To be honest, I don't seem to recall any major RPG releases being mentioned leading up to Gen Con 2015 and I don't see anything being talked about post Gen Con.
Well, thats not true. Post Gen Con talk has focused on the embarrassing stunt Cam Banks and friends pulled at the ENnies and then there is the whole Ken Whitman fiasco with his assorted video releases that weren't released (and death threats!)
Was anything of note actually released at Gen Con this year?
DTRPG print costs will increase on April 1
DriveThruRPG is set to significantly raise the cost of print-on-demand
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(see belo...
35 minutes ago
Force and Destiny, by Fantasy Flight Games for their Star Wars RPG line.
ReplyDeleteFor me is was Hollow Earth Expedition: Revelations of Mars and Pathfinder Occult Adventures. ODAM (Of Dreams and Magic) looked really sweet, but was sold out their first day or so.
ReplyDeleteCypher System Rulebook was there!
ReplyDeletePinnacle just announced that they are doing Flash Gordon, Fear Agent, and The Goon for Savage Worlds.
ReplyDeleteFantasy AGE and Titansgrave from Green Ronin, the latter of which sold out within hours on Thursday and sold out completely of the extra copies they went out to get on Friday.
ReplyDeleteGoodman games had box sets for purple planet and chained coffin plus like a ton of modules and the always good program guide (which has a level 4 module and two funnels, as well as a preview of MCC and even more stuff!). When you bought something they gave you a nice cloth bag with the DCC logo on it with a ton of free stuff in it, I got a can cozy and bookmarks and a small pad of character sheets, a zine, a broadsheet goodman newspaper and other stuff.
I'm digging Fantasy Age pretty hard.
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DeleteI'll add Cthulhu Dark Ages 2nd ed, Heroquest Glorantha, plus a number of the above as previous posters have mentioned.
ReplyDeleteI think Kickstarter steals a lot of the thunder of GenCon releases, since for many companies, Kickstarter becomes the pre-order of the item, while GenCon becomes the public release of the same. Don't get me wrong, it does help to break the endless rpg company cycle of issuing a new release just to pay for the next release, then having huge amounts of books sitting around in a warehouse or with distributors without bringing in any new cash.
See, this is why I don't go to GenCon. Well, one of many reasons. The only thing so far I was interested in, Revelations of Mars, I received Saturday in the mail from the Kickstarter. Though, I would have gone just to see Zak win and Cam Banks whine.
ReplyDeleteWell, U-Con will be kicking ass on the OSR front this year. Keep your eye on the blog and the U-con page over the next week.
DeleteI'm running again this year. Heroic Age of Tekumel with a Fresh Of the Boat scenario, and Warriors of the Red Planet for Latter Times adventure.
DeleteI'm running again this year. Heroic Age of Tekumel with a Fresh Of the Boat scenario, and Warriors of the Red Planet for Latter Times adventure.
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ReplyDeleteHmmm... While all of these releases may qualify as "good" releases, I am unsure if any of them qualify as a "Big Gen Con Release" in the spirit of new D&D rule books, or new Pathfinder rulebooks, or complete new product lines, or the like. Each product has its fans, but was there any single "Big Thing" that sent a jolt through the entire Convention? Was there a "Next Really Big Thing" ??
ReplyDeleteKen Whitman's last remaining shred of credibility was released, and it flew off into outer space (before exploding like a SpaceX launch).
ReplyDeleteLOL Would that be classified as the "Next Really Big Bang"?
DeleteNow if we could only get people to stop supporting Ken's KS projects, so he has to actually work for a living.
ReplyDeleteI'm excited at the prospect of a 1980 Sam Jones Flash Gordon game, even if it is for Savage Worlds.
ReplyDeleteplease do a full Whitman post.
ReplyDeleteI attended and no, there wasn't a "big release" that I could see. More like a bunch of things that had their own fan's but weren't really of mass appeal. My first Gen Con was 2000, with the release of the 3E Player's Handbook and there was certainly nothing like that this year.
ReplyDeleteI don't think anything gets released at GenCon anymore. Smaller presses even Goodman Games does everything through Kickstarter and they don't need to use a big todo at GenCon to get the word out. While WotC and Pathfinder don't seem to care.