As a follow up to yesterday's post of screenshots of a conversation on Facebook between Ken Whitman and an anonymous third party, I have now been given the text file of the conversation in full. Be warned, it is huge. It is long. It is crass and rude and full of legal threats that just aren't valid IMHO. No one is getting extradited across state lines nor even county lines for Ken's complaints. Just ain't happening.
I've been offered access to the Facebook account of the anonymous user to verify the conversation was, in fact, with Ken. I have not yet accepted said request. I don't see a need. That may change. Actually, my mind may be changing already, as the linked conversation would go back to Ken's account with the new photo, if he did in fact change it. Hmmmm.
I am not cleaning this up or making it easier to read. There simply is too much. It can get confusing at times. Again, it is long.
BTW, I'm not looking to prevent Ken from making money (one of the frequent theme's contained in the conversation.) I'm just trying to provide folks that are out of their money, their pockets, accurate information on the status of the projects they backed AND give future backers enough information so they can do due diligence on any projects in the future.
Ken says KotDT LAS is DONE. Ready to go. No hard drive needed apparently. Huzzah! Announcement in a few weeks, so figure around April 1st I'm guessing. Fitting.
Ken, if you want to tell your side of the story, I'm all ears. Not giving you a dime to pay for an interview but if you are up for one I guarantee it will deal only with FACTS and be as vulgarity free as you can make it. The questions will be tough but fair. Your call.
Edit - seems like Ken is still leaving destruction in his wake. See NotAnotherDime
Alright. Get a glass of water. Put on those reading glasses. Strap yourself in so you don't fall over from vertigo...
Conversation started Friday
Ken Whitman
3/11, 2:04am
Ken Whitman
Just wanted to let you know, I turned you into the Feds for Cyber Bulling. Also, I and turning you into the state of GA.
You see, You are breaking the law.
Federal crims my friend.
And with federal crimes, I don't have to spend a thing.
State of Georgia will have your IP address by the end of the week.
Cant wait to see you with a Felony.
Set an examble of you.
Because I think your an arrogant prick who was to dumb to hide his IP address.
They will find you.
and you will be charged.
thank you for being a persistant dick.
and i pretty sure this is Gary!
You accepted Ken's request.
Sufflatus Lorem
3/11, 10:58pm
Sufflatus Lorem
Oh, Kenny.
I'm sure that when they contact me for 'bullying', I'll be sure to tell them of your Kicksterter money, and make sure they know you paid taxes on it all.
I mean - you did, didn't you?
Drats. You're rubbing off on me.
Oh, I'll be sure to pass along your 'business' address to the state AGs who are interested in you.
Because I sure an an arrogant prick, but I haven't taken $120,000+ dollars from Kickstarter campaigns and then left them unfulfilled.
The truth hurts, Kenny. Doesn't it?
Ken Whitman
3/12, 12:19am
Ken Whitman
Look, apparently you don't understand Civil law vs. Criminal law. Prepare to be educated.
See ya round soon brother.
Sufflatus Lorem
3/12, 3:08am
Sufflatus Lorem
I wasn't aware you were a lawyer. I await the law tracking me down for telling the truth about you.
Interestingly enough, I'm not the one that the AG of at least two states is interested in.
Seriously, Kenny, why don't you actually finish your Kickstarters? Or, at least go on the site and tell people that you aren't able to finish them and why.
The backers only want what they gave you money for, or an explanation as to why they wont get it.
Oh, and I ain't your brother.
Why cant you just man up and just be truthful to people?
For once in your awful and pathetic life, do the right thing and come clean.
Ken Whitman
3/12, 3:17am
Ken Whitman
I wasn't aware you were a lawyer. I await the law tracking me down for telling the truth about you.----------
Civil and Criminal are two different forms of law. When they come after you, its NOT about what I do, its about if what you are doing is Criminal.
Interestingly enough, I'm not the one that the AG of at least two states is interested in.-----------
Innocet until proven guilty.
Seriously, Kenny, why don't you actually finish your Kickstarters? Or, at least go on the site and tell people that you aren't able to finish them and why.
I am mostly done -- Asshole.
Sufflatus Lorem
3/12, 3:19am
Sufflatus Lorem
Oh, Kenny, you're such a funny guy!
Seriously, why do you keep your Backers in the dark?
Why are you such an asshole towards them? You take their money and return nothing.
Also, did you pay taxes on all that Kickstarter income?
Ken Whitman
3/12, 3:20am
Ken Whitman
Because the backers only care if its done or not.
Sufflatus Lorem
3/12, 3:20am
Sufflatus Lorem
Mostly done? Why don't you keep your backers updated? What progress do you have to show?
Didn't you loose the hard drive with the KoDT Footage on it?
Ken Whitman
3/12, 3:20am
Ken Whitman
No, I did not lose the footage.
Sufflatus Lorem
3/12, 3:20am
Sufflatus Lorem
Or, at least, you wont even give it to Jolly.
Where is the footage, Kenny?
Ken Whitman
3/12, 3:20am
Ken Whitman
On my hard drive.
So question for you?
Why not use your real name?
why attack me nameless
Sufflatus Lorem
3/12, 3:21am
Sufflatus Lorem
Give the footage to people who will finish the project. Stop being an ass.
I am the face of everyone who paid you money and didn't get anything from you.
Cause this isn't about me at all, Kenny, its about you.
Come clean and tell the truth to the people who gave you money.
Ken Whitman
3/12, 3:22am
Ken Whitman
I think I can tell you why. Because you know what you are doing is criminal.
Sufflatus Lorem
3/12, 3:22am
Sufflatus Lorem
Criminal? HA!
Ken Whitman
3/12, 3:22am
Ken Whitman
yeah, criminal.
Sufflatus Lorem
3/12, 3:22am
Sufflatus Lorem
You a funny man, Ken Whitman.
Ken Whitman
3/12, 3:23am
Ken Whitman
No, I know the law
you dont
Sufflatus Lorem
3/12, 3:23am
Sufflatus Lorem
Tell me - where did you get your GED in law?
I man, you can point out the statutes that I'm breaking, yes?
Ken Whitman
3/12, 3:23am
Ken Whitman
I think I got the information from the DA in GA
No, Im not going to
I want you to keep building my case
Sufflatus Lorem
3/12, 3:24am
Sufflatus Lorem
Cause you can't.
Ken Whitman
3/12, 3:24am
Ken Whitman
get a lawer in GA and figure it out
Sufflatus Lorem
3/12, 3:24am
Sufflatus Lorem
Ken Whitman
3/12, 3:24am
Ken Whitman
you keep beliving that little man
Keep on posting
Sufflatus Lorem
3/12, 3:25am
Sufflatus Lorem
Little man? Quit talking about yourself that way.
Ken Whitman
3/12, 3:25am
Ken Whitman
A little man, thats you my friend
Sufflatus Lorem
3/12, 3:25am
Sufflatus Lorem
Here's the thing - if you can show that anything I'm posting is false, I'll take it down.
Ken Whitman
3/12, 3:26am
Ken Whitman
Lets assume everything to stated is true
Sufflatus Lorem
3/12, 3:26am
Sufflatus Lorem
Hey - at least I didn't take 120,000 dollars from people who trusted me. That's pretty revolting, isn't it?
It is true. You know it.
Ken Whitman
3/12, 3:26am
Ken Whitman
Ok, so assuming its 100% true
Sufflatus Lorem
3/12, 3:27am
Sufflatus Lorem
No assumption. It is.
Ken Whitman
3/12, 3:27am
Ken Whitman
You are not allowed to stop me from making a living by GA law
That fact you hunt me down and post on unrelated websites
Sufflatus Lorem
3/12, 3:28am
Sufflatus Lorem
You made this mess, Kenny. You need to clean it up.
Ken Whitman
3/12, 3:28am
Ken Whitman
posting on MY SITES --- illegal
Sufflatus Lorem
3/12, 3:28am
Sufflatus Lorem
You do nto have a right to rip people off.
Ken Whitman
3/12, 3:28am
Ken Whitman
dumb ass
Sufflatus Lorem
3/12, 3:28am
Sufflatus Lorem
Face book isnt your site. Google+ isnt. Youtube isnt.
Ken Whitman
3/12, 3:29am
Ken Whitman
My site, I put up
is my compyright
my photos are my copyrights
Sufflatus Lorem
3/12, 3:29am
Sufflatus Lorem
Nope - you created a page on someone else's site. Big, big difference.
I;m not stealing your intellectual property. I'm merely commenting about the truth.
Ken Whitman
3/12, 3:30am
Ken Whitman
your truth is not fact
your speculation is not fact
Sufflatus Lorem
3/12, 3:30am
Sufflatus Lorem
Clean up your mess, Kenny. Tell your backers the truth.
FACT: You created a half-a-dozen Kickstarters and have failed to fulfill them.
Ken Whitman
3/12, 3:30am
Ken Whitman
AND what is fact is only determined by a court of law
YOU do not get to decide my punishment
Sufflatus Lorem
3/12, 3:31am
Sufflatus Lorem
Clean up your mess, Kenny. Tell your backers the truth.
Ken Whitman
3/12, 3:31am
Ken Whitman
What you are doing is breaking the law and you will be made example of I promise
LOOK - I am arguing LAW here
Sufflatus Lorem
3/12, 3:31am
Sufflatus Lorem
I know the value of your promises. Just read your Kickstarters.
Ken Whitman
3/12, 3:32am
Ken Whitman
I am not going to let you derail this argument to your agenda
You are breaking the law, and I will take you down
Sufflatus Lorem
3/12, 3:32am
Sufflatus Lorem
Are you saying that all I've said is false?
Ken Whitman
3/12, 3:32am
Ken Whitman
You have every right to post on Kickstarter, even websites devoted to me
You dont get to track me down and keep me from making a living
So please, please keep your post up
Sufflatus Lorem
3/12, 3:33am
Sufflatus Lorem
Kenny - do one thing: give the KoDT footage to Jolly. Just do that.
Make it all better.
Ken Whitman
3/12, 3:33am
Ken Whitman
Do me a favor and make it easy for me to track you down and make sure you have a felony
Sufflatus Lorem
3/12, 3:33am
Sufflatus Lorem
120,000 dollars, Kenny.
Ken Whitman
3/12, 3:34am
Ken Whitman
Please make me the marter
once again CIVIL
vs. Criminal
Sufflatus Lorem
3/12, 3:34am
Sufflatus Lorem
So what?
Ken Whitman
3/12, 3:34am
Ken Whitman
You will end up with a felony
Im cool with that
Sufflatus Lorem
3/12, 3:34am
Sufflatus Lorem
120,000 dollars of scamming is multiple felonies. Theft is a criminal act.
Ken Whitman
3/12, 3:35am
Ken Whitman
scamming means never intending to spend the money on the show
I have spend MORE than what was given
I spend even more of my own money
Sufflatus Lorem
3/12, 3:35am
Sufflatus Lorem
Kenny, all you have to do is give the footage to Jolly. Why cant you do that? Why do you keep your backers in the dark?
Ken Whitman
3/12, 3:35am
Ken Whitman
SO... you cant say scam
You can say STUPID
that I will agree
Sufflatus Lorem
3/12, 3:36am
Sufflatus Lorem
You said it.
Ken Whitman
3/12, 3:36am
Ken Whitman
I MISDGUGED how much things would cost
I got it wrong
Sufflatus Lorem
3/12, 3:36am
Sufflatus Lorem
So, make it all better. Give the footage to Jolly. There are people why have volunteered to finish it. Wash your hand of the situation, and it'll all be done.
Ken Whitman
3/12, 3:37am
Ken Whitman
Now that being said, its NOT CRIMINAL to be stupid
Sufflatus Lorem
3/12, 3:37am
Sufflatus Lorem
Tell your backers what you're telling me!
Ken Whitman
3/12, 3:37am
Ken Whitman
No, because I have the KODT footage done
I am a few weeks away from having Traveller done
Sufflatus Lorem
3/12, 3:37am
Sufflatus Lorem
The post it, man. Fulfill the Kickstarter.
Ken Whitman
3/12, 3:37am
Ken Whitman
and then when they are off to the printer - I WIL SPEAK
Sufflatus Lorem
3/12, 3:37am
Sufflatus Lorem
A few weeks? Where have I heard that from you...
Ken Whitman
3/12, 3:37am
Ken Whitman
and not a moment sooner
thats why I am not saying shit
The next post will be OFF TO THE PRINTER
Sufflatus Lorem
3/12, 3:38am
Sufflatus Lorem
Like you did over at Tenkar's Tavern? When you insulted anyone who questioned you?
Ken Whitman
3/12, 3:38am
Ken Whitman
Look, Im not a nice guy
Sufflatus Lorem
3/12, 3:39am
Sufflatus Lorem
No, you aren't.
Ken Whitman
3/12, 3:39am
Ken Whitman
Never said I was
Sufflatus Lorem
3/12, 3:39am
Sufflatus Lorem
Everyone has noticed.
Ken Whitman
3/12, 3:39am
Ken Whitman
Sufflatus Lorem
3/12, 3:39am
Sufflatus Lorem
And we don't care.
Ken Whitman
3/12, 3:39am
Ken Whitman
And The fact I have 20 people fucking me in my normal job just SLOWS DOWN how fast i can get stuff done
Sufflatus Lorem
3/12, 3:40am
Sufflatus Lorem
We just want the Kickstarters fulfilled, or a good explanation as to why they aren't.
Ken Whitman
3/12, 3:40am
Ken Whitman
I know you dont care, cause your willing to commit felonies
to prove it
Sufflatus Lorem
3/12, 3:40am
Sufflatus Lorem
Explanations dont take much time. You explained it to me. Why dont you post that on Kickstarter for people to read?
Ken Whitman
3/12, 3:40am
Ken Whitman
and I am so going to mak an example out of you
Sufflatus Lorem
3/12, 3:40am
Sufflatus Lorem
We're tired of your empty promises.
Ken Whitman
3/12, 3:41am
Ken Whitman
Be as tired as you like
Sufflatus Lorem
3/12, 3:41am
Sufflatus Lorem
Thats why we dont trust anything you actually say.
You made this mess, clean it up.
Ken Whitman
3/12, 3:42am
Ken Whitman
If you are in the USA, I will be seing you in the next 60 days, you will be broght to GA for trial
by the police
Sufflatus Lorem
3/12, 3:42am
Sufflatus Lorem
Stop running away from your promises and responsibilities. Your backers deserve an explanation.
Ken Whitman
3/12, 3:42am
Ken Whitman
and please, please, think I am blowing hot air
please pleas, keep posting
and prepare at least two weeks jail time and a 10k bond
Sufflatus Lorem
3/12, 3:43am
Sufflatus Lorem
Please, please, Kenny. Do what's right by your backers, whats right by Jolly, whats right by Marc.
Ken Whitman
3/12, 3:43am
Ken Whitman
needless to say money for a lawyer
Sufflatus Lorem
3/12, 3:43am
Sufflatus Lorem
Telling the truth is not a criminal act, you know.
Ken Whitman
3/12, 3:43am
Ken Whitman
AND i want to tell you whats so SWEET
Sufflatus Lorem
3/12, 3:44am
Sufflatus Lorem
Sigh. Yada yada yada.
Ken Whitman
3/12, 3:44am
Ken Whitman
being CRIMINAL - the state of GA pays for it - NOT A DIME from my pocket
Sufflatus Lorem
3/12, 3:44am
Sufflatus Lorem
You dont have a dime.
Ken Whitman
3/12, 3:44am
Ken Whitman
no - i dont
or assholes like you could contine your criminal actions
Running my ability to make a living is a crime in GA
Because your truth and what is factual is hearsay
Sufflatus Lorem
3/12, 3:45am
Sufflatus Lorem
Then give you backers something free: a real explanation of what happened.
People are quite forgiving, if you stop blowing crap at them and tell them the truth.
Even poor people can tell the truth. You can do that, right Kenny? Tell the truth?
Ken Whitman
3/12, 3:45am
Ken Whitman
Wait - bid i just tell you what the DA said?
Sufflatus Lorem
3/12, 3:46am
Sufflatus Lorem
You didnt.
Ken Whitman
3/12, 3:46am
Ken Whitman
your TRUTH and the facts are two differnt things
You find out Im working at McDonals and call my place of work next?
