The Evils Of Illmire
After watching several videos praising it, I decided to grab a pdf copy of
The Evils of Illmire. The adventure was written, produced, and features
layout b...
3 hours ago
Black Friday brings you 40-70% OFF All Titles!
Winter has crowned the northern hemisphere like a frost giant's rage! The snow is falling thick and fast and the wind blowing cold. Time to light a fire, hunker down and plunge into the worm hole with Castles & Crusades with these Black Friday sales!
To help you do it, we're kicking the doors to the Troll Dens wide open. From now until the 5th of December all DIGITAL titles are marked down from 40-70%!
RPGNow! Drivethru RPG! Deep Discounts to help you through the winter! Black Friday brings you 40-70% OFF All Titles!Goodman Games Holiday Sale!
Greetings, minions.
Now that you have glutted yourselves on the dead flesh of meleagris gallopavo, and gorged your entrails with winter squash confections, it is time to get back to work.
Tomorrow is the day upon which my most iniquitous magics must be fueled: BLACK FRIDAY.
Your life energy shall not be drained without reward! Peruse this incorporeal tome of wondrous items at marvelous prices and choose your guerdon based upon the amount of elan vital you send.
The Dark Master
In other words, it's time for the 2014 Goodman Games Holiday Sale! This year's goodies include:
Dungeon Crawl Classics: Trials of the Toy Makers, the 2014 holiday module by Steve Bean.
50% savings on special foil-cover editions of DCC #78: Fate's Fell Hand, DCC #71: The 13th Skull, and The Dungeon Alphabet.
Limited edition digest-sized stocking-stuffer versions of other adventures! Including:
The digest-sized second printing of DCC #67: Sailors on the Starless Sea, featuring a 4-page expansion of Area H: the Summoning Pits.
The digest-sized second printing of DCC #79: Frozen in Time, featuring a mini-campaign setting for The Frozen North
And the digest-sized reprint of DCC #35A: Halls of the Minotaur, Harley Stroh's first 0-level adventure for the 3.5 rules set, originally published as part of the Aereth campaign setting and never before available separately!
VERY LIMITED scratch-and-dent supplies of DCC #35: Gazetteer of the Known Realms and DCC #51: Castle Whiterock.
Up to 70% off PDF versions of modules.
DCC RPG gift wrap! (holy shit!)
And more!
Offer 1: Not all maps need a PC! Meet The Noteboard, an ingenious foldable whiteboard and a great dry-erase battlemat for gamers. Until next Monday you can get 17% off two or more Noteboards from or That's 2 for $20. Use this voucher code at payment: ACR7CVRC
Offer 2: 17% off at ProFantasy. In an unprecedented offer you can get 17% off all purchases through our store until 2nd December. Buy from and use this voucher code: DEC2@17%
Check out the 180+ sale items available for Fantasy Grounds. Most items are now 10-25% off through December 2nd on the Fantasy Grounds Store and on Steam. Check out all the maps, adventures, token packs or core licenses on sale now.
Rolemaster Classic is 30% off
All Triple Ace Games products for Savage Worlds are 25% off
Many Savage Worlds products from Pinnacle Entertainment Group are 10% and 25% off.
Adventures for Pathfinder and D&D 3.5 from AAW Games, Expeditious Retreat Press, Total Party Kill Games and Rite Publishing are 25% off
Map and Token Packs are also on sale for 25% off from Fiery Dragon Productions and Devin Night Productions
Green Ronin's Mutants & Masterminds is 25% offPrecis Intermedia
Get 25% OFF Now at the Precis Intermedia Store!
Use coupon code QM8GQG7V5Z at checkout to receive a 25% discount on orders of $10 or more (excludes third-party items). Hurry - coupon good until Cyber Monday (Dec 1). (Treasure Awaits would be my pick ;)
I've also gotten a couple questions about the art process -- including some criticism from some corners of the internet about "putting photoshop filters on photos" -- so I figured I'd take the time here to let you know how the art style for FAR WEST has always worked, whether it was me or Rick Hershey behind the pen. We use source images (public domain film stills, photos of backers sent in by you guys, stock photos, my own sourced photos from trips to Dodge City, Durango Colorado, and more) to create an original digital collage, which is then used as the reference for a new illustration. The works are then done by hand (in my case, using -- depending on whether I'm doing the work on my laptop or my desktop -- either a Wacom Bamboo or a Yiynova MSP19U pen tablet monitor).Awesome - so Rich was just better at the whole "photoshop to a fake piece of art" type of deal. I'm glad it's only used as a "reference", because if it were taken lock, stock and barrel, that would be embarrassing. Kinda like saying you only used the real 20 dollar bill to make your counterfeit - it was only used for reference.
Hey everyone. Some of you are likely already in the know that the artist that designed the Gamers & Grognards logo and I are going to be creating a "Swords & Wizardry Compatible" creative commons logo that you can slap on the stuff that you make/sell for S&W. I've already thrown my idea at him. That said, I thought we could have a little fun.
Starting today (this was Thursday I believe), we will be running a contest. I want you to pitch me a logo. Like I said, I have one in mind, so you need a good logo. It's going to be difficult to make me like it better than my own (I'm my own biggest fan you know.)
That said, the idea I like the best, whether we use it or not, will win a prize. What is this prize you ask?I have in my possession for the Gamers & Grognards Old School ebay store, a set of mixed Windmill Hobbies sharp edged dice from the 1970s. These babies are brand new, last made in 1979. Like all good dice, you have to ink them yourself. The set is 5 dice 1d20 (marked 0-9 twice, 1d12, 1d8, 1d6, and 1d4 plus an extra d20 and d12 in mixed colors (think of them as Ugly Dice.) These are yours if I like your idea the best.
I have received more prize support for this contest! I have an extra set of dice, as well as Pacesetter Games OSR modules! Now we have three tiers of winner. The ideas that we like best will all be played with, possibly combined etc. in the forming of the logo. The three winner tiers prizes are as follows:
1st place - 8 pc set of out of production Windmill Hobbies dice, Pacesetter Games & Simulations modules: TM4 - Legacy of the Forbidden City and Q1 - The Screaming Temple.
2nd place - 8 pc set of out of production Windmill Hobbies dice, Pacesetter Games & Simulations module RC3/Q2 - Eruptor's Vengence
3rd place - Pacesetter Games & Simulations module - Q3 - Death on Signal Island
Now, here is what I need from you:
1. An description of an image. Must be something that will be recognizable in a small image (think of the Wizard on the S&W Complete logo or the Old Lizard and Wizard on the 70's TSR logos.) I only want descriptions or very rough sketches, as +Christopher Arendt will be doing the actually design.
2. A font and layout for the words "Swords & Wizardry Compatible." You can just list the font and describe the layout, if you don't care to make it into a sample copy.
3. Send this off to me at treewytch_at_yahoo_dot_com. Please list "Swords & Wizardry Logo Design Contest" as the subject if you want me to look at it.
Both the image and layout should in some way reflect that this is compatible with Swords & Wizardry and OD&D.
That's it. The contest will end one week from today on Thursday, November 27 2014 (that's Thanksgiving day for all of the U.S. Citizens out there.) Get it in, I intend to start judging when I get back from my Thanksgiving dinner.
Good Luck and Fight On!+R.J. Thompson