Someone (Sufflatus Lorem) sent me screenshots of a conversation they had with Ken Whitman on Facebook. Now, the person conversing with Ken is obviously using a fake name (even Ken calls him on it) but Ken apparently can't help being Ken.
Of course, the boogeyman in the closet is none other than +Jolly Blackburn . Yep, can't make this shit up if I tried.
Quick synopsis - there is a mysterious cabal of six business (men? -es? no idea) helping Ken from behind the scenes, but they don't want to be ID'ed for fear of being targeted by Jolly and his posse. Oh, and the failure of Jolly to provide a hard drive (as opposed to the failure of an unbacked up hard drive with all the video for the KotDT Live Action Series) is what is preventing this whole project from moving forward. 500 GB HDs externals start at 50 bucks at Best Buy. Yes, the mysterious benefactors can't afford 50 bucks for a hard drive...
Be warned, Kenny is a potty mouth. Not safe for work if someone is looking over your shoulder and I suspect not safe to work with as Kenny appears a bit spontaneous. He does seem to have a mother fixation, just not on his own.
edit: The anonymous half of this conversation is not Jolly or anyone else I personally know. Ken is just good at making friends apparently.
Friday Filler: Costa Rica
Deep in the rainforests of Central America, there are many animals, both
rare and common, to be found, counted, and photographed. The common
Basilisk Liza...
32 minutes ago
Wow.... just wow
ReplyDeleteHow was he able to con these folks out of their IPs? He always comes across as a major jerk.
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ReplyDeleteJolly, him saying that about your daughter is beyond all and I don't even believe in hell! That would have put me over the top. I don't even need to know the context, there is none. It's completely out of line. I've been reading on the sidelines thanks to yourself and Mr. Tenkar but this has me fuming. im so sorry he has these directions and the pain he's brought y'all. I would have had to take a little drive, you are a stronger man than me.
DeleteHow he has managed to stay a step ahead of the law, or a libel suit befuddles me.
DeleteThanks Savage - and exactly. That's Ken and the guy I've been dealing with privately. He goes low and he goes ugly when you go on his enemy list.
DeleteJesus fucking Christ.
DeleteOh and for the record - NO it wan't me in the screen captures. I have never dealt with Ken anonymously or under a sock puppet. Never been a need.
ReplyDeleteNo worries. We know you are a class act. The anon guy was a bit of a button pusher.
DeleteBtw Ken's ex-girlfriend/fiancee announced on FB this week she's declaring bankruptcy, because of debt she blames on Klown Kar Kenny. Odd how everyone whose stood behind or helped him eventually gets shafted in the end....amazingly coincidental I suppose...
ReplyDeleteLink or screen cap for those of us who don't use the facebooks
DeleteCan't say I'm surprised.
DeleteScreencap hurriedly grabbed:
"Of course, the boogeyman in the closet is none other than +Jolly Blackburn . Yep, can't make this shit up if I tried."
ReplyDeleteCan we correct or cite that as an accurate or true statement?
"Jolly wants nothing but to destroy me"
Delete"He orginized groupd behind the sceans"
"He's been told to shut up by Dave Kenzer and he won't do it"
Yep, all Jolly's fault...
Ken has blamed me for his downfall ever since I pulled the plank on any future episodes/kickstarters for KODTLAS. Things were going so badly this time last year with broken promises and unanswered questions we insisted he FINISH the first three episodes before there was any talk of doing more. He blames KODT fans (and me in turn) for reporting the project to Kickstarter which in turn led to them cutting him off on his Kickstarter Project of the Month spree which stopped the money from coming in. Whatever.
DeleteThis could be read as "Jolly Blackburn was the pseudonymous person", which isn't the case.
Delete"This could be read as "Jolly Blackburn was the pseudonymous person", which isn't the case."
DeleteThat's what I was getting at here. Glad that was clarified that Jolly was NOT this person whom Ken was speaking to.
I have off the record comments from Ken Disparaging Jolly dating back from before my Interview. He has had a delusion that Jolly and Barb are the reason all the world is against him for a good long time.
DeleteI fear at night when he rolls out of bed and stubs his toe he blames Jolly for sending the Knights in to move his furniture around the house.
And yes it does read that way. I still have people emailing me to as if I'm the guy in the ccreencaptures. I'm not.
DeleteWhat does this guy have; offshore accounts?
ReplyDeleteWith his current reputation, I can't see six -- serious -- businessmen actually doing busy with him, much less provide him with financial support.
Worst. Ken has charisma/charm. Yes - he does sadly and he uses it. And fools like me fall victim to it. It's hard to explain until you've been exposed to it up close and personal. Which is why this wont' be the end of Ken drama. Where ever he is now, Ken is doing what Ken does. He never stops.
DeleteSorry, that should be "doing business with him."
ReplyDeleteTyping too fast, again.
The problem with Ken is he can't seem to grasp the fact he took money from 1800+ people and never delivered as promised and a good many of those people are now pissed. But when they complain and come after him it's *ME* pulling the strings.
ReplyDeleteI wish I had that much power. I'd use it to have these same people come build me a deck.