Thats shits illegal
IF you have a problem its called ... CIVIL COURT
thats what the gov made them
YOU ARE NOT above the LAW
Sufflatus Lorem
3/12, 3:47am
Sufflatus Lorem
Ken Whitman
3/12, 3:48am
Ken Whitman
WHAT YOU BELIVE and the LAW are two differnt things asshole
little man
I am going to be at your court heriing
and I cant wait to watch you
Sufflatus Lorem
3/12, 3:48am
Sufflatus Lorem
Keep insulting me, why dont you? Is that all you can do?
Besides, how do you know I'm a man?
Ken Whitman
3/12, 3:49am
Ken Whitman
I don't care what you are. You can be a woman, or what ever
Little man is a reference to your character
hiding behind a fake name
because you know what you are doing is Criminal
To bad they internet has a thing called IP address
Sufflatus Lorem
3/12, 3:50am
Sufflatus Lorem
My character? Have you looked in the mirror lately?
Oh, is this like that time you threatened to sue RPG.Net? Cause that was hilarious.
Ken Whitman
3/12, 3:50am
Ken Whitman
The warrent will get the files from facebook
Then we will track your computer
then the state of GA will put a warrent out for your arrest
Sufflatus Lorem
3/12, 3:51am
Sufflatus Lorem
Ken Whitman
3/12, 3:51am
Ken Whitman
then your locals sherriff will pick you up
and thestate of GA will bring you here until you can get a court date
Sufflatus Lorem
3/12, 3:51am
Sufflatus Lorem
Sure they will.
I think thats about as likely as you actually fulfilling your Kickstarters.
Ken Whitman
3/12, 3:52am
Ken Whitman
Well, my uneducated friend, I sugest you call a lawyer and find ou
because you are about to find out
Sufflatus Lorem
3/12, 3:53am
Sufflatus Lorem
Sue I am, Kenny. Sure I am.
Ken Whitman
3/12, 3:53am
Ken Whitman
Sufflatus Lorem
3/12, 3:54am
Sufflatus Lorem
I find it interesting that you take all this time to berate someone, but don't have time to keep your Kickstarter backers updated.
Ken Whitman
3/12, 3:55am
Ken Whitman
I will tel you what, you take down your shit off my personal sites. and Ill let it pass, If I see your shit up on my sites tommorrow ... then let the cards fall where they may.
See Im a nice guy
Ill look for your post tommorrow
Good night
somthing something ELMORE
Sufflatus Lorem
3/12, 3:55am
Sufflatus Lorem
He he he!
You can always ban me. Why dont you do that?
Ken Whitman
3/12, 3:55am
Ken Whitman
Sufflatus Lorem
3/12, 3:55am
Sufflatus Lorem
You know nothing, Ken Whitman.
Ken Whitman
3/12, 3:56am
Ken Whitman
I know you are probibly one of ELMORES friends
Sufflatus Lorem
3/12, 3:56am
Sufflatus Lorem
Damn, I thought Elmore was one of your closest friends. He was such a nice guy at GenCon.
I got his autograph, but I cant say he's my friend.
However, he does know you, and your business practices.
Ken Whitman
3/12, 3:57am
Ken Whitman
talked with Larry two days ago for 90 minutes
Sufflatus Lorem
3/12, 3:58am
Sufflatus Lorem
Well, thats nice.
Ken Whitman
3/12, 3:58am
Ken Whitman
yeah, it is
What other questions you got for me
Sufflatus Lorem
3/12, 3:59am
Sufflatus Lorem
Personally, Kenny, you're probably a cool guy.
As a businessman, your customer service skills suck.
And your Kickstarter status is all we care about.
Ken Whitman
3/12, 3:59am
Ken Whitman
Look, I know I fucked up, I have spend another 20k trying to fix it
Sufflatus Lorem
3/12, 4:00am
Sufflatus Lorem
So, take the time you took with me tonight, and update your backers. Hell, you explained it to me, why not to all of them?
Dont just disappear.
Ken Whitman
3/12, 4:00am
Ken Whitman
and Im not going to give anymore empty promises
My cell phone is on the kickstarter
it still works
always has
I dont update them because I get berated
Sufflatus Lorem
3/12, 4:00am
Sufflatus Lorem
Its more efficient to post on the Kickstarter sites, you know. So, everyone will know.
Ken Whitman
3/12, 4:01am
Ken Whitman
You know I am so mad, because the shit people have put me though .... dont think I have thought about suiside
Sufflatus Lorem
3/12, 4:01am
Sufflatus Lorem
You get berated because you break promises, become an asshole, and then go silent.
That hurts people a lot. Makes them think you're doing it deliberately.
Ken Whitman
3/12, 4:01am
Ken Whitman
If it were not for my kids... who knows
and now I have the strenth to say --- hay assholes
Fight me in the right way - quite trying to runin my abilty to make money
Sufflatus Lorem
3/12, 4:02am
Sufflatus Lorem
People just want information. Just tell people "I over streatched myslef. I'm sorry. I'll do what I can to fix it."
There - all you have to do is cut-and-paste that to Kickstarter.
Ken Whitman
3/12, 4:02am
Ken Whitman
I feel like I have to stand up for the people oneline that get bulled and cant handel it
I have been advised, To finish up the kickstarters and not post until they are off to press
Sufflatus Lorem
3/12, 4:03am
Sufflatus Lorem
Most people who get bullied online don't disappear with 120,000 dollars and a cloud of empty promises.
Ken Whitman
3/12, 4:03am
Ken Whitman
if it comes from MY MOUTH
its just consided bullshit
Sufflatus Lorem
3/12, 4:03am
Sufflatus Lorem
You made this mess, Kenny. You get to deal with it.
Ken Whitman
3/12, 4:04am
Ken Whitman
I have not disapered - my phone number is 2708016080
its up on kickstarter
Just because i dont want to post my home address
Im all over facebook
Sufflatus Lorem
3/12, 4:04am
Sufflatus Lorem
But, you wont post a thing.
How about I call you, I record an interview, and we post it, so people will know.
Ken Whitman
3/12, 4:05am
Ken Whitman
Because, my councel says I cant post till after Im done
My councel is paying for the DVDs and shipping
and thats not a bullshit excuse
Sufflatus Lorem
3/12, 4:06am
Sufflatus Lorem
Your lawyer? How the hell are you affording a lawyer?
Ken Whitman
3/12, 4:06am
Ken Whitman
I said councel
Not layers
My hidden business partners
who are telling me what to do --- if i want the money
Sufflatus Lorem
3/12, 4:07am
Sufflatus Lorem
Hidden business partners? Why are they hidden?
Ken Whitman
3/12, 4:07am
Ken Whitman
Because they dont want people to know they are helping me
Sufflatus Lorem
3/12, 4:07am
Sufflatus Lorem
Kenny, how many people have offered to help you? Yet, you keep ignoring them.
Ken Whitman
3/12, 4:08am
Ken Whitman
editing takes time.
KODT is done
Sufflatus Lorem
3/12, 4:08am
Sufflatus Lorem
If its done ,release it.
Ken Whitman
3/12, 4:09am
Ken Whitman
Spinward is 7 weeks from being done
I cant, the people doing them are releaseing them both as a package
Sufflatus Lorem
3/12, 4:09am
Sufflatus Lorem
Ive heard that from you before, Kenny. How can I trust that statement?
Who is doing them? And why together? They are tow different IPs.
Ken Whitman
3/12, 4:09am
Ken Whitman
Well, Im not in charge of the money, and the final cost to print and shit is 10k
Becausr there are over 400 people who ordered both
So, they dont want to double ship
Sufflatus Lorem
3/12, 4:10am
Sufflatus Lorem
Who is in charge? Why not tell your backers that you have people helping? Why keep them in the dark?
Yeah, I'm smelling something here...
Ken Whitman
3/12, 4:10am
Ken Whitman
the people in charge will tell people who they are ONCE they have both
Its actually 6 people
Sufflatus Lorem
3/12, 4:11am
Sufflatus Lorem
Who are 'the people in charge'?
Ken Whitman
3/12, 4:11am
Ken Whitman
six business
Sufflatus Lorem
3/12, 4:11am
Sufflatus Lorem
Why do you keep the fact that you have help from you rbackers?
Who's helping, Kenny?
Ken Whitman
3/12, 4:11am
Ken Whitman
Because they dont want to have to defend me from the angry mob
Sufflatus Lorem
3/12, 4:12am
Sufflatus Lorem
You made the angry mob, Kenny. If you show any progress, they wont be so angry.
Ken Whitman
3/12, 4:12am
Ken Whitman
I know I made them, but I wont put out a shit product
it gets done when it gets done
and everyone fucking me making a living has added on at least two months
Sufflatus Lorem
3/12, 4:13am
Sufflatus Lorem
Also, they wont attack anyone who is helping get the Kickstartes fulfilled. Many people have offered to help, and no one has attacked them.
Jolly has offred to help, and no one has attacked him.
Ken Whitman
3/12, 4:13am
Ken Whitman
and thats why i am late
Jolly wants nothing but to destroy me
Sufflatus Lorem
3/12, 4:13am
Sufflatus Lorem
If you would keep people updated, they wouldnt be angry.
Jolly wants the project done.
Ken Whitman
3/12, 4:13am
Ken Whitman
He orginized groupd behind the sceans
Sufflatus Lorem
3/12, 4:13am
Sufflatus Lorem
He's offered to get it finished, so you dont have to spend time on it.
Ken Whitman
3/12, 4:14am
Ken Whitman
ZOE is color corecting
Sufflatus Lorem
3/12, 4:14am
Sufflatus Lorem
Turn it over to him and be done with it all. The 'angry mob' will forget you.
Ken Whitman
3/12, 4:14am
Ken Whitman
They offered that to me not Jolly
And ZOE has finished one epiosed and needs files for the last two
Sufflatus Lorem
3/12, 4:14am
Sufflatus Lorem
I thought you just said it was finished.
Ken Whitman
3/12, 4:14am
Ken Whitman
It is
Sufflatus Lorem
3/12, 4:14am
Sufflatus Lorem
So, only one episode is finished?
Ken Whitman
3/12, 4:15am
Ken Whitman
all of my part
Well you see....
Sufflatus Lorem
3/12, 4:15am
Sufflatus Lorem
Then why does ZOE need the files? And why haven't you given them to ZOE?
Ken Whitman
3/12, 4:15am
Ken Whitman
Jolly was suppost to pay for a hard drive for me
so I can get it to ZOE
Sufflatus Lorem
3/12, 4:15am
Sufflatus Lorem
Bullshit, Kenny. Now,you're spewing bullshit again.
Ken Whitman
3/12, 4:16am
Ken Whitman
And they had somone who was going to bring the harddrive to me
This was last week
and now no harddrive and no one will answer why I dont have it
No accoring to the guy who was suppost to suppy it
Dave Kenzer nixed the plan
Sufflatus Lorem
3/12, 4:17am
Sufflatus Lorem
Cause that smells. A lot.
Ken Whitman
3/12, 4:17am
Ken Whitman
Proff of what
Sufflatus Lorem
3/12, 4:18am
Sufflatus Lorem
That your story is true.
Ken Whitman
3/12, 4:18am
Ken Whitman
look on line - there plunty of Jolly saying I need a hard drive
Sufflatus Lorem
3/12, 4:18am
Sufflatus Lorem
Why a hard drive? Upload it to a file sharing site and let ZOE download it.
Ken Whitman
3/12, 4:18am
Ken Whitman
I think he even asked to fund raise it
Sufflatus Lorem
3/12, 4:18am
Sufflatus Lorem
Jolly says you held the footage hostage, and would only turn it over to him if he bought you a hard drive.
Ken Whitman
3/12, 4:18am
Ken Whitman
2 gigs takes 4 hrs to uplad
I have 2000 gig
Sufflatus Lorem
3/12, 4:19am
Sufflatus Lorem
So what? Four hours is a lot less time than the weeks that hav epassed.
Ken Whitman
3/12, 4:19am
Ken Whitman
Its not possible to upload that size of fles
I have the masters - not DVD copies
Sufflatus Lorem
3/12, 4:19am
Sufflatus Lorem
Bullshit, Kenny. I do files like that before breakfast.
Or, burn the files to DVD as data and mail it.
Ken Whitman
3/12, 4:20am
Ken Whitman
a DVD hold 4.4 gig
I would ned 50 DVDs
Sufflatus Lorem
3/12, 4:20am
Sufflatus Lorem
Multiple DVDs. I'm pretty sure the footage is not all one file.
Ken Whitman
3/12, 4:20am
Ken Whitman
actually in Final Cut pro
its is all one file
I am just waiting for a drive
or money to get a drive
Sufflatus Lorem
3/12, 4:21am
Sufflatus Lorem
Yeah, I'm not buying it.
Ken Whitman
3/12, 4:21am
Ken Whitman
no matter what when i have spinward done - mark is sending an 8TB harddrive
Sufflatus Lorem
3/12, 4:21am
Sufflatus Lorem
Its a weak story, Kenny.
Ken Whitman
3/12, 4:21am
Ken Whitman
one way or another - it will be done soon
Now Im exhusted and tire
Sufflatus Lorem
3/12, 4:21am
Sufflatus Lorem
Sure it will.
Ken Whitman
3/12, 4:21am
Ken Whitman
Good night
Sufflatus Lorem
3/12, 4:22am
Sufflatus Lorem
Bye, Kenny. We should talk again.
Ken Whitman
3/12, 4:24am
Ken Whitman
Look, fuck with me all you like on my kickstarter , my not another dime pages, just give me some breathing room so I can pay my rent and get this shit done
night little man
Sufflatus Lorem
3/12, 4:25am
Sufflatus Lorem
Explain to your backers what you explained to me. Take the ten minutes to write it up (or cut and paste this conversation).
Ken Whitman
3/12, 4:26am
Ken Whitman
How about you write it for me and I will contemplate posting it. After I run it by my concil
Sufflatus Lorem
3/12, 4:26am
Sufflatus Lorem
You wrote it. Its all there.
Just man up, grab your sack and do it.
Ken Whitman
3/12, 4:27am
Ken Whitman
I will contemplate it. Good night
Sufflatus Lorem
3/12, 4:27am
Sufflatus Lorem
Sure ya will.
Ken Whitman
3/12, 4:28am
Ken Whitman
go away im tired
maybe i will
Sufflatus Lorem
3/12, 4:28am
Sufflatus Lorem
Yeah, your backers are tired, too.
See you at GenCon?
Ken Whitman
3/12, 4:29am
Ken Whitman
yep - and no matter what i say
it will all be bullshit to them
and then I will be swarmed with calls, and emails
Sufflatus Lorem
3/12, 4:29am
Sufflatus Lorem
Prove me wrong. Prove us all wrong by updating your backers.
Show us that you're a man and back up your words.
Ken Whitman
3/12, 4:29am
Ken Whitman
its like kicking a hornets nest
Sufflatus Lorem
3/12, 4:29am
Sufflatus Lorem
You made this mess, Kenny. You get to deal with it.
Ken Whitman
3/12, 4:29am
Ken Whitman
How about i get the shit done and shipped
then I will deal with damage control
Sufflatus Lorem
3/12, 4:30am
Sufflatus Lorem
We'd all love this. Its what we've been asking.
If it ships, you wont need damage control.
Ken Whitman
3/12, 4:30am
Ken Whitman
you think Jollys gonna stop
Sufflatus Lorem
3/12, 4:30am
Sufflatus Lorem
You still don't get the reason people are upset, do you?
Ken Whitman
3/12, 4:31am
Ken Whitman
Hes been told to shut up by Dave Kenzer and he wont do it
No, I complety understand
Sufflatus Lorem
3/12, 4:31am
Sufflatus Lorem
Bullshit, Kenny.
Ken Whitman
3/12, 4:31am
Ken Whitman
you know facts I dont?
Sufflatus Lorem
3/12, 4:32am
Sufflatus Lorem
What you just said about Dave and Jolly. I call bullshit.
Unless you can prove it.
I know that your statements cannot be accepted as truthful. Because of your history.
Ken Whitman
3/12, 4:33am
Ken Whitman
Dave Kenzer is a layer by trade
A fucking layer
Sufflatus Lorem
3/12, 4:33am
Sufflatus Lorem
I know that. A real lawyer. Who knows the law.
Ken Whitman
3/12, 4:33am
Ken Whitman
Now riddle me this, if I have done a crime
Why am i not in jail
Sufflatus Lorem
3/12, 4:34am
Sufflatus Lorem
Why are two state AGs investigating you?
Ken Whitman
3/12, 4:34am
Ken Whitman
Yes, they are
Sufflatus Lorem
3/12, 4:34am
Sufflatus Lorem
You should talk to them.
