complete the remaining 10 or so adventure modules we have planned, it would be nice to know what I can do (or not do) to get a good review out of you. ;) Seriously though, I think it would be very helpful. A lot of what I've read from you concerning Kickstarters has been spot on!

  12. I've got a zombie RPG waiting in the pipes so I say do it. Might help me address something I missed for the Kickstarter before it launches.

  13. Advice noted for my KS starting tomorrow!

  14. Or you know basic business management 101... I have only ever gotten in on 1 kickstarter, for DCC chained coffin, so my gambling record is looking good right now
