We are getting the DCC RPG session started, which really means we are bull-shitting and yapping and tangenting all over the place.
One thing that came up is that we'd like to play a Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay 1e game for a bit, which would be only the second Non D&D derived game for the group (Far Away Land was the first.)
We have a comfort zone, and it's based on what most of us played back in out early days of gaming. For me and a few other's in the group, we have lot's of great memories of WFRP 1e.
Is there a game, from your early days of gaming or a recent release, that you haven't played in ages (or at all) that you are hankering to play? What is it that makes it appealing to you?
"New" Projects
I have had a burst of creativity over the last couple of months, and my
desire to get things off my WIP plate has been strong.
You all may have noticed ...
15 hours ago
I've had a dream for years to do a huge sprawling combination of Gamma World, Gammarauders (the board game TSR came out with that had "bioborgs" (dinosaurs and other huge beasties mounted with lasers and missiles and other crap) and Metamorphosis Alpha. It would focus more on power politics between the various cryptic alliances and the city-states and nations on Earth, and then deal with either the return of a starship chock full of unique mutations and power groups, or the discovery of such existing in a moon base, space habitat, or at the top of a space elevator that somehow becomes functional. I think it would be glorious.
ReplyDeleteGamma World and Metamorphosis Alpha are high on my list, followed immediately by a persistent desire to break out and contaminate my mint condition Classic Traveller set I have, or likewise for Runequest 2.
ReplyDeleteThe list is endless. But Gamma World is at the top.
ReplyDeletePlus I just recently got the boxed edition of Skyrealms of Jorune. Very interesting reading.
At this exact moment, my Hawaiian Noir game. But I'm still working on it. But this made me think. You know what I haven't played in forever, and would really enjoy. Top Secret. I should hit up Scott and see if he still has the books.
ReplyDeleteI've got a bunch of old non-D&D games-- Gamma World, DC Heroes, TSR MSHRPG, Star Frontiers, Hero System (Champions plus a few other different genre games using the system), James Bond 007, TSR Indiana Jones, Cyberpunk 2020, Villains & Vigilantes that I've either used, or want to do something with in some way.
ReplyDeleteStormbringer/Elric!/Hawkmoon has been on my mind especially after re-reading all of my Moorcock "Eternal Champion" stories.
ReplyDeleteThere are several. Flashing Blades, Fantasy Wargaming, FASA Star Trek, MSH, High Adventures Cliffhangers: Buck Rogers Adventure Game, Pendragon, Lords of Creation, Traveller (of course), Chivalry & Sorcery (1st or 2nd), Space 1889, DragonQuest, RuneQuest (2nd or 3rd Chaosium, or 6th Design Mechanism/Moon Design), MERP/Rolemaster, or Spacemaster. I have most of those still - excepting RQ2, MERP/RM, and Spacemaster.
ReplyDeleteActually, thinking of games I don't have, I think it would be worthwhile to try Space Opera again. I'd also say Thieves' Guild in that context, but that's pretty much a D&D-based one.
Also Top Secret or James Bond 007.
DeleteTraveller is a biggie - I've had urges to run it again since the aborted Starslugs idea. But competing directly against running _Space Quest_or other real SF for people. Not sure if Abandon All Hope counts, but while quite new has a lot of quite Old School sensibilities (especially in their adventure design). Possibly some Barony after recent discussions (or Epiphany). Definitely hankering to run some Torg again, although Shatterzone does also fit into the desire for some SF. And what's life without some Stalking the Night Fantastic (aka Bureau 13). As for most of the FGU canon I'd be up for any of that, although I don't think I'd run any of my campaigns of these rules again. Possibly some Super Squadron or V&V. Actually Dark Conspiracy would be a serious contender to run again. Castle Falkenstein of course. And Cyberpunk (the original 2013 version of course). And The Fantasy Trip most definitely. I occaisonally break it out to teach fantasy melee tactics.
ReplyDeleteActually I'd be willing to run almost any game except Call of Cthulhu (I've had too many brilliant gamemasters for that game and feel utterly inadequate compared to the memory of those games). But I'd be willing to play anything if someone would run it. I definitely miss the old games and have lots of good memories of having played and run them. But too little time.
Would very much like to run a Runequest campaign based in Pavis/ Big Rubble or Thieves World. Not sure if my current group of players would be up for it or not, they seem disconcerted by how deadly they perceive the combat system to be!
ReplyDeleteCall of Cthulhu. Hands (or tentacles) down!
ReplyDeleteHoo boy. These days, it's:
ReplyDeleteCastles and Crusades - or as I call it, 3E Done Right. It makes it tolerable along with doing some really interesting thing with classes - I love the way TLG re-interprests the Illusionist.
Tunnels and Trolls - Now that Deluxe is FINALLY being released I'm getting the itch.
Mutants and Masterminds 2E - I dearly love Champions but I'm too old and tired to try and run it. M&M is a lot easier system to deal with while still keeping the "feel" of HERO-type games.
I wanted to add Gamma World but I'll son be GMing a Mutant Future campaign so that itch will be scratched.
WFRP but with Runequest 6 rules.
ReplyDeleteTraveller, Pendragon, James Bond 007, Golden Heroes...most especially Heroes of Olympus as I just finished reading the Odyssey and am about to begin the Argonautica.
ReplyDeleteI've been running a lot of 5e, I could use a break with some Star Wars D6, DCC, RIFTS, or Dungeon World (I know it's not an OSR game by most people's definition, but it feels like one when we play)
ReplyDeleteGamma World
ReplyDeleteCall of Cthulhu - agreed. And Top Secret 1E. Best HtH ever.
ReplyDeleteJust played TSR's Conan game today for the first time. Lot's of fun and mayhem.
ReplyDeleteI'd love to do an x-files game using the Ghost Stories RPG. I'd also like to run a Gamma World / Barbians of the Aftermath mashup. Maybe a Savage Worlds Beast and Barbarians campaign as well.
ReplyDeleteI'd have to say Ars Magica. The ideal of being a hidden society of wizards in medieval Europe is quite appealing, especially when drawing upon Latin phrases for many important magical terms.