Ken Whitman
3/12, 4:34am
Ken Whitman
based on information that i have FRAUDED people
I have talked to them
I sent in fucking letters to them
Sufflatus Lorem
3/12, 4:34am
Sufflatus Lorem
How many Kickstarters have you not fulfilled? Wheres the Pencil Dice?
Ken Whitman
3/12, 4:35am
Ken Whitman
Sufflatus Lorem
3/12, 4:35am
Sufflatus Lorem
You said they were shipping many times, yet - no Pencil Dice.
Ken Whitman
3/12, 4:35am
Ken Whitman
Yes, we got in a shipment of bad pencils
and chine did not remake them for free
Sufflatus Lorem
3/12, 4:35am
Sufflatus Lorem
You took money, made promises, and never delivered.
Sounds like...fraud?
Ken Whitman
3/12, 4:36am
Ken Whitman
fraud = intent
intent to steal
Sufflatus Lorem
3/12, 4:36am
Sufflatus Lorem
You said you were shipping the pencils, yet you did not.
Ken Whitman
3/12, 4:36am
Ken Whitman
I spend the fucking money on product
Sufflatus Lorem
3/12, 4:36am
Sufflatus Lorem
Where is the product?
Ken Whitman
3/12, 4:36am
Ken Whitman
Bad business man, many mistake = stupid
not Fraud
I dont even own a fucking car anymore
Sufflatus Lorem
3/12, 4:37am
Sufflatus Lorem
Sure, Kenny. I, sure the state AGs will determine that.
Ken Whitman
3/12, 4:37am
Ken Whitman
Yes, they will
because i have a paper trale
and some product
Sufflatus Lorem
3/12, 4:37am
Sufflatus Lorem
Either way, people did not get their product.
Ken Whitman
3/12, 4:38am
Ken Whitman
Kickstarter os not a pre-order system
they are rewards
and many people got some of them
there is NO FRAUD
Sufflatus Lorem
3/12, 4:38am
Sufflatus Lorem
The state AG of Washington might disagree.
Ken Whitman
3/12, 4:38am
Ken Whitman
Now Civil is a whole differnt ball game
Sufflatus Lorem
3/12, 4:39am
Sufflatus Lorem
" Creator d20 Entertainment on November 1
Hey everyone, sorry for not posting sooner. Due to personal problems, I moved to Atlanta. As soon as I get settled I will make more updates. Take care."
Yet, no update at all.
Ken Whitman
3/12, 4:41am
Ken Whitman
I thought i told you
people with money said - quit posting
I want that money - i dont post
Im a small fish in this now
Sufflatus Lorem
3/12, 4:41am
Sufflatus Lorem
Who are these poeple? Given you history, I dont believe they exist.
Ken Whitman
3/12, 4:42am
Ken Whitman
Just assume that they dont, and be plesently surpised if it happens
better to be an optimist and wrong then a pessimist and always right
Sufflatus Lorem
3/12, 4:43am
Sufflatus Lorem
I'll be quite surprised and pleased.
If it happens.
Tell me - whats in it for these backers? They cant be making any money off your Kickstarters.
Ken Whitman
3/12, 4:45am
Ken Whitman
I have been in the industry for 30 years. I have some good friends. There is nothing in it for them.
I fucked up and they are helping me.
In return, I will return the favor.
Sufflatus Lorem
3/12, 4:45am
Sufflatus Lorem
Right. Who?
Ken Whitman
3/12, 4:45am
Ken Whitman
I fucked up, but always remeber, i have helped other people make MILLIONS of dollars over the last 30 years.
Sufflatus Lorem
3/12, 4:46am
Sufflatus Lorem
Yay for you.
Ken Whitman
3/12, 4:46am
Ken Whitman
Hell on kickstarters alone I have raised over 1 million for me and others
Sufflatus Lorem
3/12, 4:46am
Sufflatus Lorem
Who are these backers?
Ken Whitman
3/12, 4:46am
Ken Whitman
So, my skills are pretty valuable
Sorry to disapoint - but you dont get to know
it will be easy to figure out
in a couple months
you know because they will be doing the shipping and distrabution
Sufflatus Lorem
3/12, 4:47am
Sufflatus Lorem
They don't exist, Kenny. If you have backers, cant they pony up a couple of hundred bucks for a hard drive?
Ken Whitman
3/12, 4:48am
Ken Whitman
OH YEAH - and I lose all rights to them and they get all profits from future sales
Sufflatus Lorem
3/12, 4:48am
Sufflatus Lorem
Who are they?
Ken Whitman
3/12, 4:48am
Ken Whitman
night little man
Sufflatus Lorem
3/12, 4:48am
Sufflatus Lorem
Cause they dont exist, obviously.
Ken Whitman
3/12, 4:50am
Ken Whitman
Look, I know know you have a limited repertoire of how to extract information from someone.
Sufflatus Lorem
3/12, 4:51am
Sufflatus Lorem
Trust, but verify, Kenny.
You've burned out all the trust. All that's left is to verify.
Ken Whitman
3/12, 4:51am
Ken Whitman
If it gets out i loose them
why in bloddy hell would i tell you
Sufflatus Lorem
3/12, 4:51am
Sufflatus Lorem
Sure you do.
Can't loose what doesn't exist.
Ken Whitman
3/12, 4:51am
Ken Whitman
well then with that logic, what ever i say is worthless anyway
Sufflatus Lorem
3/12, 4:52am
Sufflatus Lorem
Tell me. Prove it to me, and I will become your advocate. I will tell people that you are actually trying to get your Kickstarters fulfilled.
I wont tell anyone who they are.
Ken Whitman
3/12, 4:52am
Ken Whitman
so its best to say nothing ,,, right
look... I know you want me to tell you
but you dont even use your real name
so, there can be no trust
Sufflatus Lorem
3/12, 4:53am
Sufflatus Lorem
You wont even tell the backers that you're still working on it.
Ken Whitman
3/12, 4:53am
Ken Whitman
any even if i knew your name, I cant tell you
Sufflatus Lorem
3/12, 4:53am
Sufflatus Lorem
You've lied to your backers many times.
Ken Whitman
3/12, 4:53am
Ken Whitman
It makes no difference what i have done at this point
Sufflatus Lorem
3/12, 4:53am
Sufflatus Lorem
Thats why there is no trust.
Ken Whitman
3/12, 4:53am
Ken Whitman
all that matters is it gets done
Sufflatus Lorem
3/12, 4:54am
Sufflatus Lorem
Yes, it does, Kenny. It matters to the tune of 120,000 dollars and thousands of backers.
Ken Whitman
3/12, 4:54am
Ken Whitman
to get it done, I have to be able to make a living
which has been hard - to say the least
All my fault
Sufflatus Lorem
3/12, 4:55am
Sufflatus Lorem
Be truthful and honest and open with your backers.
Ken Whitman
3/12, 4:55am
Ken Whitman
I will - when its done
in a few weeks
Sufflatus Lorem
3/12, 4:55am
Sufflatus Lorem
Then, never, huh?
A few weeks. Heard it before.
Ken Whitman
3/12, 4:55am
Ken Whitman
blah, blah, blah
blah blah blah
No money if i do anything
Sufflatus Lorem
3/12, 4:56am
Sufflatus Lorem
Yada yada yada. Standard Ken Whitman statement.
Ken Whitman
3/12, 4:56am
Ken Whitman
Blah blah blah
listen to what i am saying
Sufflatus Lorem
3/12, 4:56am
Sufflatus Lorem
Be truthful and honest and open with your backers.
Ken Whitman
3/12, 4:56am
Ken Whitman
Or dont
I will
once they ship
Sufflatus Lorem
3/12, 4:56am
Sufflatus Lorem
Im trying to listen, Kenny, but you keep talking out your ass.
Ken Whitman
3/12, 4:57am
Ken Whitman
you mean talking too an ass
Sufflatus Lorem
3/12, 4:57am
Sufflatus Lorem
Look at your record of just disappearing. How can anyone trust anything you say?
And, there you go - insulting people who question you. Standard Ken Whitman reply.
Ken Whitman
3/12, 4:57am
Ken Whitman
if thats true
Then all you are is berating me
which makes you an ass
now go away
Sufflatus Lorem
3/12, 4:58am
Sufflatus Lorem
I'm not berating you - I'm telling the truth.
Ken Whitman
3/12, 4:59am
Ken Whitman
but you want answers from me
thats you cant trust because of my past record
Sufflatus Lorem
3/12, 4:59am
Sufflatus Lorem
I don't care about you as a person. You might be pretty cool.
All I care about is how you have treated you backers. People who have trusted you with a large sum of cash.
Ken Whitman
3/12, 4:59am
Ken Whitman
So why the fuck ask in the first place?
Sufflatus Lorem
3/12, 5:00am
Sufflatus Lorem
Cause I, like all your backers, and to know what is happening. When you drop all communication, people assume the worse.
Ken Whitman
3/12, 5:00am
Ken Whitman
My friend, 60k to make 60 minutes of a TV show is MICRO, not a large sum of cash
A standard 30 min TV pilot cost 200k
Hell ZOE is doing 30 min of Jorney quest and needed 400k
The reason I am fucked is I thought O could do a 120k job on 60K
Sufflatus Lorem
3/12, 5:01am
Sufflatus Lorem
Okay, then. Why not tell the backers? Why just disappear?
Ken Whitman
3/12, 5:01am
Ken Whitman
I did not disapper
my phone number is listed
call it
Sufflatus Lorem
3/12, 5:01am
Sufflatus Lorem
You're explaining it all to me - a fact that I appreciate - but your backers deserve to know all this, too.
Ken Whitman
3/12, 5:02am
Ken Whitman
its on my kickstarter
Sufflatus Lorem
3/12, 5:02am
Sufflatus Lorem
Ive tried, Kenny. You never answer.
Ken Whitman
3/12, 5:02am
Ken Whitman
Sufflatus Lorem
3/12, 5:02am
Sufflatus Lorem
Ken Whitman
3/12, 5:02am
Ken Whitman
why you never leave a voice mail
Sufflatus Lorem
3/12, 5:02am
Sufflatus Lorem
Why don't you answer? Why don't you keep your backers updated on the truth?
Ken Whitman
3/12, 5:03am
Ken Whitman
I wok 12 hrs a day on set, cant have phones on set
I think you are the bullshitter now
Because I have been councels not to post IF i want their help
Jesus, that the 5th time I told you
Im starting to think you have brain damage
Sufflatus Lorem
3/12, 5:04am
Sufflatus Lorem
Sure. Everyone wants you to keep quiet, or you don't get help.
So, why talk to me at all?
Ken Whitman
3/12, 5:04am
Ken Whitman
or you are 12
Sufflatus Lorem
3/12, 5:05am
Sufflatus Lorem
More insults. Keep it classy, Kenny boy.
Ken Whitman
3/12, 5:05am
Ken Whitman
you ask a question - I answer it
you ask 3 more time - I answer it the same fucking way
my answers dont change
Sufflatus Lorem
3/12, 5:06am
Sufflatus Lorem
But, you offer no proof.
How can i trust any of your answers?
Be truthful and honest and open with your backers.
Ken Whitman
3/12, 5:08am
Ken Whitman
Argument from (personal) incredulity (divine fallacy, appeal to common sense) ñ I cannot imagine how this could be true, therefore it must be false.
Argument from repetition (argumentum ad infinitum) ñ signifies that it has been discussed extensively until nobody cares to discuss it anymore;[17][18] sometimes confused with proof by assertion
(shifting the) Burden of proof (see ñ onus probandi) ñ I need not prove my claim, you must prove it is false.
Informal fallacies
Sufflatus Lorem
3/12, 5:09am
Sufflatus Lorem
When you have a record of playing fast and loose with the truth, people stop trusting you.
What part of that do you not understand?
Ken Whitman
3/12, 5:10am
Ken Whitman
I think you belive that the TRUTH and FACTS are the same thing
They are two differnt words for a reason
TRUTH is perception
I have not fullfiled all of my my Kickstarter obligations
Sufflatus Lorem
3/12, 5:12am
Sufflatus Lorem
SO, you've been completely truthful in all your endeavors?
Ken Whitman
3/12, 5:12am
Ken Whitman
I have fullfilled SOME of my obligations
Sufflatus Lorem
3/12, 5:12am
Sufflatus Lorem
And dodged the rest.
Ken Whitman
3/12, 5:12am
Ken Whitman
I am underfunded
Sufflatus Lorem
3/12, 5:13am
Sufflatus Lorem
Don't tell me all this, Kenny. Tell your backers.
Or, I could just post this conversation...
Ken Whitman
3/12, 5:13am
Ken Whitman
I have spend more money on my kickstarters, then I made on my kickstarters
Sufflatus Lorem
3/12, 5:13am
Sufflatus Lorem
Then people would know.
Ken Whitman
3/12, 5:14am
Ken Whitman
I think your a asshole
You think Im an asshole
Sufflatus Lorem
3/12, 5:14am
Sufflatus Lorem
Another Ken Whitman(TM) statement!
Ken Whitman
3/12, 5:15am
Ken Whitman
I don't know your an Asshole - so I can say its fact
People think Im a theif
I have NO criminal record
Sufflatus Lorem
3/12, 5:15am
Sufflatus Lorem
I'm an asshole, Kenny boy, but I'm not an asshole with multiple unfulfilled Kickstarters.
I'm an asshole that doesn't insult his backers.
I'm an asshole that doesn't pretend I have secret backers and all will be done in 'a few weeks.'
"2015.09.14 KoDT:LAS Kickstarter Backer Update: "Here is our proposed schedule for KODT: LAS Download for backers....Episode 1: Sept 14 Episode 2: Sept 21 Episode 3: Sept 27 DVDs Will Ship in October."
Nope, didnt happen.
Ken Whitman
3/12, 5:16am
Ken Whitman
I have people helping me fullfill my kickstarters once Im done
Weither you think I do does not change the facts
Sufflatus Lorem
3/12, 5:17am
Sufflatus Lorem
Who, Kenny?
Ken Whitman
3/12, 5:17am
Ken Whitman
You dont get to know
Sufflatus Lorem
3/12, 5:18am
Sufflatus Lorem
Cause they dont exists.
Ken Whitman
3/12, 5:18am
Ken Whitman
Argument from silence (argumentum ex silentio) ñ where the conclusion is based on the absence of evidence, rather than the existence of evidence.
Sufflatus Lorem
3/12, 5:19am
Sufflatus Lorem
Given your history of less-than-honest statements, are you surprised that people doubt your word?
Ken Whitman
3/12, 5:19am
Ken Whitman
these games of 3rd grade logic bores me
Sufflatus Lorem
3/12, 5:19am
Sufflatus Lorem
Your statements have been shown time and time again to be insubstantial.
IF you want people to trust you, you need to tell the truth.
But, you don't care about your backers. You already have their money, so screw 'em. Right?
I remember the thread you posted in at Tenkar's Tavern. You were a complete ass to your backers. Really stellar customer service, there.
So, again, why waste time talking to me, instead of keeping you backers informed?
Ken Whitman
3/12, 5:24am
Ken Whitman
Because, You are the lead asshole in charge
Sufflatus Lorem
3/12, 5:24am
Sufflatus Lorem
"Last login Feb 27 2016"
You, on Kickstarter.
In charge? HAHAHAHAHA!
No one is in charge of this, Kenny boy. It's all because of you.
Ken Whitman
3/12, 5:25am
Ken Whitman
I love how you change your aguments when you are losing
Shift of blame
What are you hoping to accomplish
Wait... I know.
Except I told you 5 times now, my councle wont let me
Sufflatus Lorem
3/12, 5:27am
Sufflatus Lorem
Kenny, youre the one with multiple unfulfilled Kickstarters. This isn't about me - its about you and your lack of communication and ethics.
Ken Whitman
3/12, 5:27am
Ken Whitman
Now it sure is about you
Sufflatus Lorem
3/12, 5:27am
Sufflatus Lorem
Nonexistant people telling Kenny what to do.
Ken Whitman
3/12, 5:27am
Ken Whitman
Ita about you thinking your above the law, and a good person, and your going to do whats right
Sufflatus Lorem
3/12, 5:27am
Sufflatus Lorem
How is it about me? Who am I?
Am I even one of your backers?
I am not a good person.
But I'm not Ken Whitman.
