It is events and interesting posts from our corner of the OSR. Could be links to previous posts here at The Tavern or from other blogs in my "I read their blogs" circle or other stuff that strikes my fancy. Just call me "Mr. Fancypants"

Free GM Resource: Prism Dice over at The Frugal GM. The shame is it's a Windows based dice app and I'm a Mac user these days. Still, for those of you using Windows (even as far back as Win95) you should be able to get some use out of this. Not so sure why it's called Prism Dice, but hey, it's free.

As if there wasn't enough drama in the old school gaming arena already, here's your links to more. Do you want to read about Fake-Activist Swine Totalitarians in our hobby trying to use claims of harassment to take over tabletop gaming. How about White Male Terrorism... and what you can do about it! Sometimes we are our own worst enemy. Shock jockery and old school gaming. But hey, at least now you know what folks are talking about in social media.

Need to clean your palate after clicking on the above links? Need to be reminded about the true depth and generosity of the old school gaming movement? Want a chance to win something cool? Win a Far Away Land Quick Start Rulebook! I really enjoy the FAL system and brought some PAH (printed at home) copies of the FAL Quickstart to last years NTRPG Con. This is an honest to god, color cover, professionally printed FAL Quickstart. Time to enter runs out at midnight, Friday April 15th, 2016.
Interested in seeing what he did with what I started for him :)
ReplyDeleteThanks for those links! Now I regret begging for them (eww), but at least they're there.