As I mentioned in last night's post,
+James Spahn (writer) and
+Jason Paul McCartan (layout / editing) gave me a sneak peek at the first 56 pages of the soon to be released
White Star RPG. It's pretty much the first six chapters.
Chapter One is the introduction and the basic attributes. The six ability scores you've known and loved since 1974. Bonuses for high abilities go up to + 2. I like that James bakes an assortment of "House Rule" options right in. The assumption is that GMs are going to tweak the shit out of
White Star to make a system that fits the campaign they envision - James just gives some examples.
Chapter Two is all about character classes and races. The four default classes are Aristocrat, Mercenary, Pilot and Star Knight.
Aristocrats are leaders. You want a class that gets a bodyguard and hanger-ons at a later level? This is the one.
Mercenaries are your brute force. Heavy armor. Heavy weaponry
Pilots are... pilots. I love the Jury-Rig skill. It's like temporary HP for a starship. If you don't get things fixed before them temp HP are gone, you could real'y be screwed.
Star Knights are the lightly armored Paladins of White Star. Their way is simply The Way. They get some mystic power, but those aren't detailed until Chapter 7 :(
Alien Brutes are your Chewbacca's and Igoo's (Herculoids Cartoon.) A Mercenary in fur ;)
Alien Mystic - Be not. Act not. Do not. Roll Nat 20 You Do.
Robots - We all know what robots are. Danger Erik Tenkar! Danger!
Chapter 6 is where the starships reside. Yes, we are talking starship combat (we'll come back to chapters 3, 4 and 5 tonight or tomorrow morning.)
Starship combat is much like ranged combat between characters. To hit rolls, AC, max range and even hit points. It will feel very familiar even if there are some significant tweaks (Shield Strength comes to mind.) There are 9 ships included in the core rules. My God, what a ripe niche to expand upon.
You can modify your starship with tractor beams, proton missiles, Faster-Than-Light drives and a whole lot more.
White Star is very much a toolbox. Perfectly fine to run as is but so easy to modify and tweak for your own vision.
Chapter Three covers equipment, Four covers playing the game and Five covers personal combat.