Ken Whitman
3/12, 5:28am
Ken Whitman
You are going to be the SAVIOR of the poeople
Sufflatus Lorem
3/12, 5:28am
Sufflatus Lorem
Ken Whitman
3/12, 5:28am
Ken Whitman
and break the law doing so
Sufflatus Lorem
3/12, 5:28am
Sufflatus Lorem
Back to that, are we?
Ken Whitman
3/12, 5:28am
Ken Whitman
You are comiting a felony coming after me at my place of work
Sufflatus Lorem
3/12, 5:29am
Sufflatus Lorem
Geez. Kenny, you're like a broken record.
"Give m more time"
"A few weeks"
"its shipping now"
Ken Whitman
3/12, 5:29am
Ken Whitman
You belive you are not committing a felony
Sufflatus Lorem
3/12, 5:30am
Sufflatus Lorem
All you have to do is block me.
On every page you create.
Why not do that?
Ken Whitman
3/12, 5:30am
Ken Whitman
Maybe, just maybe I have a plan
Sufflatus Lorem
3/12, 5:30am
Sufflatus Lorem
Or, you could clean up your Kickstater mess. But that would be taking responsibility for your fuckups.
Which you never do.
And trust me, Kenny boy. I've known your fuckups for a long, long time.
Ken Whitman
3/12, 5:31am
Ken Whitman
well, after out short talk, I do know a few things
I kept you on long enough to track your IP
Sufflatus Lorem
3/12, 5:32am
Sufflatus Lorem
What is it? Please tell me.
Ken Whitman
3/12, 5:32am
Ken Whitman
which is all i wanted
Sufflatus Lorem
3/12, 5:33am
Sufflatus Lorem
Where am I?
Ken Whitman
3/12, 5:33am
Ken Whitman
Sufflatus Lorem
3/12, 5:33am
Sufflatus Lorem
Cause I know you dont know.
Ken Whitman
3/12, 5:33am
Ken Whitman
Sufflatus Lorem
3/12, 5:34am
Sufflatus Lorem
Yep, LOL kenny, you computer haxor you, with mad skizills. You so 1337.
Ken Whitman
3/12, 5:37am
Ken Whitman
Sufflatus Lorem
3/12, 5:37am
Sufflatus Lorem
Yep, lol. Youre a funny man, Kenny boy.
Where am I?
You dont know.
Ken Whitman
3/12, 5:44am
Ken Whitman
I do. Scared
Sufflatus Lorem
3/12, 5:45am
Sufflatus Lorem
Nope, cause you're full of shit,.
If you know, tell me. Otherwise, you're just talking out of your ass.
Ken Whitman
3/12, 5:46am
Ken Whitman
LOL (not sure where i goes, so edited out)
Click thats and it will show you bitch
Sufflatus Lorem
3/12, 5:47am
Sufflatus Lorem
Nope. Not gonna do it.
You tell me my IP address. Type it out.
You cant.
Ken Whitman
3/12, 5:49am
Ken Whitman
I got you
At least when they come get you you only 3 states over
Sufflatus Lorem
3/12, 5:50am
Sufflatus Lorem
No, you dont, Kenny boy.
I'm calling you bluff, boy.
Where am I?
Ken Whitman
3/12, 5:50am
Ken Whitman
I mean Iowa does touch Kentucky right?
Sufflatus Lorem
3/12, 5:50am
Sufflatus Lorem
Try again, my friend.
Protip: look up 'proxy server'
Whats my IP? Whats the numbers?
Ken Whitman
3/12, 5:52am
Ken Whitman
and IT guy
Sufflatus Lorem
3/12, 5:52am
Sufflatus Lorem
Nope, just someone who knows what he's doing.
Trust me, I hate computers.
Ken Whitman
3/12, 5:53am
Ken Whitman (and again)
Sufflatus Lorem
3/12, 5:53am
Sufflatus Lorem
You'd be surprised what my day job is.
Ken Whitman
3/12, 5:53am
Ken Whitman
I see
Sufflatus Lorem
3/12, 5:53am
Sufflatus Lorem
No fishing!
Ken Whitman
3/12, 5:53am
Ken Whitman
no I doubt it
Just wondering what your next job will be
Once the state of GA arrest you and you spend a month or two down here
Sufflatus Lorem
3/12, 5:54am
Sufflatus Lorem
Ken Whitman
3/12, 5:54am
Ken Whitman
Seriously - you are clueless
Sufflatus Lorem
3/12, 5:55am
Sufflatus Lorem
You are a broken record, arent you?
I'm sure the authorities in 'Iowa' are coming to my door even as I type.
You know nothing, Kenny. And, you cant bluff worth shit.
Ken Whitman
3/12, 5:56am
Ken Whitman
CA Menlo Park
hows that
Sufflatus Lorem
3/12, 5:56am
Sufflatus Lorem
I thought I was in Iowa?
Where am I, Kenny?
Ken Whitman
3/12, 5:56am
Ken Whitman
Menlo Park CA
thats where your at
Sufflatus Lorem
3/12, 5:57am
Sufflatus Lorem
Sure I am.
So, when are the cops going to get me?
Ken Whitman
3/12, 5:57am
Ken Whitman
look, when facebook gets the warrent, they get the right location
I dont know
30 to 60 days
Sufflatus Lorem
3/12, 5:58am
Sufflatus Lorem
Cause, like fulfilling your Kickstarters, it isn't going to happen.
Wanna check my IP again, just in case?
Ken Whitman
3/12, 5:59am
Ken Whitman
Night Nancy
Sufflatus Lorem
3/12, 6:00am
Sufflatus Lorem
"#7. Ask your friend to send this shortened URL to the Fake profile user along with some nice message via chat such that he should click on that URL."
Ken Whitman
3/12, 6:00am
Ken Whitman
You typed after it
I got the IP
you kept typing
Sufflatus Lorem
3/12, 6:01am
Sufflatus Lorem
Nope. It doesnt work that way, kenny boy.
Whats my IP. What are my numbers?
Is it IPv4 or IPv6?
Im in Iowa! Im in California! I travel fast!
Ken Whitman
3/12, 6:02am
Ken Whitman
Sufflatus Lorem
3/12, 6:02am
Sufflatus Lorem
No fishing!
Damn script kiddies.
It keeps changing on ya, doesnt it?
Ken Whitman
3/12, 6:04am
Ken Whitman
Nope - only two
Sufflatus Lorem
3/12, 6:04am
Sufflatus Lorem
It cant be both. Where am I?
You're just making yourself look foolish, Kenny, you 1337 haxor you.
Ken Whitman
3/12, 6:05am
Ken Whitman
Well ther dead is Facbook has it
and the state of GA will get it
Sufflatus Lorem
3/12, 6:05am
Sufflatus Lorem
And that IP - it resolves to this:
OrgName: Facebook, Inc.
So, obviously I'm at Facebook!
Ken Whitman
3/12, 6:06am
Ken Whitman
smile emoticon
Sufflatus Lorem
3/12, 6:06am
Sufflatus Lorem
NetRange: -
NetHandle: NET-173-252-64-0-1
Parent: NET173 (NET-173-0-0-0-0)
NetType: Direct Assignment
OriginAS: AS32934
Organization: Facebook, Inc. (THEFA-3)
RegDate: 2011-02-28
Updated: 2012-02-24
OrgName: Facebook, Inc.
OrgId: THEFA-3
Address: 1601 Willow Rd.
City: Menlo Park
StateProv: CA
PostalCode: 94025
Country: US
RegDate: 2004-08-11
Updated: 2012-04-17
Sufflatus Lorem
3/12, 6:06am
Sufflatus Lorem
Do you understand any of that?
Ken Whitman
3/12, 6:07am
Ken Whitman
So your saying FACEBOOK has your IP address - from when you uploded your picture
Sufflatus Lorem
3/12, 6:07am
Sufflatus Lorem
No, you dont understand any of it.
Ken Whitman
3/12, 6:07am
Ken Whitman
So a warrent from the state of GA will get your computer location
from when you uploaded it
Sufflatus Lorem
3/12, 6:07am
Sufflatus Lorem
You keep telling yourself that.
Ken Whitman
3/12, 6:07am
Ken Whitman
and I am sure you are understanding that
Sufflatus Lorem
3/12, 6:08am
Sufflatus Lorem
You know nothing about computers, Kenny boy.
You never change. Youve always been a bullshitter.
Ken Whitman
3/12, 6:09am
Ken Whitman
I think
I got you
and I think I will make an example of you
cause i think you uploaded that picture of yours from your computer
Sufflatus Lorem
3/12, 6:09am
Sufflatus Lorem
Yep, keep laughing. You got nothing;
And, really, its pathetic. Youve always doubled down on your mistakes. Why shoudl I expect anything different.
Ken Whitman
3/12, 6:09am
Ken Whitman
and i think facebook is gonna give the state of GA your IP address
Sufflatus Lorem
3/12, 6:10am
Sufflatus Lorem
No, Ken *you* have my IP address. You said you do.
And you don't.
That's a mistake at best, a lie at worse.
Ken Whitman
3/12, 6:12am
Ken Whitman
I get more info from you from what i dont ask
Sufflatus Lorem
3/12, 6:12am
Sufflatus Lorem
You got nothing but Facebooks IP address.
And man failed Kickstarters. You sill got those.
Ken Whitman
3/12, 6:14am
Ken Whitman
You are commiting a Felony
Sufflatus Lorem
3/12, 6:15am
Sufflatus Lorem
Innocent until proven guilty. Someone else in this conversation brought that up.
So, no.
Ken Whitman
3/12, 6:15am
Ken Whitman
Brother I'm all Civil court
Sufflatus Lorem
3/12, 6:15am
Sufflatus Lorem
Everyone in this conversation that took $120,000 from Kickstarter backers and havent delivered, raise their hand?
Ken Whitman
3/12, 6:15am
Ken Whitman
not breaking the law - just being stupid
You are breaking the law
Sufflatus Lorem
3/12, 6:16am
Sufflatus Lorem
In civil court, its a 'preponderence of evidence'.
Ken Whitman
3/12, 6:16am
Ken Whitman
yes, But its all about money
No jail time
Sufflatus Lorem
3/12, 6:16am
Sufflatus Lorem
You are in correct.
But, you always thought you were smarter than you really are.
Ken Whitman
3/12, 6:16am
Ken Whitman
You, however, are breaking the law, and may do jail time
Sufflatus Lorem
3/12, 6:17am
Sufflatus Lorem
Really, Kenny. You're going back to threatening me?
Classy, really.
Ken Whitman
3/12, 6:17am
Ken Whitman
at least have a criminal record
Im not threting you
Sufflatus Lorem
3/12, 6:17am
Sufflatus Lorem
Sure. Just tell me my IP address and I'll call the cops and confess.
Ken Whitman
3/12, 6:17am
Ken Whitman
Im just telling you...
You think you are so high and mighty
and in the eyes of the law
Sufflatus Lorem
3/12, 6:17am
Sufflatus Lorem
No, but I'm not you.
Ken Whitman
3/12, 6:17am
Ken Whitman
a worst criminal than me
You are breaking felonies
Sufflatus Lorem
3/12, 6:18am
Sufflatus Lorem
You admit you're a criminal?
Ken Whitman
3/12, 6:18am
Ken Whitman
I have done some things wrong yes
BUT i have not commited felionies
Sufflatus Lorem
3/12, 6:18am
Sufflatus Lorem
So, you are a criminal?
Ken Whitman
3/12, 6:18am
Ken Whitman
like you
Have you ever speeded in a car?
Sufflatus Lorem
3/12, 6:19am
Sufflatus Lorem
Stull no proof. What statute have i violated?
Ken Whitman
3/12, 6:19am
Ken Whitman
Of course you have
Sufflatus Lorem
3/12, 6:19am
Sufflatus Lorem
So, you are a criminal?
Ken Whitman
3/12, 6:19am
Ken Whitman
as are you
just not comiting Felonies like you
Sufflatus Lorem
3/12, 6:20am
Sufflatus Lorem
120,000 dollars, Kenny boy..
Ken Whitman
3/12, 6:20am
Ken Whitman
not criminal
Sufflatus Lorem
3/12, 6:20am
Sufflatus Lorem
Hey, you admitted it.
Ken Whitman
3/12, 6:20am
Ken Whitman
You are fucking with my livelyhood - in GA thats a Federal crime
However, you wont admit it
because your a hypocrite
Sufflatus Lorem
3/12, 6:22am
Sufflatus Lorem
I didnt take 120,000 dollars from Kickstarter backers and then not fulfill the Kickstarters.
Ken Whitman
3/12, 6:22am
Ken Whitman
I know!
You did not do that
Sufflatus Lorem
3/12, 6:22am
Sufflatus Lorem
You did.
Attacking me does nothing to absolve you of your actions.
Ken Whitman
3/12, 6:22am
Ken Whitman
You are fucking with my Livelyhood
witch is a Felony
Sufflatus Lorem
3/12, 6:23am
Sufflatus Lorem
Ken Whitman
3/12, 6:23am
Ken Whitman
attacking me, makes you a criminal
Sufflatus Lorem
3/12, 6:23am
Sufflatus Lorem
Im telling the truth. That is not illegal.
Ken Whitman
3/12, 6:24am
Ken Whitman
When you hunt someone down on line
Sufflatus Lorem
3/12, 6:24am
Sufflatus Lorem
Nope, not hunt. Merely saw a *public* page.
Ken Whitman
3/12, 6:24am
Ken Whitman
go to their website and psot and cause them to lose business
thats cyberbulling
Sufflatus Lorem
3/12, 6:25am
Sufflatus Lorem
Nope. Thats posting a bad review. Perfectly legal.
Ken Whitman
3/12, 6:25am
Ken Whitman
does it make a differnce if you shoot me dead in my home, or in a public park
Sufflatus Lorem
3/12, 6:25am
Sufflatus Lorem
Also, telling the truth is not illegal.
Im not shooting you.
Ken Whitman
3/12, 6:26am
Ken Whitman
You are keeping me from making a living - harming me
Sufflatus Lorem
3/12, 6:26am
Sufflatus Lorem
Nope, you are preventing that. Because of your bad Kickstarter management.
Ken Whitman
3/12, 6:26am
Ken Whitman
and I thought we made it clear Truth and FACTS are two differnt things
And YOU are not the ethics police
You are not a cop
You are not a judge
Sufflatus Lorem
3/12, 6:27am
Sufflatus Lorem
Nope, cause you have no ethics.
I posted my opinion, backed by facts.
Ken Whitman
3/12, 6:28am
Ken Whitman
And do you think you caused me business?
Sufflatus Lorem
3/12, 6:28am
Sufflatus Lorem
You cant defend against those facts, so you attack all those who call you out on your actions, and tell more lies.
Ken Whitman
3/12, 6:28am
Ken Whitman
do you think people quit using my services?
because of your post?
Sufflatus Lorem
3/12, 6:29am
Sufflatus Lorem
Obviously, people dont want to do business with someone who cant do business.
Ken Whitman
3/12, 6:29am
Ken Whitman
Thank you
Sufflatus Lorem
3/12, 6:29am
Sufflatus Lorem
Your actions are despicable.
Ken Whitman
3/12, 6:29am
Ken Whitman
Thats right there is why you are a criminal
Sufflatus Lorem
3/12, 6:29am
Sufflatus Lorem
You keep telling yourself that.
Ken Whitman
3/12, 6:29am
Ken Whitman
you have cause me harm
and that the law you are breaking
and you just fucking admited it
I appreceate that
Sufflatus Lorem
3/12, 6:30am
Sufflatus Lorem
And, what about your backers? You have taken their money and returned nothing. Isnt that harm?
Ken Whitman
3/12, 6:30am
Ken Whitman
Look, when I fullill my kickstarters
Im done
Sufflatus Lorem
3/12, 6:30am
Sufflatus Lorem
Ken Whitman
3/12, 6:31am
Ken Whitman
You on the otherhand have comited felonies
Sufflatus Lorem
3/12, 6:31am
Sufflatus Lorem
Of course you're done. Kickstarter wont let you start any new ones.
Ken Whitman
3/12, 6:31am
Ken Whitman
What the fuck
Sufflatus Lorem
3/12, 6:31am
Sufflatus Lorem
I have committed no felony.
Ken Whitman
3/12, 6:31am
Ken Whitman
I can start one tommorrow
Sufflatus Lorem
3/12, 6:31am
Sufflatus Lorem
Do it!
Ken Whitman
3/12, 6:31am
Ken Whitman
Yes, you have
you moron
Sufflatus Lorem
3/12, 6:32am
Sufflatus Lorem
Another Ken Whitman insult.