Well, that's revolting.
ReplyDeleteWell, that's revolting.
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ReplyDeleteKenny is an intestine fellow. His vulgarity approaches an almost poetic style once he gets rolling.
ReplyDeleteAlso, I'd like to point out that Kenney messaged me first to threaten the law on me because, he said, I was committing a felony by posting on the review tab of AAM's Facebook page.
As I was not intimidate, he continued the conversation.
Kenny made several guesses as to who I was, and even threatened that he had my IP address. Eventually he revealed my IP address to me after I assured him he did not have it. The IP address he says I was at was Facebook's own IP.
Also, I prefer to remain anonymous because the moment Kenny finds out who I am, it will become all about me. This is, and should be, all about Kenny and his failed Kickstarters, and I do not wish to give Kenny an opportunity to deflect that focus.
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DeleteWhat a disgusting little child.
ReplyDeleteWhat a disgusting little child.
ReplyDeleteOf he ever tries another Kickstarter this conversation should be added to it, again, and again.
ReplyDeleteHow is he not in jail?
ReplyDeleteSo I just have to ask, and this is facetious, did you pay Kenny his $200 (or whatever it was) interview fee?
ReplyDeleteso I assume Ken's talking about 10k in relation to the pencil dice in the screen captures? It's unclear.
ReplyDeleteHe was claiming that 10k is how much it would cost to print and ship both the KoDT:LAS and Spinward Traveller DVDs. He claimed his backers wanted to pack and ship them both together when they could to save money.
DeleteKen Whitman
Spinward is 7 weeks from being done
I cant, the people doing them are releaseing them both as a package
Sufflatus Lorem
Ive heard that from you before, Kenny. How can I trust that statement?
Who is doing them? And why together? They are tow different IPs.
Ken Whitman
Well, Im not in charge of the money, and the final cost to print and shit is 10k
Becausr there are over 400 people who ordered both
So, they dont want to double ship
So... why haven't you guys sued him? Kenzer is a lawyer afterall.
ReplyDeleteNot something we would publicly discuss is all.
DeleteI actually want to punch both of these people.
ReplyDeleteAnd palling around with Ed Kramer...geez. When a convicted child molester is the only one answering your phone calls, you might need to rethink how your life is going. What's next, a kickstarter with Jerad Fogle?
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ReplyDeleteGreat quote from his poor girlfriend on Facebook who Ken drove into bankruptcy by using her credit cards while she was gone before he fled from Kentucky. "He's like, 30% evil and 60% stupid and 10% brilliant." ... some might argue with the %'s but that feels like a pretty good startingt mix from what I've seen so far.
ReplyDeleteThis. Those of us who might have backed Ken's Kickstart erstwhile are out a few bucks - sometimes a few hundred. That hurts, but we'll be okay
DeleteThe real victims are those people who Ken hired to do something and hasn't paid, and this person, who was helping someone they were in a relationship with.
For Ken to fark over a business deal and to.also fark over someone he was in a relationship with shows that the man has no soul at all, and will use anyone in any way to get what he wants.
Ken Whitman is a pustules on the ass-cheek of the world.
This. Those of us who might have backed Ken's Kickstart erstwhile are out a few bucks - sometimes a few hundred. That hurts, but we'll be okay
DeleteThe real victims are those people who Ken hired to do something and hasn't paid, and this person, who was helping someone they were in a relationship with.
For Ken to fark over a business deal and to.also fark over someone he was in a relationship with shows that the man has no soul at all, and will use anyone in any way to get what he wants.
Ken Whitman is a pustules on the ass-cheek of the world.
To be honest, I'm surprised he hasn't pissed someone off enough to hunt him down and give him a good old fashioned 'attitude adjustment' with a mouth like that. The man cant seem to hold a logical conversation for more than a few minutes before devolving into the vulgar slurs of a 12 year old cyber troll. I wonder if he's this bad in public or is again like the 12 year old, just a "big man" behind the anonymity of this screen. It really does amaze me that he's still around and still managing to scam people.
ReplyDeleteMr Whitman is, in person, a physically large and imposing man. He will remind people online that he is (I believe) 6ft 4in, 300lbs and played football in high school. It's one of his favorite intimidation techniques.
ReplyDeleteWhat is intriguing is the fact that he was willing to tell me a lot of this, like the fact he has 'secret helpers', yet say that the backers can't know about them or who they are. He said that anyone could call him, but both times I tried it went straight to voicemail. He said that the only reason he told me all this was that I asked. Yet, he continues to refuse to answers anyone queries on Kickstarter.
There's no easy way to download the whole convo from Facebook in a useable format, but I'm trying.
there's a windows app/thingy that used to let you do that. I had to do it some months back to archive my two year continuous chat logs with the made in the event they are ever needed for legal matters.
DeleteIf that's what he's doing he is going to find out that here is always someone bigger and stronger than you out there. I should have my husband introduce himself to Ken if I ever get the chance.
DeleteFor whatever reason, the bit that gets me is a man who's changed his name more than once to avoid notice is upset that someone not operating under their real name is asking about things...
