Looking to play some Castles & Crusades on the cheap?
Well, The Trolls are having a sale on their slightly dinged and damaged books:
My picks?
Classic Monsters for 10 bucks is a steal. After Winter's Dark Campaign Setting for 5 bucks? That a gift. The C&C Flip Book (Player's Handbook and Monsters & Treasure in one package) for $10? How do you beat that?
My books get dinged after the first game session. Might as well save some time and a huge amount of cash ;)
Here's the link for the C&C Sale
Volo's Guide to Waterdeep (1992)
From the back of the book:
Well met, traveler!
You hold in your hands an amazing and insightful guide to Waterdeep—the
metropolis of the North, the City...
1 hour ago
Thanks for the heads up!