I should post this conversation.
Of course, people already knwo who and what you are.
Ken Whitman
3/12, 6:32am
Ken Whitman
Please post it
so I can use it as evidence
Sufflatus Lorem
3/12, 6:32am
Sufflatus Lorem
So, people can know about your 'secret backers' who wont let you identify them?
Ken Whitman
3/12, 6:33am
Ken Whitman
and now you know why I never told you
Sufflatus Lorem
3/12, 6:33am
Sufflatus Lorem
I promised I would not tell anyone who they were.
Ken Whitman
3/12, 6:33am
Ken Whitman
and you talk about my ethics
But now you did
Sufflatus Lorem
3/12, 6:33am
Sufflatus Lorem
I havent bilked people out of 120,000 dollars.
Ken Whitman
3/12, 6:34am
Ken Whitman
You want some trust
You tell me your name
Sufflatus Lorem
3/12, 6:34am
Sufflatus Lorem
You havent told me who these non existent backers are.
Ken Whitman
3/12, 6:34am
Ken Whitman
I tell you a backer
Sufflatus Lorem
3/12, 6:34am
Sufflatus Lorem
Sure you will.
Ken Whitman
3/12, 6:34am
Ken Whitman
you go first
Sufflatus Lorem
3/12, 6:35am
Sufflatus Lorem
Nope. You have a history or breaking your promises, so you need to go first.
Ken Whitman
3/12, 6:35am
Ken Whitman
sorry peice of shit
good night little man
Sufflatus Lorem
3/12, 6:35am
Sufflatus Lorem
Remember those things you told Jolly about changing your ways? About being better than you were?
It was all lies. Now we alk know.
See you at GenCon, Kenny boy.
Ken Whitman
3/12, 6:38am
Ken Whitman
Sufflatus Lorem
3/12, 6:38am
Sufflatus Lorem
Not going this year?
Why not?
Ken Whitman
3/12, 6:38am
Ken Whitman
Ill be there
as always
Sufflatus Lorem
3/12, 6:39am
Sufflatus Lorem
Then, I'll see you there, like i have for years.
Ken Whitman
3/12, 6:39am
Ken Whitman
As I said, little man
Sufflatus Lorem
3/12, 6:40am
Sufflatus Lorem
More Ken Whitman(TM) insults.
Yep, you'll never change.
Ken Whitman
3/12, 6:42am
Ken Whitman
Thanks for the cloths!
Sufflatus Lorem
3/12, 6:43am
Sufflatus Lorem
WTF? cloths?
Ken Whitman
3/12, 6:44am
Ken Whitman
Good night Jim
Sufflatus Lorem
3/12, 6:45am
Sufflatus Lorem
Damn, Kenny. You cant get anything right, can you?
Does 'Jim' live in Menlo Park, CA?
Ken Whitman
3/12, 6:45am
Ken Whitman
Sufflatus Lorem
3/12, 6:46am
Sufflatus Lorem
The only true answer you've given all morning.
Oh - hey! Theres a big clue as to where I am. Protip: Its not California.
Ken Whitman
3/12, 6:49am
Ken Whitman
Lets try Minnesota
Sufflatus Lorem
3/12, 6:50am
Sufflatus Lorem
Wrong again, boy-o!
Ken Whitman
3/12, 6:50am
Ken Whitman
Makes no difference, little man
They will drive your ass to GA
where I get laugh
Sufflatus Lorem
3/12, 6:50am
Sufflatus Lorem
Sure they will.
Ken Whitman
3/12, 6:50am
Ken Whitman
So when they do
and they will
Sufflatus Lorem
3/12, 6:50am
Sufflatus Lorem
They wont.
Just like you wont fulfill your Kickstarters.
Or explain things to yoru backers.
You know, like normal.
Ken Whitman
3/12, 6:51am
Ken Whitman
Criminal vs. Civil lil man
Sufflatus Lorem
3/12, 6:51am
Sufflatus Lorem
Ken Whitman
3/12, 6:51am
Ken Whitman
You know, I first said, i would not get pleasure of watching the first person go down for this
Im pretty sure I will make an exception for you
Sufflatus Lorem
3/12, 6:52am
Sufflatus Lorem
"ìWashington state will not tolerate crowdfunding theft,î said [Attorney General Bob] Ferguson. ìIf you accept money from consumers, and donÃt follow through on your obligations, my office will hold you accountable.î"
Sure you will.
I;m safe. Cause you never keep your promises. grin emoticon
You just hate me cause I'm right.
Ken Whitman
3/12, 6:53am
Ken Whitman
In common usage, theft is the taking of another person's property without that person's permission or consent with the intent to deprive the rightful owner of it.
Sufflatus Lorem
3/12, 6:54am
Sufflatus Lorem
And? Why havent you fulfilled your Kickstarters?
Tell the backers why!
Instead of hiding behind 'secret help' like a little, scared boy.
Be a man an admit what you did - top those you have harmed.
Ken Whitman
3/12, 6:55am
Ken Whitman
are we going to do this again
I told you why
Sufflatus Lorem
3/12, 6:55am
Sufflatus Lorem
Yep, because your 'secret help' is bullshit.
Ken Whitman
3/12, 6:55am
Ken Whitman
Sufflatus Lorem
3/12, 6:56am
Sufflatus Lorem
Ken Whitman
3/12, 6:56am
Ken Whitman
lets do some logic prolems
Sufflatus Lorem
3/12, 6:56am
Sufflatus Lorem
See, Kenny? It feels good to tell the truth, doesnt it?
Ken Whitman
3/12, 6:56am
Ken Whitman
If i do have them and tell - I lose it
Sufflatus Lorem
3/12, 6:56am
Sufflatus Lorem
No you dont. They dont exist.
Just like Pencil Dice. They dont exist.
Ken Whitman
3/12, 6:57am
Ken Whitman
Ok - so...
follow the logic
Sufflatus Lorem
3/12, 6:57am
Sufflatus Lorem
What logic, Kenny?
Ken Whitman
3/12, 6:57am
Ken Whitman
if I dont have them.... it dosent make a difference
Sufflatus Lorem
3/12, 6:57am
Sufflatus Lorem
You cant logic your way out of this?
Ken Whitman
3/12, 6:57am
Ken Whitman
If I do have them and tell... I dont have the money
Sufflatus Lorem
3/12, 6:57am
Sufflatus Lorem
Tell the truth. Be a man. Stand up and admit what you did.
Ken Whitman
3/12, 6:58am
Ken Whitman
My councel wont let me post til Im done
Sufflatus Lorem
3/12, 6:58am
Sufflatus Lorem
Right now, you're ignoring people you took money from and made promises too.
That isnt the right thing to do in any way.
Ken Whitman
3/12, 6:58am
Ken Whitman
dude are you retarded
Sufflatus Lorem
3/12, 6:58am
Sufflatus Lorem
Bullshit,. You have no counsel.
And you're a liar.
But, more insults! That'll make things better!
Ken Whitman
3/12, 6:59am
Ken Whitman
Yeah, because i tell you I cant say anything or I lose funding
yet you insist I say somthing
Sufflatus Lorem
3/12, 6:59am
Sufflatus Lorem
Thats a flat out lie. There are no secret helpers.
You just cant admit you screwed up and are afraid of admitting it.
You cant face the people you ripped off.
Ken Whitman
3/12, 7:00am
Ken Whitman
lets see
Sufflatus Lorem
3/12, 7:00am
Sufflatus Lorem
You've always had a problem with the truth, Kenny.
Tell your backers what happened to the money. What you did with it.
Details. I'm sure you kept records and receipts.
Instead, you show your disdain to the backers by lying to them and ignoring them.
Ken Whitman
3/12, 7:02am
Ken Whitman
If your wrong and I tell you ... Im lieing
If I lie and tell you your right... Im lieing
If I am lying and admnit it.... Im not lying
Sufflatus Lorem
3/12, 7:02am
Sufflatus Lorem
Then, you whine and complain and insult them when they call you on your bullshit.
For once in your life, find your balls and admit the truth and back it up.
Ken Whitman
3/12, 7:02am
Ken Whitman
so the ONLY way I can not be lying is by telling you Im lying and dont have anyone
The problem is I have people
So Im fucked - I cant win here
Sufflatus Lorem
3/12, 7:03am
Sufflatus Lorem
Nope. The only way you can prove you arent lying is to back up your statements with conformable facts.
You have noone.
Ken Whitman
3/12, 7:03am
Ken Whitman
you tell me your name
Sufflatus Lorem
3/12, 7:03am
Sufflatus Lorem
No one is helping you, no one is backing you.
Ken Whitman
3/12, 7:03am
Ken Whitman
I will give you confimable facts
Sufflatus Lorem
3/12, 7:03am
Sufflatus Lorem
You first, Kenny. You';re the one whos been lying about all this.
Ken Whitman
3/12, 7:03am
Ken Whitman
scots honor
Sufflatus Lorem
3/12, 7:03am
Sufflatus Lorem
Ken Whitman
3/12, 7:04am
Ken Whitman
Im not telling a nameless person anything
are you retarded
Sufflatus Lorem
3/12, 7:04am
Sufflatus Lorem
You arent telling anyone anything because there is nothing to tell.
Ken Whitman
3/12, 7:04am
Ken Whitman
No - im not telling a person who is too chicken shit to tell me their name a damn thing
Sufflatus Lorem
3/12, 7:05am
Sufflatus Lorem
Put up or shut up, Kenny. Youve always been a whiner when people see though your bullshit.
Ken Whitman
3/12, 7:06am
Ken Whitman
I dont devulge secrets to masked men with a Nopolian complex
Sufflatus Lorem
3/12, 7:06am
Sufflatus Lorem
You cant even tell the backers that you have help?
Ken Whitman
3/12, 7:06am
Ken Whitman
Not if I want money
Sufflatus Lorem
3/12, 7:07am
Sufflatus Lorem
Your secret help doesnt want anyone to know they exist?
Ken Whitman
3/12, 7:07am
Ken Whitman
not at this time - no
Sufflatus Lorem
3/12, 7:07am
Sufflatus Lorem
Then why tell me they exist, Kenny?
Ken Whitman
3/12, 7:07am
Ken Whitman
Incase it all goes bad - they can walk away
Sufflatus Lorem
3/12, 7:07am
Sufflatus Lorem
Wheres the logic in telling me anything?
Ken Whitman
3/12, 7:07am
Ken Whitman
Because you asked
Sufflatus Lorem
3/12, 7:08am
Sufflatus Lorem
People have been asking you for updates for months, Kenny. That shit doesn't fly. You've logged onto Kickstarter, and you ignore everyone.
Try again.
Or come clean and tell the truth.
Ken Whitman
3/12, 7:09am
Ken Whitman
Those people
Stay on kickstarter
You hunted me down on facebook and on youtube
Sufflatus Lorem
3/12, 7:09am
Sufflatus Lorem
And they ask you questions.
Ken Whitman
3/12, 7:09am
Ken Whitman
Those people are complaining lawfully
You are comiting a felony
so i wanted to know my enemy
Sufflatus Lorem
3/12, 7:10am
Sufflatus Lorem
If you answered people's questions on Kickstarter, they wouldnt have to ask those questions on other sites.
Ken Whitman
3/12, 7:10am
Ken Whitman
But you have invaded my personal space - my privacy
Sufflatus Lorem
3/12, 7:10am
Sufflatus Lorem
Oh, Kenny. just come clean and tell the truth.
Ken Whitman
3/12, 7:10am
Ken Whitman
so I want to giveyou the time you are demanding
Sufflatus Lorem
3/12, 7:10am
Sufflatus Lorem
Personal? On Facebook? HAHAHA!
Also, taking people's money is very personal.
Your backers have the right to know what's going on. They paid for that.
Ken Whitman
3/12, 7:11am
Ken Whitman
You hunted down - unrelated sites - and attacked me there - causeing damange to my livelyhood
Which is illegal
Sufflatus Lorem
3/12, 7:12am
Sufflatus Lorem
Your backers are screaming for answers. You are too chickenshit to answer them;
Ken Whitman
3/12, 7:12am
Ken Whitman
so, I want to get to know the person who thinks
they are above the law
Sufflatus Lorem
3/12, 7:13am
Sufflatus Lorem
"Don't hesitate to request information from a creator. You can always reach out before pledging via the "Contact me" button on the project page." - Kickstarter Basics.
Ken Whitman
3/12, 7:13am
Ken Whitman
I understand your concerns about my backers
Thats not what Im talking about
Sufflatus Lorem
3/12, 7:13am
Sufflatus Lorem
People - backers - have asked you repeatedly for information, and you ignore them.
Ignore them.
What type of man ignores his responsibilities? Ken Whitman does!
What kind og man whines when called on his bullshit? Ken Whitman does!
What kind of man takes money, makes promises, then disappears? Ken Whitman does!
Ken Whitman
3/12, 7:14am
Ken Whitman
I am wondering who this person is that thinks they can break the law and come after me and cause me finacial harm
Sufflatus Lorem
3/12, 7:14am
Sufflatus Lorem
Do you see a pattern?
Ken Whitman cares nothing for his backers.
Ken Whitman
3/12, 7:14am
Ken Whitman
Yes, i do see a pattern
A pattern of a cyberbully
Im done talking about my problems, I want to talk about yours
Sufflatus Lorem
3/12, 7:15am
Sufflatus Lorem
What kind of man whines when people calls him on his bullshit?
Ken Whitman
3/12, 7:16am
Ken Whitman
What kind of man come into my business and takes money off my table so I cant eat?
Sufflatus Lorem
3/12, 7:16am
Sufflatus Lorem
Tell your backers you're working on things. You dont need to give details or even mention your 'secret help.'
But, you cant even do that.
Ken Whitman
3/12, 7:16am
Ken Whitman
Who trys to destroy somone on their own, NOT using the court system?
Sufflatus Lorem
3/12, 7:16am
Sufflatus Lorem
What kind of man takes $120,000 and then disappears?
You made promises, Kenny. Keep them.
Ken Whitman
3/12, 7:17am
Ken Whitman
Well lets let the court system figure that out?
Sufflatus Lorem
3/12, 7:17am
Sufflatus Lorem
Answer questions on Kickstarter and people wont have to ask them elsewhere.
Ken Whitman
3/12, 7:17am
Ken Whitman
I don't have to
Sufflatus Lorem
3/12, 7:17am
Sufflatus Lorem
A real man wouldnt ignore his Kickstarter backers after taking their hard-earned money.
Ken Whitman
3/12, 7:18am
Ken Whitman
a real man who not be a chicken shit and use a fake name
Sufflatus Lorem
3/12, 7:18am
Sufflatus Lorem
You dont have to answer questions from your backers?
Ken Whitman
3/12, 7:18am
Ken Whitman
so dont leture me on a real man
Sufflatus Lorem
3/12, 7:18am
Sufflatus Lorem
A real man who isn't chickenshit will own his mistakes, and not hide behind the apron strings of 'secret help.' and 'counsel'
Ken Whitman
3/12, 7:18am
Ken Whitman
you use a fake name because you know what you are doing is illegal
Sufflatus Lorem
3/12, 7:18am
Sufflatus Lorem
I never said I was a man
Ken Whitman
3/12, 7:19am
Ken Whitman
dosent make a diffence
Sufflatus Lorem
3/12, 7:19am
Sufflatus Lorem
You run away and ignore your backers and abandon your kickstarters.
Ken Whitman
3/12, 7:19am
Ken Whitman
You hid e behind a fake name
Sufflatus Lorem
3/12, 7:19am
Sufflatus Lorem
You took 120,000 dollars. Took it, and left them in the dust.
Ken Whitman
3/12, 7:19am
Ken Whitman
at least people know who I am and where I am
Sufflatus Lorem
3/12, 7:19am
Sufflatus Lorem
You lied about shipping, progress, fulfillment.
You cannot deny anything I have said.
Ken Whitman
3/12, 7:20am
Ken Whitman
No I took 120k and spent it on creating product whic cost me double that
Sufflatus Lorem
3/12, 7:20am
Sufflatus Lorem
So, you have to attack the messenger. Typical whining Kenny.
Ken Whitman
3/12, 7:20am
Ken Whitman
Who died
and appointed you messenger
Sufflatus Lorem
3/12, 7:20am
Sufflatus Lorem
You're a bad businessman and cant be trusted with other people's money.
