Copper plated? I mean, not even solid copper?
If you are going to plate, as least go silver... |
I'm really not in a good mood tonight, so the quote in the post title generates one response from me:
Trapdoor Technologies - Fuck you!
Who the bloody fuck are you to guilt anyone into backing your failure of a product? I call it a failure, with all due respect, as WotC apparently preferred to lose the money already invested in
Codename: Morningstar rather than put even more good money after bad.
Not pledging says a lot of things. Let me count the ways:
1 - I don't play Pathfinder, so this shit is worthless.
2 - We apparently have different definitions of "grognard."
3 - Maybe I don't have a use for a tablet at my gametable.
4 - Maybe I don't have a regular gametable, but use a VTT.
5 - Maybe I've never spent a fucking hour looking up rules - before, during or after games.
- let me insert the following thanks to Midwest_Gamer: "Tenkar's Corollary:"
"Wrong ruling plus pacing plus immersion plus fun, is infinitely better than right ruling minus pacing minus immersion plus frustration."
6 - $1.2 million already spent. Looking to raise $425k from the Kickstarter -
7 - A staff of 16 - Does Paizo even employ that many?
8 - Maybe I don't have the 50 bucks to spend, or would rather spend it some other way.
9 - Arrogance is priceless. It's also a turnoff.
10 - The less referencing rules at the table, the better. This looks like more rules, all the time.
11 - From what I've read, the Beta was abysmal. Not a selling point.
12 - Ever hear of "stretch goals?"
13 - Doesn't Pathfinder have other computer aids that do much of the same?
ENWorld has an active thread on the subject