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Friday, March 6, 2015

NTRPG Con to Supply The Dungeoneers Journal #25 for the March Mythoard

From the NTRPG Con Facebook page (and shared with Bad Mike's permission):
The March Mythoard will have a hello from NTRPGcon inside...in the form of a genuine classic Judges Guild magazine! An unused copy of The Dungeoneer's Journal #25 from spring 1981 will be in every box, courtesy of NTRPG con and Badmike's Books and Games! We hope to be a part of Mythoard for a long time...Doug and I are extremely excited and impressed at what Jerrod is doing and what is coming our way every month in the Hoard (this month includes selections from Throwi Games, Gygax Magazine, and Game Mash as well as others). Reserve your copy today, note that there is a signup cutoff every month, you don't want to be left out! http://www.mythoard.com/


  1. And hopefully lots more to come in future Mythoards...got a plethora of vintage JG stuff in large numbers!

  2. That's really cool Bad Mike. Might inspire me to sign up. These are religious texts right? That's what I keep telling my wife.

    1. If that's your story, I'll back you up.....;)