Ken Whitman
3/12, 7:20am
Ken Whitman
You have NO RIGHT to be the messenger
Sufflatus Lorem
3/12, 7:21am
Sufflatus Lorem
I have every right to speak to what you did, and tell others.
Ken Whitman
3/12, 7:21am
Ken Whitman
in the USA the court system is the messenger
Sufflatus Lorem
3/12, 7:21am
Sufflatus Lorem
Nullshit. Free speech, baby!
Ken Whitman
3/12, 7:21am
Ken Whitman
You have the right to yell fire in a crowded theater
You will also suffer the conceqences
Sufflatus Lorem
3/12, 7:21am
Sufflatus Lorem
If there is a fire, I can.
Ken Whitman
3/12, 7:22am
Ken Whitman
No, you can yell it if thers not a fire
Sufflatus Lorem
3/12, 7:22am
Sufflatus Lorem
And theres a fire here, and its named Kenny Whitman.
Ken Whitman
3/12, 7:22am
Ken Whitman
see theres the problem
Sufflatus Lorem
3/12, 7:22am
Sufflatus Lorem
I can always tell the truth.
Ken Whitman
3/12, 7:22am
Ken Whitman
there is no fire
I have a clean record, no felonies, no mistaminers
Sufflatus Lorem
3/12, 7:22am
Sufflatus Lorem
There is, Kenny. Its your Kickstarters.
Ken Whitman
3/12, 7:23am
Ken Whitman
No one has proven shit
all speculation
Sufflatus Lorem
3/12, 7:23am
Sufflatus Lorem
Just taking 120,000 dollars and not fulfilling your Kickstarters.
Ken Whitman
3/12, 7:23am
Ken Whitman
what does TAKEN mean
Sufflatus Lorem
3/12, 7:23am
Sufflatus Lorem
That is completely true. You took the money, you ran, and you ignore your backers.
Ken Whitman
3/12, 7:23am
Ken Whitman
Did I spend 120 to produce kickstarters that are not fullfilled
Yes I did
Sufflatus Lorem
3/12, 7:23am
Sufflatus Lorem
You have broken every promise you made to your backers.
Ken Whitman
3/12, 7:24am
Ken Whitman
You make it sound like I took the money and went on vaction and played the lottery
Sufflatus Lorem
3/12, 7:24am
Sufflatus Lorem
Everything I am saying is true.
Ken Whitman
3/12, 7:24am
Ken Whitman
No, you spin it to make me sound like Im a theif
I did not steal anything
I ran out of money
Sufflatus Lorem
3/12, 7:25am
Sufflatus Lorem
You're a bad businessman. You should tell your backers that,
Instead, you tell them nothing.
Ken Whitman
3/12, 7:25am
Ken Whitman
sure will
once my councel lets me
Sufflatus Lorem
3/12, 7:25am
Sufflatus Lorem
Your nonexistent 'councel'?
Ken Whitman
3/12, 7:26am
Ken Whitman
your nonexistent fake name
Sufflatus Lorem
3/12, 7:26am
Sufflatus Lorem
At least I'm not telling you its real.
Ken Whitman
3/12, 7:26am
Ken Whitman
oh please preach to me nameless god of truth
who hides behind a fake name to commit felonies
Sufflatus Lorem
3/12, 7:26am
Sufflatus Lorem
See? I'm not lying.
Says the man who hides behind nonexistence 'secret help.'
Ken Whitman
3/12, 7:27am
Ken Whitman
If yoy think you are truthful
and righous
then why not use your real name
You have nothing to be scared of
Sufflatus Lorem
3/12, 7:27am
Sufflatus Lorem
Why dont you talk to your backers? Why did you abandon them?
Ken Whitman
3/12, 7:27am
Ken Whitman
Your truthfull and right
Sufflatus Lorem
3/12, 7:28am
Sufflatus Lorem
You have nothing to be scared of.
Ken Whitman
3/12, 7:28am
Ken Whitman
I dont have anything to be scared of
your right
You do
Sufflatus Lorem
3/12, 7:28am
Sufflatus Lorem
Do the right thing, Kenny. Talk to your backers and be truthful.
Ken Whitman
3/12, 7:28am
Ken Whitman
hide behind a fake name like a pussy
Sufflatus Lorem
3/12, 7:29am
Sufflatus Lorem
See, this isnt about me at all. Its about you and your backers.
Ken Whitman
3/12, 7:29am
Ken Whitman
little man pussy
Im done
good by puss
Sufflatus Lorem
3/12, 7:29am
Sufflatus Lorem
Attacking me just shows how pathetic you are, and how you know you've fucked up and ran away.
See ya at GenCon, Pete.
Ken Whitman
3/12, 7:29am
Ken Whitman
using a fake name makes you a puss
Sufflatus Lorem
3/12, 7:30am
Sufflatus Lorem
At least I didnt take 120,000 dollars and deliver nothing.
Ken Whitman
3/12, 7:30am
Ken Whitman
ok got it
Sufflatus Lorem
3/12, 7:30am
Sufflatus Lorem
So not even close.
Ken Whitman
3/12, 7:30am
Ken Whitman
But you know Aaron
Im getting close
Sufflatus Lorem
3/12, 7:30am
Sufflatus Lorem
I know a lot of people you know, cause I go to GenCon.
Ken Whitman
3/12, 7:31am
Ken Whitman
well #1
Sufflatus Lorem
3/12, 7:31am
Sufflatus Lorem
So, I'm one of 65,000 people. You're narrowing it down.
Ken Whitman
3/12, 7:31am
Ken Whitman
Kickstarter takes 10%
Sufflatus Lorem
3/12, 7:31am
Sufflatus Lorem
Dont tell me - tell your backers.
Ken Whitman
3/12, 7:31am
Ken Whitman
So never was 120k
Sufflatus Lorem
3/12, 7:31am
Sufflatus Lorem
Also, I havent added in the other kickstarters.
Ken Whitman
3/12, 7:31am
Ken Whitman
no no
your smart
Sufflatus Lorem
3/12, 7:31am
Sufflatus Lorem
You knwo - all six of the that 'd20 Entertainment' did.
Ken Whitman
3/12, 7:32am
Ken Whitman
Im just making sure Im keeping up with you
Im starting to look up to you
I might start hiding behind a fake name
Sufflatus Lorem
3/12, 7:33am
Sufflatus Lorem
Right. You know which Kickstarters you started and didnt fulfill.
Ken Whitman
3/12, 7:33am
Ken Whitman
and cyberbully people
and commit federal crimes
Sufflatus Lorem
3/12, 7:34am
Sufflatus Lorem
Have you fulfilled any of your kickstaters at all?
Ken Whitman
3/12, 7:34am
Ken Whitman
yes, i have actualy
Sufflatus Lorem
3/12, 7:34am
Sufflatus Lorem
Which one?
Ken Whitman
3/12, 7:34am
Ken Whitman
But your all knowing, why do you have to ask
Sufflatus Lorem
3/12, 7:35am
Sufflatus Lorem
I just want to hear it from you. I want to hear one thing I can believe.
Ken Whitman
3/12, 7:35am
Ken Whitman
I told you all truthfull stuff already
which you cjose not to belive
Sufflatus Lorem
3/12, 7:35am
Sufflatus Lorem
Just look at your track record, Pete.
Ken Whitman
3/12, 7:35am
Ken Whitman
so ... why tell you more truths you chooose not to belive
Which one?
Sufflatus Lorem
3/12, 7:36am
Sufflatus Lorem
Because I want the truth. Something you dont deliver.
Ken Whitman
3/12, 7:36am
Ken Whitman
hers the truth
the state of GA is coming for ya
Sufflatus Lorem
3/12, 7:37am
Sufflatus Lorem
There are still people who have not gotten their stuff from the Knight's Quest kickstarter.
Ken Whitman
3/12, 7:38am
Ken Whitman
and your a pussy
Sufflatus Lorem
3/12, 7:38am
Sufflatus Lorem
Your record in fulfilling Kickstarters is not very good.
And back to the insults.
Showing you cant tell the truth at all.
Ken Whitman
3/12, 7:38am
Ken Whitman
a nameless spinless pussy who hides behind a fake name dolling out illegal justice
lil man
Sufflatus Lorem
3/12, 7:39am
Sufflatus Lorem
As opposed to someone who cant fulfill a kickstarter and instead insults anyone who questions him about them>
Real mature, Petey.
Ken Whitman
3/12, 7:40am
Ken Whitman
LOL - you spelled it wrong
Sufflatus Lorem
3/12, 7:40am
Sufflatus Lorem
Says the man who cant spell.
Ken Whitman
3/12, 7:40am
Ken Whitman
yes, but I dont hide behind fake names like a spinless pussy
Sufflatus Lorem
3/12, 7:41am
Sufflatus Lorem
Nope, you just take 120,000 dollars and dont fulfill your promises.
But, we all know that, dont we?
Ken Whitman
3/12, 7:41am
Ken Whitman
who we, you goy a turd in your pocket
Sufflatus Lorem
3/12, 7:41am
Sufflatus Lorem
I mean, rally, Pete? Thats the only insult you can think of?
Not very creative at all. Merely vulgar.
Ken Whitman
3/12, 7:42am
Ken Whitman
no, I have a lot better
Sufflatus Lorem
3/12, 7:42am
Sufflatus Lorem
Yes, Kenny, you know exactly what you have done.
Yes - Ken Whitman customer service. If you have a problem with his business, he'll insult you.
Ken Whitman
3/12, 7:43am
Ken Whitman
well, at least im man enough to do it to your face
Sufflatus Lorem
3/12, 7:43am
Sufflatus Lorem
Or ignore you.
Either way, he has your money, and you get nothing.
Ken Whitman
3/12, 7:43am
Ken Whitman
nope, ill ignore you to your face also
Sufflatus Lorem
3/12, 7:43am
Sufflatus Lorem
Really? You're pulling an Internet Tough Guy on me?
And if I was in your face, what would you do?
Ken Whitman
3/12, 7:44am
Ken Whitman
Have you arrested
Sufflatus Lorem
3/12, 7:44am
Sufflatus Lorem
For what? Telling the truth?
Ken Whitman
3/12, 7:44am
Ken Whitman
no for coming to my place of residence or work and causing me to lose business
you INTENTION is to harm me
Sufflatus Lorem
3/12, 7:45am
Sufflatus Lorem
I havent come into your place of business. I havent even seen you since last GenCon.
Ken Whitman
3/12, 7:45am
Ken Whitman
Sufflatus Lorem
3/12, 7:45am
Sufflatus Lorem
My intention is to warn people about your unfulfillment of Kickstarters.
They make their own decisions.
Ken Whitman
3/12, 7:46am
Ken Whitman
you don't get to do that on unrelated websites
Sufflatus Lorem
3/12, 7:46am
Sufflatus Lorem
You made this mess, Kenny. You clean it up.
I get to do that in any public space. Free speech, baby.
Ken Whitman
3/12, 7:46am
Ken Whitman
thats what your missing retard
Sufflatus Lorem
3/12, 7:46am
Sufflatus Lorem
You dont get to hide behind a new name and expect all of that to go away.
Ken Whitman
3/12, 7:46am
Ken Whitman
your yelling fire in a crowed theater when ther is no fire
Sufflatus Lorem
3/12, 7:47am
Sufflatus Lorem
There is a fire.
Ken Whitman
3/12, 7:47am
Ken Whitman
no - no there is not
thats why your stupid
and why your going top have a felony
Sufflatus Lorem
3/12, 7:47am
Sufflatus Lorem
So, all your Kickstarters have been fulfilled?
Ken Whitman
3/12, 7:47am
Ken Whitman
and im cool with punishing stupid people
Sufflatus Lorem
3/12, 7:47am
Sufflatus Lorem
Ken Whitman - the broken record.
Ken Whitman
3/12, 7:48am
Ken Whitman
your IQ bearly scratches 100 my friend
Sufflatus Lorem
3/12, 7:48am
Sufflatus Lorem
Whats my IP, Kenny?
I know you havent fulfilled your kickstarters.
Thats all thats important to this mess. A mess you created.
Ken Whitman
3/12, 7:49am
Ken Whitman
I know you hide behind a fake account becuase your a pussy and know what you are doing is wrong
Sufflatus Lorem
3/12, 7:49am
Sufflatus Lorem
Not fulfilling kickstarters is wrong, too.
Ken Whitman
3/12, 7:50am
Ken Whitman
not Illegal
just wrong
Sufflatus Lorem
3/12, 7:50am
Sufflatus Lorem
Ignoring your nackers is wrong.
Ken Whitman
3/12, 7:50am
Ken Whitman
what your doing is illegal
Sufflatus Lorem
3/12, 7:50am
Sufflatus Lorem
So, you admit you are doing wrong? And you're okay with that?
Ken Whitman
3/12, 7:50am
Ken Whitman
you can serve jail time
I might have to go bankrupt
Sufflatus Lorem
3/12, 7:50am
Sufflatus Lorem
Ken Whitman Admits He's Doing Wrong, and Wont Change It!
You made this mess, Kenny. You clean it up.
Ken Whitman
3/12, 7:51am
Ken Whitman
See I am smart I have a backup plan.
You are not so smart, you go to jail
spinless hide behind a fake account pussy
Sufflatus Lorem
3/12, 7:52am
Sufflatus Lorem
Maybe, if you actually were truthful with your backers, and didnt insult them then disappear, things would be different. They'd understand and try to help, because they believed in you and wanted you to succeed.
You shat all over that, didnt you?
Your mess, Kenny. You get to deal with it.
Ken Whitman
3/12, 7:53am
Ken Whitman
Look, nameless pussy - go away
Sufflatus Lorem
3/12, 7:53am
Sufflatus Lorem
You. Made. This. Mess.
All you gotta do is block me.
Ken Whitman
3/12, 7:54am
Ken Whitman
I have enough text here - so when GA find you - your toste
my mission is done
you addmited to your felonies
Sufflatus Lorem
3/12, 7:54am
Sufflatus Lorem
You poor deluded fool. Your knowledge of law is as good as your business sense.
Ken Whitman
3/12, 7:54am
Ken Whitman
ha ha ha
you poor deluted fool - I know GA law
Sufflatus Lorem
3/12, 7:54am
Sufflatus Lorem
Keep telling yourself lies, Pete. You're so good at it.
No, you dont.
Ken Whitman
3/12, 7:55am
Ken Whitman
and you know this....
Sufflatus Lorem
3/12, 7:55am
Sufflatus Lorem
You cant even tell me the statute I'm supposedly breaking.
Ken Whitman
3/12, 7:55am
Ken Whitman
do you know law?
Sufflatus Lorem
3/12, 7:55am
Sufflatus Lorem
Actually, I do.
Ken Whitman
3/12, 7:55am
Ken Whitman
you do
well then
Sufflatus Lorem
3/12, 7:56am
Sufflatus Lorem
But, Its a beautiful morning, and I have nothign else to do.
Yeah, that wont help you identify me. I am not employed as a lawyer.
Nor do I practice.
Nor do I give legal advice.
Nor do I try to convimce people they've committed a felony when they havent.
So, if you have a statute, I'll read it, But, you dont.
Ken Whitman
3/12, 8:02am
Ken Whitman
Google Scholar
James C. Rawls, Eric Peter Schroeder, Powell, Goldstein, Frazer & Murphy, L.L.P.; Jeffrey O. Bramlett, Boudurant, Mixon & Elmore; David E. Hudson, Hull, Towill, Norman, Barrett & Salley; Jamie Nordhaus Shipp, King & Spalding, Atlanta, Amici Appellants.
Ken Whitman
3/12, 8:09am
Ken Whitman
Last updated: July 23, 2011
ß 16-5-90. Stalking; psychological evaluation
(a)(1) A person commits the offense of stalking when he or she follows, places under surveillance, or contacts another person at or about a place or places without the consent of the other person for the purpose of harassing and intimidating the other person. For the purpose of this article, the terms "computer" and "computer network" shall have the same meanings as set out in Code Section 16-9-92; the term "contact" shall mean any communication including without being limited to communication in person, by telephone, by mail, by broadcast, by computer, by computer network, or by any other electronic device; and the place or places that contact by telephone, mail, broadcast, computer, computer network, or any other electronic device is deemed to occur shall be the place or places where such communication is received. For the purpose of this article, the term "place or places" shall include any public or private property occupied by the victim other than the residence of the defendant. For the purposes of this article, the term "harassing and intimidating" means a knowing and willful course of conduct directed at a specific person which causes emotional distress by placing such person in reasonable fear for such person's safety or the safety of a member of his or her immediate family, by establishing a pattern of harassing and intimidating behavior, and which serves no legitimate purpose. This Code section shall not be construed to require that an overt threat of death or bodily injury has been made.
