Sunday, January 3, 2016

Tenkar Household Medical Drama Continues - Gonna Need to Start a Triage Soon ;)

First it was colds and sinus infections for everyone around Christmas.

Then my son got diagnosed with "post concussion syndrome".

Last night, my wife broke out with a rash on her stomach.

Today, she was diagnosed with shingles.

And the guy with unlimited sick time?

Health as an ox.

For now ;)


  1. Gah! Praying for your ill close ones, especially your wife. I remember when EGG for shingles in 06 or so. Nasty stuff. I hope everyone is better soon, Erik.

  2. Gah! Praying for your ill close ones, especially your wife. I remember when EGG for shingles in 06 or so. Nasty stuff. I hope everyone is better soon, Erik.

  3. Eek! Shingles. :(

    Here's to getting all of that mess out of the way at the very beginning of the year, so as to enjoy a happy and healthy rest of 2016!

  4. Let's get rid of the flu. You need a jar of green curry paste from the Asian foods section. A tiny spoonfull and a deep breath after consumption of said spices substance. This opens your airway.

  5. Wow, that sounds like Job-level scourging; you'd almost think you had a late Kickstarter or something. (Don't give GMS any ideas for new excuses!)

    Anyway, I hope your family feels better... and you stay well!

  6. Appreciate the kind thoughts from everyone.

  7. Warm wishes and Bright Blessings being sent for you and yours.

    Hopefully the shingles are not too bad. When I got them on my stomach a couple of years ago, we covered them with a large piece of tegaderm to keep them covered but let the air through. They resolved relatively painlessly within a week.


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