ReplyDeleteYes, he seems to fancy himself a chameleon, among other things. He fled KY under threat of legal action (probably not all of it from KS projects), then got himself inserted into the movie-world around Atlanta. Set up a Bio page on Stage32, which quickly drew negative comments about his past. Then, either because of that, or because he didn't "need" Stage32 any more, he deletes that bio and sets up the "Atlanta Actors Coop" on Facebook and YouTube, again drawing negative comments. That goes silent, then "Atlanta Actors Marketing" appears on Facebook using the same videos and, apparently, equipment from AAC. But this time his name is, at least at first, carefully kept off the FB page. But he can't help himself when the negative comments follow him yet again, and responds in the only way he knows how. Overall, he has deleted FB profiles, created new ones, removed and then returned web pages, relocated, and all the while getting paid to create "projects." I bet we see, in the near future, a "massive new movie project" that is "bigger and better than anything before" asking for money in Atlanta, drawing "investors" for yet another "project." Those poor saps won't see it coming...
ReplyDeleteHe can try but a quick Google search will reveal who he is and what he's about. I think he knows that his name is mud and will no longer have such an easy time conning people out of their hard earned money. He's a slime ball.
DeleteSorry just love Ken's breaded Asshole comment. Would be fund to hae all the backers send certified letters to request refund to his new address to see how many he ignores.
ReplyDeleteHA HA, If you going to make me say all that shit, at least use my correct photo from my Facebook!
ReplyDeleteI'm gonna have to make a movie about all you crazy stalkers when I'm done. I like how people guess where I live, and drag other people into it just to make me look worst. I can assure you I don't live with Ed Krammer. I love the choice of using also!!!
My suggestion, Don't listen to people who use fake names. They get to make things up without repercussions for their actions!
The only true thing about all this is I do have some investors who are helping me. I will announce it when I am done.
Take Care,
Ken Whitman
PS- Whoever this guy is, he has a lot of time on his hands. Maybe tomorrow he will write a story about me creating pornos, wait already happened, OR that I bought a 60k car, wait already happened.
Suggestions: Have me secretly kill people like Jason Borne, or Fight a shark in Sharknado! HA!
wait! you use a fake name these days - Whit Whitman.
Deleteso, what you are saying is we shouldn't believe you.
this is like that "one always tells the truth, one always lies:" riddles...
After reading reading this, I don't believe that this was actually Ken.
DeleteThis post is mostly coherent and there are very few misspellings.
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DeleteYou are really Mentally Ill, in the clinical sense, Ken. You need help.
DeleteI implore you to see someone professionally before you end up in prison or worse. As it stands you are damaging people and stealing from people out of pure spite and malice. That is not healthy for you, either.
As it stands, sooner or later we are going to see a show about you on Oxygen either in Prison Orange or in a retrospective picture.
Oh, Kenny. I can prove it was you.
ReplyDeleteSo, your lies won't help you this time.
And, Mr Whitman continues to message me on Facebook, threatening me with a lawsuit,
ReplyDeleteThe man never learns.
Post the conversation. It would be enlightening.
Deletei have the entire conversation in text format.
DeleteStill going over...
just - wow.
ReplyDeleteinteresting. he changed his profile pic on FB moments before posting this.
ReplyDeleteHe thinks that changing your FB profile pic makes you a different account.
ReplyDeleteHe stated in our conversation this morning that the comments about my mother were made by 'the other kenny.'
I did not check if he was messaging me from the same account as before, as I had archived that conversation. I shall have to do that when downloading these new messages. We all know Kenny has multiple FB accounts.
Still, it's interesting that this Kenny knew everything that the 'other Kenny' did. Makes one think that they might - just might - be the same guy.
doesn't he know conversations get threaded by account, not by - pics?
Deletehe couldn't be part of 99% and not be part of the other 1%
btw, new post is up - wall of text incoming
Unfortunately, it seems my fun is over. Kenny has blocked me from his Facebook accout and yes, he was using the same Ken Whitman account for all these chats. So the 'other Kenny' was Kenny himself. Surprise.
ReplyDeleteThere are more words for Kenny from this morning, and I will get a copy of them to Erik as soon as I can download it.
Thanks, Kenny, for revealing your true self in a way that we can all see. Know that your words will always be available for everyone on the Internet to see for all time.
Feel free to contact me from any of your other FB accounts, Whit. I'm sure our conversations will be just as enloghtening as ever.
See you at GenCon, Kenny.
Wow. I remember dealing with him back when he was at TSR. He is a big guy, but he always came off as kind of greasy. (Think used car salesman.) I am so glad I never backed any of his projects.
ReplyDeleteWow, this thing keeps getting... I don't know how to describe it, really.
ReplyDeleteLike I keep joking, at least backers will get SOMETHING from their money: an exciting new live-action role-playing game called LAGGARDS AND [Class-Action] LAWSUITS...
ReplyDeletePretty crazy stuff. A background check and a couple days work by s PI could turn up useful info, could lead to liens or similiar actions undertaken by the unpaid workers. I didn't know you could blatantly scam money from kick-starter and face no legal repercussions, it seems like it would be fraud.