(2) A person commits the offense of stalking when such person, in violation of a bond to keep the peace posted pursuant to Code Section 17-6-110, standing order issued under Code Section 19-1-1, temporary restraining order, temporary protective order, permanent restraining order, permanent protective order, preliminary injunction, or permanent injunction or condition of pretrial release, condition of probation, or condition of parole in effect prohibiting the harassment or intimidation of another person, broadcasts or publishes, including electronic publication, the picture, name, address, or phone number of a person for whose benefit the bond, order, or condition was made and without such person's consent in such a manner that causes other persons to harass or intimidate such person and the person making the broadcast or publication knew or had reason to believe that such broadcast or publication would cause such person to be harassed or intimidated by others.
Additional information that can be posted on the site:
(b) Except as provided in subsection (c) of this Code section, a person who commits the offense of stalking is guilty of a misdemeanor.
(c) Upon the second conviction, and all subsequent convictions, for stalking, the defendant shall be guilty of a felony and shall be punished by imprisonment for not less than one year nor more than ten years.
(d) Before sentencing a defendant for any conviction of stalking under this Code section or aggravated stalking under Code Section 16-5-91, the sentencing judge may require psychological evaluation of the offender and shall consider the entire criminal record of the offender. At the time of sentencing, the judge is authorized to issue a permanent restraining order against the offender to protect the person stalked and the members of such person's immediate family, and the judge is authorized to require psychological treatment of the offender as a part of the sentence, or as a condition for suspension or stay of sentence, or for probation.
HISTORY: Code 1981, ß 16-5-90, enacted by Ga. L. 1993, p. 1534, ß 1; Ga. L. 1998, p. 885, ß 1; Ga. L. 2000, p. 1283, ß 1.
Ken Whitman
3/12, 8:11am
Ken Whitman
Stalking is a misdemeanor in Georgia. (Ga. Code Ann. ß 16-5-90.) A person convicted of misdemeanor stalking in Georgia faces a jail sentence of up to 12 months, a fine of up to $1,000, or both. (Ga. Code Ann. ß 17-10-3.)
Ken Whitman
3/12, 8:14am
Ken Whitman
OH and this one ....
47 U.S.C. 223 ñ This has more broad definitions ñ ie it includes harassment as well as threats ñ but it only covers when a person (not using their name) harasses another directly. Therefore, it would not help for those that unknowingly dupe others into harassing their victim (through Internet trolling and other methods.)
Ken Whitman
3/12, 8:14am
Ken Whitman
So, thanks for helping me out - Im sure to press charges
47 U.S.C. 223
47 U.S.C. 223
47 U.S.C. 223
47 U.S.C. 223
47 U.S.C. 223
47 U.S.C. 223
47 U.S.C. 223
Look that one up
Sufflatus Lorem
3/12, 4:03pm
Sufflatus Lorem
Oh, Kenny, you fail again.
"by placing such person in reasonable fear for such person's safety or the safety of a member of his or her immediate family, by establishing a pattern of harassing and intimidating behavior, and which serves no legitimate purpose."
Are you in fear of your immediate safety from my posts?
Warning people of your lack of business ethics is a legitimate behavior.
So, fail.
Section 223 applies only to direct communications between the perpetrator and the victim. Thus, it would not reach a cyberstalking situation where a person harasses or terrorizes another person by posting messages on a bulletin board or in a chat room encouraging others to harass or annoy another person. Moreover, Section 223 is only a misdemeanor, punishable by not more than two years in prison.
Is this like that time you threatened to sue RPG.Net?
And remember - you started this conversation. You contacted me.
State and Federal Stalking Laws
Although stalking has been a problem for many years, only in this decade has it received adequate attention from lawmakers, policy officials, and law enforcement agencies. In 1990, California became the first state to enact a specific stalking law. Since that time, all 50 states and the District ofÖ
Ken Whitman
3/12, 4:08pm
Ken Whitman
What an idot you are
"by posting messages on a bulletin board or in a chat room encouraging others to harass or annoy another person."
You think this is about you
This is about Jolly
When Jolly goes to jail for over 27 accounts of "encouraging others to harass or annoy another person"
By posting my WEBSITE - thats you harrassed me on
You think your the only pussy who hides behind a faceless name
47 U.S.C. 223
(C) makes a telephone call or utilizes a telecommunications device, whether or not conversation or communication ensues, without disclosing his identity and with intent to abuse, threaten, or harass any specific person;
Thats you!
Sufflatus Lorem
3/12, 4:18pm
Sufflatus Lorem
"Section 223 applies only to direct communications between the perpetrator and the victim. Thus, it would not reach a cyberstalking situation where a person harasses or terrorizes another person by posting messages on a bulletin board or in a chat room encouraging others to harass or annoy another person."
Wow - you cant read at all, can you?
Also - are you saying Jolly is going to jail?
Ken Whitman
3/12, 4:24pm
Ken Whitman
Cyberbullying is the use of cell phones, instant messaging, e-mail, chat rooms or social networking sites such as Facebook and Twitter to harass, threaten or intimidate someone. Cyberbullying is often done by children, who have increasingly early access to these technologies.
according to this your a child
oh look you!
Ken Whitman
3/12, 4:27pm
Ken Whitman
The Bullies
Individuals who embarrass, attack or start rumors about others through the use of technological devices may have once been bullied. They may always seem to be on the phone or computer, have several social media accounts at one time and hide these from parents or other authority figures. They may use cyberbullying to attack their victims as it is an easy and anonymous form of bullying.
Ken Whitman
3/12, 4:28pm
Ken Whitman
interestingly, I have already reported you to the FBI and my local police
So keep thinking your safe
and you a JUSt like a delusion super hero
I WILL take you down
No real name - hiding behind your fake name - bad move on your part
Ken Whitman
3/12, 4:35pm
Ken Whitman
ohhhhhhhh - you make my life interesting
There is a fine line between protector and bully
and you have crossed the line several times
can wait to make an example out of you
Sufflatus Lorem
3/12, 4:51pm
Sufflatus Lorem
Where are people's Pencil Dice, Ken?
Where is KoDT, or Spinward Traveller?
Why aren't you working on fulfilling your Kickstarters, Ken?
Why are you googling about law when you cant actually understand it?
Sufflatus Lorem
3/12, 4:53pm
Sufflatus Lorem
And, when it comes to being a bully - wow, Ken. Seriously - anyone who's known you for as long as I have knows you're a bully whenever someone questions you or calls you on your shit.
It takes a big man to threaten people who disagree with you. You're such a big man, aren't you, Kenny boy?
Sufflatus Lorem
3/12, 4:54pm
Sufflatus Lorem
Say hi to the Washington state AG. He's prosecuted one Kickstarter fraud. I'm pretty sure he'll be prosecuting another one soon.
Ken Whitman
3/12, 5:02pm
Ken Whitman
Fraud = Intent
the guy took the money and walked away
I spent the money on producting the product
I ran out of money
No intent = no fraud
that all you got little man
Sufflatus Lorem
3/12, 5:52pm
Sufflatus Lorem
And no one got their product.
It seems that the Washington state AG believe that there's enough to investigate. Huh.
Sufflatus Lorem
3/12, 5:56pm
Sufflatus Lorem
But, really, Kenny, why don't you man up, grab your balls, and just face your backers and tell them the truth for once?
I mean, instead of whining about how its all a misunderstanding and people should just wait and this time you'll finish it it, you promise!
Because whining and blaming everyone else and not accepting your actions is not the way a man does things - its the way a whiny little bitch boy does thing.
Also - you message me, privately, and insulted me. Many times. Isn't that harassment? Aren't you guilty of doing that to me?
But, of course, Kenny never does anything wrong. He whines that it's all someone else's fault.
Which is exactly what you will say back to me. :You stated it" or "I'm not harassing you" or you'll just ignore it.
Sufflatus Lorem
3/12, 6:32pm
Sufflatus Lorem
By the way, how's Ed doing?
Ken Whitman
3/12, 6:58pm
Ken Whitman
Well, #1 - I dont know who you are
So, you cant harras a no named person
Ed Krammer?
LOL, i guess he's ok.
Yeah, I stayed with him for a week or so till I got settled down here. I stop in from time to time to talk with him.
What I think funny is that you believe you know whats going on Napoleon
your intel is 6 months out of date
So, how big is your dick 4"
can you satisfy a woman?
Have you ever had a date?
Or if your a chick, I bet your lonley
Or worst off, had to have Kids to grow people that will tolerate you. Don't worry they will run from you.
your a sad sack of shit hiding behind you fake name.
Now take your sorry cunt or cock and go play with yourself in the corner.
Ken Whitman
3/12, 7:15pm
Ken Whitman
Masterbate thinking about me
which you already do
you ate just a pimple on my ass lil man
I think Ill call you lil'C
For little cock or little cunt
C covers you best
Sufflatus Lorem
3/12, 7:38pm
Sufflatus Lorem
Damn, Kenny. You are a complete vulgarian. You kiss your mother with that mouth?
I mean, you're the one who hasn't fulfilled your Kickstarters, yet you decide to insult me and make it all about me.
Keep whining, Kenny boy. But, its what you do best.
Ken Whitman
3/12, 7:41pm
Ken Whitman
No I kiss your mother with my mouth
Sufflatus Lorem
3/12, 7:41pm
Sufflatus Lorem
Nope, couldnt be you. My mother likes men.
Not people who hang out with convicted child molesters and all.
Ken Whitman
3/12, 7:42pm
Ken Whitman
You mother likes my cock
Sufflatus Lorem
3/12, 7:42pm
Sufflatus Lorem
Do you always insult people who tell the truth about you like that? Thats your only defense?
Hows that secret help like that?
Ken Whitman
3/12, 7:42pm
Ken Whitman
Oh wait convicted? Please show me!
Sufflatus Lorem
3/12, 7:43pm
Sufflatus Lorem
Your secret nonexistent help, that is.
Ken Whitman
3/12, 7:43pm
Ken Whitman
accused, yes. Convited. No.
Unlike you, I deal in facts
Sufflatus Lorem
3/12, 7:44pm
Sufflatus Lorem
Damn, kenny. Youre behind the times.
DragonConÃs Ed Kramer Pleads Guilty To Child Molestation Charges; DA Predicts ìWeÃll Have Him In...
Back in February Deadline went behind the boycott of popular Atlanta sci-fi convention DragonCon, whose co-founder Ed Kramer avoided trial on child molestation charges for over a decade while receiÖ
Sufflatus Lorem
3/12, 7:44pm
Sufflatus Lorem
"This morning in Gwinnett County, GA, the embattled Kramer pleaded guilty to three counts of child molestation and was sentenced to 34 months under house arrest "
So, theres your facts.
You hang with a child molester, Kenny. Deal with it.
FACTS, Kenny. Not your delusions.
Ken Whitman
3/12, 7:46pm
Ken Whitman
Hey heres a well know fact, DA Danny Porter, they guy after him is in the KKK and hates jews.
Sufflatus Lorem
3/12, 7:47pm
Sufflatus Lorem
Thats why Eddie pleaded guilty? HAHAHAHA!
Oh, Kenny. Its always someone else's fault.
Your friend is a child molester, and you defended him.
FACTS, Kenny.
Ken Whitman
3/12, 7:48pm
Ken Whitman
well, I put 2 gallons of cum down your moms throat and you dad video taped it and beat off to us in the corner.
Just saying Nameless lil'C
Sufflatus Lorem
3/12, 7:49pm
Sufflatus Lorem
As always, your defense is an insult.
And a lie.
Ken Whitman
3/12, 7:49pm
Ken Whitman
Not an insult, wondering if your my child
Sufflatus Lorem
3/12, 7:49pm
Sufflatus Lorem
Standard Ken Whitman(TM) defense.
Ken Whitman
3/12, 7:50pm
Ken Whitman
Assholes bread assholes
Sufflatus Lorem
3/12, 7:50pm
Sufflatus Lorem
Insult insult insult!
Oh, Kenny, you so funny. And entertaining.
Ken Whitman
3/12, 7:50pm
Ken Whitman
and you know what, I would say it to your face, and you would know it was me
But you, have no balls to do so
Sufflatus Lorem
3/12, 7:50pm
Sufflatus Lorem
Ken Whitman
3/12, 7:50pm
Ken Whitman
your a spinless peice of shit
Sufflatus Lorem
3/12, 7:51pm
Sufflatus Lorem
See ya at GenCon, Kenny boy?
Ken Whitman
3/12, 7:51pm
Ken Whitman
hiding behind your names account
Sufflatus Lorem
3/12, 7:51pm
Sufflatus Lorem
Or do you solve all your problems with assault?
Go ahead - tell me what you'd do to me if you saw me.
Ken Whitman
3/12, 7:51pm
Ken Whitman
Nope - if you tell me who you are I would solve it leagely
But your afraid of that
Sufflatus Lorem
3/12, 7:51pm
Sufflatus Lorem
You wont even message your backers. Youre a complete wuss, Kenny boy.
Ken Whitman
3/12, 7:51pm
Ken Whitman
cause you know i would win
Sufflatus Lorem
3/12, 7:51pm
Sufflatus Lorem
Ken Whitman
3/12, 7:52pm
Ken Whitman
dont think so
Sufflatus Lorem
3/12, 7:52pm
Sufflatus Lorem
Ken Whitman
3/12, 7:52pm
Ken Whitman
lets do this civilly
Sufflatus Lorem
3/12, 7:52pm
Sufflatus Lorem
Child molester defender.
Ken Whitman
3/12, 7:52pm
Ken Whitman
The guy with no name and hids begind a keyboard calls me COWARD
Sufflatus Lorem
3/12, 7:52pm
Sufflatus Lorem
You kicked civility out the window already.
Ken Whitman
3/12, 7:52pm
Ken Whitman
and and buy the way, your mom is a dead fuck
Sufflatus Lorem
3/12, 7:52pm
Sufflatus Lorem
You wont even message your backers.
What civility you show.
Ken Whitman
3/12, 7:53pm
Ken Whitman
She did moan alot
Sufflatus Lorem
3/12, 7:53pm
Sufflatus Lorem
What good tatse
Ken Whitman
3/12, 7:53pm
Ken Whitman
said my name over and over
just saying
Sufflatus Lorem
3/12, 7:53pm
Sufflatus Lorem
You are a coward, a thief, a liar, and a true vulgarian.
Ken Whitman
3/12, 7:54pm
Ken Whitman
you hid behind a fake account
Sufflatus Lorem
3/12, 7:54pm
Sufflatus Lorem
Kenny, you should think of trying to tell the truth for once.
Ken Whitman
3/12, 7:54pm
Ken Whitman
and call me a coward
Sufflatus Lorem
3/12, 7:54pm
Sufflatus Lorem
Ken Whitman
3/12, 7:54pm
Ken Whitman
I am telling you this shit to you face
Sufflatus Lorem
3/12, 7:54pm
Sufflatus Lorem
Ken Whitman
3/12, 7:54pm
Ken Whitman
and will in public also
Sufflatus Lorem
3/12, 7:54pm
Sufflatus Lorem
You dont have the balls to tell me what you really think.
Ken Whitman
3/12, 7:54pm
Ken Whitman
show ME a record of convition
My record is SPOTLESS
Sufflatus Lorem
3/12, 7:55pm
Sufflatus Lorem
You're a cheap conman, Kenny.
Ken Whitman
3/12, 7:55pm
Ken Whitman
You a faceless cum guzzing dick sucker who hides behind a fake account
Sufflatus Lorem
3/12, 7:56pm
Sufflatus Lorem
All you have is lies and failed Kickstarters.
What a poor, pathetic little whiny boy you are.
Ken Whitman
3/12, 7:57pm
Ken Whitman
You know... when I say your words you type me
I imagine a gargeling noise of the cum thats in your mouth
and it makes me smile
Sufflatus Lorem
3/12, 7:58pm
Sufflatus Lorem
I know who and what you are, Kenny. So do others.
Your insults wont change what you are, nor what you did.
Ken Whitman
3/12, 7:58pm
Ken Whitman
I know what you are
Sufflatus Lorem
3/12, 7:58pm
Sufflatus Lorem
All they do is make you look even more pathetic.
We're all laughing at you.
