Swords & Wizardry Light - Forum

Sunday, May 10, 2015

Game Called on Account of Puking - and it Wasn't Joe ;)

So, we were in the middle of a severely tough fight in +Joe D 's Blood Island campaign just a few minutes ago and had to call the session mid battle - we lost our only standing fighter to what will be an inevitable hangover ;)

We heard the wine come up earlier in the session. I must say, its a damn good mic that can pick that up from rooms away. Then it was back to the battle - for another round or so before the inevitable "I gonna go to bed" was stated.

We couldn't continue, as all that was left standing was the magic-user with his four mirror images (me) and our shaman.

It's a first for me in my years of gaming, although I have seen (and listened to) another player fall asleep and snore while sitting in front of his computer.

Ah well, next week we will see of we live or die, or puke trying :)


  1. Our Adventurer is henceforth dubbed Sir Ralf der Vintos.

  2. Our other adventurer, thank you.

    I'm currently paralyzed by that misbegotten bastardy gelatinous cube/ice jelly thing.

  3. there are 5 of me - well, me and four images - and phantom armor

    I'll be that misbegotten bastardy gelatinous cube/ice jelly thing's Huckleberry ;)

  4. Sorry about that. I felt great up until that point....and I totally paid for it till 3AM. I'm normally better at pacing myself but bottle#2 was a bad idea. Haven't gotten like that in over a decade.

    And yeah, it's a pretty nice Turtle Beach headset. 

    I am going to have to change the characters name tag to what Craig described on the Roll20 screen.

  5. Sorry about that. I felt great up until that point....and I totally paid for it till 3AM. I'm normally better at pacing myself but bottle#2 was a bad idea. Haven't gotten like that in over a decade.

    And yeah, it's a pretty nice Turtle Beach headset. 

    I am going to have to change the characters name tag to what Craig described on the Roll20 screen.

  6. Oh yeah. ..it doesn't happen much.

  7. Oh yeah. ..it doesn't happen much.

  8. Now you've got a Brainstorm podcast: Session called for XYZ?

    Our strangest shutdown (this was 1985, mind you) was Called for Fire. Our bottle rockets set the woods ablaze. Ever seen what's left of a hammock after a fire? Two steel rings and some gnarly twisted plastic . . . we grabbed the dice & DMG first, and ran.

    Yep, we were brave.

