Gareth has broken more promises in regards to Far West than... fuck if I know. Really, I can't think of anything that comes close. And he's been doing it for over FOUR FUCKING YEARS!
Milestones are a thing, so in the time between the funding of Far West and, oh, I don't know - today maybe, I've - gotten married, worked in 3 different units and RETIRED from my job, watched my son go from high school student to gainfully employed to engaged, backed 188 further Kickstarter projects (don't tell my wife :) (Far West was #3 that I backed) and I can count the totally fucked up project creators that I supported on one hand. (I did not back any of Ken's)
With the exception of Tom and the Myth & Magic fiasco and mistruths, nothing comes close to the blatant lying that Gareth has put forth over four plus years. For simple volume alone, Gareth wins the crown handily.
How well?
Over the course of those four plus years, Gareth has made at least 46 promises as to the release date of Far West, some claiming completion was a mere few weeks out YEAR AGO.
Here's a sample from late 2014:
Where can you find the rest of this amazing list?
Do not pass go, do not collect on the empty promises of the Far West Kickstarter creator. Instead, go to
You'll laugh. You'll cry (if, like me, you backed for $150 and have this as the professional piece of art work to remember Far West)
![]() |
I didn't say "Beet Juice" you idiot! I said I'd "Beat YOU!" |
Best of all, you'll have some window into the mindset of Gareth.
I've seen artwork like that before, in some HERO 6th books. It always looked like someone just put photoshop filters over photos and called it art.
ReplyDeleteding ding ding! we have a winner! actually, with Far West, there are no winners...
DeleteYeah I'm glad I missed out on this. I remember it and it looked interesting, but I already was reeling from a failed kickstarter so I decided against it.
DeleteOddly I just snapshot that image on the mobile and tweaked it in the photogallery filters. It now looks like art. Tenkar got email? I'll post it to you for the compare. Reddeerrun at hotmail dot com.
DeleteOddly I just snapshot that image on the mobile and tweaked it in the photogallery filters. It now looks like art. Tenkar got email? I'll post it to you for the compare. Reddeerrun at hotmail dot com.
DeleteHoly crap! Was the book even started in 2011-12? I'm thinking of doing a kickstarter at some point but I'd expect to be 95% ready before trying to get backers.
ReplyDeleteI'm with you. I try really hard not to judge on stuff like this, because I can completely understand how someone can find themselves in a hole, but the difference in where the project actually has been and where it's been presented eventually Maybe I underestimate the amount of time the "finishing touches" can take. What is it they say about a house? 95% of what you see takes 5% of the time, and the final 5% takes 95% of the time...?
DeleteDwimmermount will always top the list for me as the worst kickstarter ever. After he collected the money, he never, ever said a word to his backers again. Someone else reported that his father died, but he never had the courtesy to report in anywhere and say this himself. He did turn the money over to another group who (more-or-else) finished the product, but it was clear that the dwimmermount he claimed was already complete and just needed some polish, never actually existed (not anywhere close to the degree he said it was). This other group filled in *many* gaps in order to finish "a" mega-dungeon, but not "the" mega-dungeon that we were promised (one that had been play-tested for many years, not simply completed by someone else).
ReplyDeleteSome may have forgiven James for that travesty, but (for me) he retains the title of douchbag of the internet. From what I've read about the failures of Far West, it doesn't sound like they've even come close yet.
Wow, that button still has a hair-trigger. You'd think I'd be over it by now. Hopefully, Far West will eventually materialize.
I'm actually very glad you posted that. You're the only person I've seen who wasn't / isn't sugarcoating the entire Dwimmermount issue, and letting J-Mal slide.
DeleteAnd I say this as a non-backer.
(I had my own drama with GMS about his fraudulent Warlords Of The Apocalypse, and have drama Jamie Chamber's four-year MetAlpha KickSucker, and am seemingly a pariah on the comment page because I complained he posted intimate pics of his daughter in the hospital. You touched a nerve, and I hate Gamer Stockholme Syndrome.)
I hope James Maliszewski (of Grognardia) isn't forgiven that easily for the Dwimmermount fiasco. He lied. He took the money and was never heard from again. Granted he gave the money to someone else to "finish" the project, but (through no fault of their own) they merely created a project similar to what was described. That's not the same. I too wanted to see this "fully tested over many years" Dwimmermount that James promised, instead of simply "a" mega-dungeon. I am definitely not part of any group sugar-coating his lies. I hope he gets the karmic reward he deserves.
DeleteIs there a place where one could find not only a list of some of these huge KickFailures, but also descriptions of how they failed? I'm curious about some of the other stuff that gets dropped (Like Myth & Magic), that was before my time of getting into KS.
ReplyDeleteuse the "search this blog" function and pop in "myth and magic"
Deletehave fun ;)
You're saying there;s someone worse then Ken?
ReplyDeleteWhat on earth could he actually have had completed in 2011 and what on earth could he actually be working on for over 4 years? Does anyone even believe he wrote anything prior to funding this, or that he has been working on it for over 4 years? So glad I got my Buckaroo Banzai preorder money back after making multiple requests for it.
ReplyDeleteWhy is there always that one guy (and yes, there is ALWAYS that one guy) who no matter how late, dead or ripped off a KS is, has "faith" that the designer/jerkoff will fufill the KS? Gives cheery words of encouragement or condolences (no matter how many pets or relatives have already died, he always has fresh sympathy) and it loyal beyond all reason?
ReplyDeleteBecause that one guy is invariably the KS owner, pretending to be a supporter.
DeleteThat would do it.
ReplyDeleteLet us see if Pyramid of the Lost King: Adventures in Basq joins these hallowed halls.