Ken Whitman
3/12, 7:58pm
Ken Whitman
a faceless spiness cross dresser
Sufflatus Lorem
3/12, 7:58pm
Sufflatus Lorem
Oh, my. Thats a new one.
Of course, you can prove all you just said - right? FACTS and the TURTH, Kenny.
Ken Whitman
3/12, 7:59pm
Ken Whitman
Well I imagine you like to put on womens corseets and walk around in streams
Sufflatus Lorem
3/12, 7:59pm
Sufflatus Lorem
Streams? Like waterways?
Hey, its still better than having a half dozen failed Kickstarters.
Ken Whitman
3/12, 8:00pm
Ken Whitman
No- Im just insulting you - because I feel justified saying shit to a no name spinless queer'
Sufflatus Lorem
3/12, 8:00pm
Sufflatus Lorem
And imaginary helpers.
So, you're a homophobe, too?
Ken Whitman
3/12, 8:00pm
Ken Whitman
one imaginary helper is your mom
Sufflatus Lorem
3/12, 8:00pm
Sufflatus Lorem
Ah, Kenny. You still cant stay on message, can you?
Ken Whitman
3/12, 9:33pm
Ken Whitman
Nope, Just on your mom. BTW not very tight!
Sufflatus Lorem
3/12, 9:44pm
Sufflatus Lorem
Again with the insults. Not a lot going on in that brain of yours, is there?
Like always, Kenny, your mouth doesnt know when to quit.
Ken Whitman
3/12, 10:48pm
Ken Whitman
Shit up coward
Sufflatus Lorem
3/12, 10:53pm
Sufflatus Lorem
Damn, Kenny. You just keep embarrassing yourself.
Seriously. Be a man. Face your backers. Tell them the truth.
Ken Whitman
3/12, 10:54pm
Ken Whitman
I don't take advice from faceless assholes
Sufflatus Lorem
3/12, 10:54pm
Sufflatus Lorem
Wow. Such a cowardly man. Can't even write up a message to post on Kickstarter.
So afraid...
Ken Whitman
3/12, 10:55pm
Ken Whitman
Says the person who hides behind I fake name
Sufflatus Lorem
3/12, 10:55pm
Sufflatus Lorem
Cause Kenny fragile ego cant take the heat.
Ken Whitman
3/12, 10:55pm
Ken Whitman
You can't
Sufflatus Lorem
3/12, 10:55pm
Sufflatus Lorem
Says the man who took 120,000dollars and returned nothing but silence.
I have no heat to take, Kenny. I haven't failed to deliver on a half dozen Kickstarters.
Ken Whitman
3/12, 10:56pm
Ken Whitman
Because you never done one
Sufflatus Lorem
3/12, 10:56pm
Sufflatus Lorem
Yet, I havent ripped of people to the tune of $120,000.
Ken Whitman
3/12, 10:57pm
Ken Whitman
Me either
I'm still working on it
Sufflatus Lorem
3/12, 10:57pm
Sufflatus Lorem
Doing that isnt something to brag about, Kenny..
Ken Whitman
3/12, 10:57pm
Ken Whitman
Mother fucking cock ducking
Go die in a ditch
Sufflatus Lorem
3/12, 10:57pm
Sufflatus Lorem
Tell your backers the truth. Your silence is damning.
Nope, sorry.
Talk to your backers. Stop ignoring them. You owe them.
Sufflatus Lorem
3/12, 11:16pm
Sufflatus Lorem
What about Castles and Crusades?
What about Deck Dice?
What about Pencil Dice?
What about Knights Quest?
What about RPG Pencil Dice?
There's more here than just KoDT. With Spinward Traveller, that's seven Kickstarters that you have started, and failed to deliver, or even give an update for months.
Not a successful record, I must say.
Sufflatus Lorem
3/12, 11:16pm
Sufflatus Lorem
So, some people would say looser. Some would say fraud.
You would just say something vile and vulgar to your backers.
Ken Whitman
3/12, 11:18pm
Ken Whitman
I say suck my cock you spineless hid behind a fake name dooshbag
Sufflatus Lorem
3/12, 11:19pm
Sufflatus Lorem
Such language. How is that supposed to help fulfill your Kickstarters?
Ken Whitman
3/12, 11:19pm
Ken Whitman
You mom loves my cock
Just saying
You dad love to watch me fuck her
Just saying
Sufflatus Lorem
3/12, 11:20pm
Sufflatus Lorem
Another lie from Ken Whitman.
You're just full of them, arent you?
Just sayin'
' Creator d20 Entertainment on November 1
Hey everyone, sorry for not posting sooner. Due to personal problems, I moved to Atlanta. As soon as I get settled I will make more updates. Take care.
So, three and a half months of cowardly silence.
Ken Whitman
3/12, 11:21pm
Ken Whitman
That's what your mom said, oops sorry, it was muffeled because my cock was in her mouth
Sufflatus Lorem
3/12, 11:22pm
Sufflatus Lorem
Im sorry, what does that have to do with your fraudulent Kickstarters?
Keep on topic, Kenny.
But that's hard for you. The moment things get bad, you drop the project and leave.
Ken Whitman
3/13, 12:18am
Ken Whitman
You know whats hard? My cock in your moms mouth!
Ken Whitman
3/13, 12:23am
Ken Whitman
Ken Whitman
3/13, 12:24am
Ken Whitman
Ken Whitman
3/13, 12:24am
Ken Whitman
made that for you
Now i get to see the real you
Sufflatus Lorem
3/13, 12:24am
Sufflatus Lorem
This is your answer to everything. Ignore, insult, and then make stupid memes.
No one expects anything better from you.
Ken Whitman
3/13, 12:25am
Ken Whitman
My answer to punk ass bitches that hide behind fake names
because they are afraid of geting sewed
and loosing
Sufflatus Lorem
3/13, 12:25am
Sufflatus Lorem
Don't like being called on your shit in public,m do you Kenny?
Ken Whitman
3/13, 12:26am
Ken Whitman
On my public pages - well I will have a warent to find out who you are
Sufflatus Lorem
3/13, 12:26am
Sufflatus Lorem
Like you sued RPG,net all those years ago? That was a laugh and a half.
Ken Whitman
3/13, 12:26am
Ken Whitman
and i will sue you
BUT Im sure you a broke peice of shit gammer
Sufflatus Lorem
3/13, 12:26am
Sufflatus Lorem
Ken Whitman
3/13, 12:26am
Ken Whitman
cant get blood from a turnip
Sufflatus Lorem
3/13, 12:26am
Sufflatus Lorem
"Broke peice of shit" describes you so well.
Ken Whitman
3/13, 12:26am
Ken Whitman
Byt maybe your an arogant prick with a house
Sufflatus Lorem
3/13, 12:26am
Sufflatus Lorem
Projection much, Kenny?
You've got nothing but a room with a child molester, Kenny.
Ken Whitman
3/13, 12:27am
Ken Whitman
and I can get me a couple thousand from ya
Pay for my shipping of product
Sufflatus Lorem
3/13, 12:27am
Sufflatus Lorem
Like you got 120,000 dollars from your Kickstartes, and have produced nothing but vile language and cock jokes?
Ken Whitman
3/13, 12:27am
Ken Whitman
As I said, I know ed
dont live with ed
well, you must have a small cock if it bothers you that much
Sufflatus Lorem
3/13, 12:28am
Sufflatus Lorem
Im sure you know him very well.
You bother all those people who gave you money, Kenny.
You bother them by running away from your promises.
Ken Whitman
3/13, 12:29am
Ken Whitman
Nope. Only know your moms vagina, and throat, and she has a tight asshole also, but I degress.
Sufflatus Lorem
3/13, 12:29am
Sufflatus Lorem
Run, Kenny, Run!
Ken Whitman
3/13, 12:29am
Ken Whitman
from what? You?
your the coward hiding behind a fake name lil/C
Unlike you I have friends to go deal with, take care shit for brains
Sufflatus Lorem
3/13, 12:31am
Sufflatus Lorem
This isn't about me, Kenny, its about you.
And your seven failed Kickstarters.
And you running away like a punk.
And you whining and insulting your backers.
And you lieing to them all.
And all the insults in the world wont change that.
Try not to rip them off too much, Kenny.
Ken Whitman
3/13, 12:32am
Ken Whitman
Dude you a god damn mother fucking cock sucking cum drizzling moron who hides behind a fake idenity.
You know if I knew who you were, I would take you for thosands
At least your smart thats way
still a coward, but smart
little smart man cum drizzling idot
take care loser
Sufflatus Lorem
3/13, 12:33am
Sufflatus Lorem
Have fun, Kenny.
Friday Filler: Costa Rica
Deep in the rainforests of Central America, there are many animals, both
rare and common, to be found, counted, and photographed. The common
Basilisk Liza...
53 minutes ago
I thought this could be fun.
ReplyDeleteThis is not fun.
I need a shower.
He's going for an insanity plea.
ReplyDeleteThe "other" Ken Whitman, of course.
It sounded like he might actually make some positive progress there during the first third of the talk. and DAMN that was LONG. lost part of my life there, but it was worth it.
ReplyDeleteThat is just, um, sad.
ReplyDeleteYou should've put that beneath a break, man. I had to leave your page loading and go do a load of laundry.
ReplyDeleteI've NEVER had this long of a post, so i had no idea how this would affect folks ability to load
DeleteI made the mistake of trying to read this on my phone....and now my thumb is cramped up wicked bad.
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDelete"In GA thats a Federal crime." So the Feds only care about the crime of fucking with one's "livelyhood" in Georgia, but Congress won't do anything about it elsewhere.
ReplyDeleteHoly cow! The spelling alone has my eyes bleeding.
ReplyDeleteI support the OP for going through nearly 48 hours constant communication with Whit Whitman of the Whitless Whitdom. I would need to bathe in acid followed up by playing in a field full of puppies to wipe that mess from my body.
ReplyDeleteIf we ever find out who this person is and they are at GenCon I will buy them a steak dinner as they deserve it.
I did was all, on Facebook...yeah. That's it....
"somthing something ELMORE"
Ken can think of at least four people who this guy might be. I guess they all must be out to destroy Ken.
I Am Not A Psychiatrist, but does this smell like Persecution Complex to anyone else?
Wow! I almost missed this one:
ReplyDelete"Ken Whitman
OH YEAH - and I lose all rights to them and they get all profits from future sales"
Is Ken saying that the Conspiracy that is backing him will get the profits from future sales? Yeah, no. According to Jolly, they won't.
So, Ken is either lying about having help or he is lying to them about what they get out of helping him. Either way, Ken is lying. Nothing new here.
No they won't. Ken has no rights to the dvd/distribution to sell outside of fulfillment for his Kickstarter. The only way a third party could sell the dvds/distribute them would be with a new deal with KenzerCo.
DeleteHeh.. The only "LEGAL" way would be with a new agreement. I could be wrong (probably not, but saying so anyway for the GA D.A.'s benefit - LOL) but I don't think Kenny worries too much about that sort of thing.
DeleteWe do get a new game out of this called " Where is Sufflatus Lorem?" Fifty guess till your done. lol
ReplyDeleteI'm sure the guys at Georgia Bureau of Investigation is goingto get right on that cyberbullying case for Kenny
It's Lorem Ipsum's sneaky cousin... (
DeleteI feel sorry for whoever has that phone number now. I know I was tempted to dial it to find out what would happen.
ReplyDeleteCan anyone check with ZOE to see if these statements are correct:
ReplyDelete"ZOE is color corecting" and "ZOE has finished one epiosed and needs files for the last two" and check with Marc Miller if this is correct: "no matter what when i have spinward done - mark is sending an 8TB harddrive." This might provide a glimmer of hope. BTW, if you tinker with the address on the Atlanta Actor's Marketing FB page, and play with it in Google Maps, it looks like it should be "23 Ferry Landing Lane NW, Atlanta, GA" which on Google looks like a condo. There should also be a Suite or Apt. number. There is a review for #21 that talks about how nice it is. It apparently has on-site security and is gated. Not where you would expect to find someone on a shoestring budget. Take a look, plug this into Google Maps and turn on Satellite View: 23 Ferry Landing Ln NW #2303, Atlanta, GA 30305
Oh, Suite #2303 is not for Kenny, it's just to get the right address to show up in Google. For exposition only.
DeleteHere's the story on that. Ben Dobyns at ZOE graciously offered to help with the crappy color/sound on the footage - in the interest of just helping the backers. Ken promised to send all the footage. He sent all but perhaps 30% of the footage (that's my understanding). This was months ago. Since then he's been promising to send the footage and and again and never comes through. All he had to do was put the footage in their hands. Inexplicably he can't or won't do it. I think everyone involved is tired of him pulling strings and the hoop jumping.
DeleteRumor on the street is Ken is living with a new girl friend btw. I have no idea. But it's been his history to find a girl with money who can support him while he spins his deals. If I had to guess it's her residence. She of course has nothing to do with Ken's past so I'd hate to see her get dragged into the drama.
DeleteOK, thanks. I thought maybe he was referring to the old ZOE offer from before. Still wondering about the "mark is sending an 8TB harddrive" comment. The Ferry Lane NW address could be a girlfriend, or one of his starving-artist film buddies. Since it is given as the location to go to get a demo made, though, I would guess it is not a residence. There seem to be some businesses with that 23 Ferry Lane NW address, none of which appear to be connected to Whitless.
DeleteErrr.. 23 Ferry Landing Lane NW...
DeleteA search at shows that the domain was registered with the same address as shown on the AAM Facebook page. It was registered on Fed 11, 2016 under Kenny's girlfriends name.
DeleteIt's probably either 1) Kenny's girlfriends apartment, or 2)a office rented by his girlfriend.
That's very pricey Atlanta real estate. It's in the heart of Buckhead, which is the upper crust neighborhood in Atlanta. Maybe he got a bargain?
DeleteNaw, he probably just talked his way in, maybe even promising the owner a high "return" on their "investment." A high rent district does seem odd for a group of starving artists trying to get off the ground...
DeleteSome more observations...
ReplyDeleteThe "argumentum ad infinitum" phraase is copy/pasted direct from Wikipedia,, he even left the footnote numbers in it. The phrases "onus probandi" and "argumentum ex silentio" are on the same Wiki page.
It's amazing that someone with such bad spelling and grammar is aware of such terms... almost like he was being.. coached.
The line from Lorem "See ya at GenCon, Pete" is curious. Ken is called "Pete" several more times after that. Pete" is listed on Whitman's IMDB page as a Nickname. I have never seen it used anywhere else. If it is an inside joke, or has a specific origin, then Kenny may have some idea who he was talking to..
Oh gee... I wonder if Kenny's ex saw this, "I might have to go bankrupt"
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DeletePete is the nickname he used to go by when he arrested Murray Stare
DeletePete is a nickname he used when he attended Murray State University in the mid eighties. I was visiting friends of mine there and actually met him in the dorm he was living at during that time. He was designing Mutazoids in that time frame.
DeleteHilarious. Sad. Pathetic. Suspenseful. Four stars out of four.
ReplyDeleteMan, talk about going in circles... Ken's "argumentum ad infinitum" would be more adequately described as an "argumentum ad nauseam"! Though, to be fair, I would also probably keep answering the same thing if asked the same question repeatedly.
ReplyDeleteStill, Ken's being so adamant about those helpers of his and not disclosing anything about them that I might buy it. That they actually exist, that is. Whether we actually get anything in the end is another point entirely.
He defends Ed Kramer. For me that means that, despite me thinking it impossible earlier, he actually HAS hit a new low. For the record, when I was 18 and living in Atlanta, Ed Kramer repeatedly tried to get me to come to his place for a private evening of gaming and wine. I politely declined.
ReplyDeleteWow! Didn't get all the way through but Ken certainly lives in a bubble IMHO. Google it, but looks like Ken is setting himself up for an anti-SLAPP suit. I did a quick Google, looks like there is no Federal cyberbullying law and that the one in Georgia is not criminal, but civil. But check for yourselves. Last, messing with his livelihood? Last I heard giving someone negative reviews based on facts is not illegal. Now Ken's vulgar and vile words, intimidating stance etc. Well a quick Google on "fighting words" makes me think Ken should clean up his language.
ReplyDeleteEnough of the train-wreck....
Long time reader, rare commenter. Love your game stuff Tenkar.
"You are fucking with my livelyhood - in GA thats a Federal crime"
ReplyDeleteUhm...federal crimes don't vary from state to state. That's why they're called "federal crimes."
He knows that, right?
Wow. Props for going through 2 days of texting w Ken. ...