Thursday, January 15, 2015

And the Winners of Day 9 of OSR Christmas... Will be Determined Tomorrow...

Did I mention this has been a shit week at work? Heck, the first of the two episodes of The Brainstorm Podcast that we recorded Tuesday night was recorded on my commute home. I knew last Friday this was going to be a shit week, but knowing and Knowing are two different things.

Rach has also had a shit week at work. She's dealt with more convicted murderers in the last 2 days than I knowingly did in my first 2 years in the South Bronx. You couldn't pay me enough to be a social worker.

So, after an early evening doc appt for Rach it was dinner at our local pub. Our bartender knows us. He read our faces the moment we sat down. I'm ready to lay down and read the pillow now.

Tomorrow night I'll pick the 12 gift receivers of Day 9 and we'll post up Day 10 of OSR Christmas. Then I'm off for 4 days.

Holy shit. 4 fucking days away from work.

Maybe I'll accomplish something ;)


  1. I hope you do accomplish something, more importantly I hope things can return to a bit of normal calm for you.

  2. "Rach has also had a shit week at work. She's dealt with more convicted murderers in the last 2 days than I knowingly did in my first 2 years in the South Bronx. You couldn't pay me enough to be a social worker."

    My supervisor worked Bronx Family Court before moving up my way. I have heard some blood curdling tales.

    Hope you and she get some peace and quiet.

  3. Thanks Eric. Grab a breath if you can.

  4. You and Rach take a bit of time for yourselves. Us and the game-fun-play can wait 'til you're ready.


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