Sometimes all you need is to get "Your Irish Up" to find some motivation. In this case, it re-awoke my gaming content muse. When I wrote yesterday's Star Marshal class for White Star, it took less than 30 minutes, and that includes the OGL update. Apparently, when the muse is full awake, it works fairly fast.
So, what I want to know is what you want gaming content wise from The Tavern. And when I say "you" I actually mean YOU. The content I plan to create will be for White Star and / or White Box (S&W), but the actual type of content is what I'm asking you about.
Are you looking for character classes, new races, new monsters, NPCs, equipment, spells and / or powers, micros settings, encounters - what is it that will give you the most benefit in the games you are running or playing in?
As an aside, the Dragon White setting is still in the works and parts of it may leak out in upcoming posts.
I'm going to spend the next week or two putting my current White Star / White Box content into 1-sheet / 4 page PDFs for the The Tavern's Patrons on Patreon (long overdue, but I'm blocking out creative time these days, so hopefully shit falls into place ;)
So, tell me what you want in the comments below. I make no guarantees that all will get their wish but everything will be taken into consideration.
Traveller Boxed Set (1977)
From the box:
Welcome to the exciting universe of the far future! Who knows what the
future holds? With *Traveller*, you can find out as you personally j...
43 minutes ago
Adventures, adventures adventures!
ReplyDeleteAdventures... Or am OGL setting for others to publish their adventures...
ReplyDeleteInteresting. You should also take some of these and then release them as a collected work.
ReplyDeleteI need to get them in the hands of my Patreon supporters first.
DeleteSix months or so after they get them, I may put them up as low cost or PWYW PDFs at RPGNow.
I might just have to seek out this patreon. Always looking for fun content.
DeleteTenkar's Station: An orbital battle station taken over by a cantankerous retired Star Marshall when opened a bar ala "Rick's Cafe" from Casablanca.
ReplyDeleteWe see what you did there! Brilliant.
DeleteI agree with the adventures thing - one page "dungeon" type short adventures that a person unfamiliar with the system and genre could easily get their feet wet with.
ReplyDeleteSetting first and second, then Races and classes
ReplyDeleteAdventures, locations, maps,
ReplyDeleteSpaaaaaaace magic, classes, random tables, monsters
ReplyDeleteI'm up for settings and adventures!
ReplyDeleteAll the little things. A location, npcs, background stories and hooks, etc. The things that can help spark ideas for the game master and players. Full adventures may not fit into a campaign, but most gm's can make the little things fit.
ReplyDeleteListed in order of preference: Classes, Monsters, races, equipment
ReplyDeleteI would say microsettings, then races and classes, and then spells/powers.
ReplyDeleteAdventures, gear and micro-settings.
ReplyDeleteYou're welcome. ;)
ReplyDeleteLocations, locations, locations. Oh, and factions too.
ReplyDeleteI want the same thing from you that I want from any blogger. For you to write what you want about the things you think are awesome.
ReplyDeleteFollow your muse. Speaking of which, you've inspired me so I'l be doing some stuff with White Star very soon.
ReplyDeleteAs I prepare for my con-game next weekend, something I think I'd love to have for future games, are character sheets for the various spaceships. I think they might be useful as a one off for a party that has a ship and also for those "high" level games in which a party might have a fleet. Just a thought!