Now, to be honest, the depth of my 5e product knowledge is pretty shallow compared to the OSR but there are some things that deserve highlighting.
Depths of Felk Mor - an old school styled megadungeon for you 5e game that will take your party from levels 1 to 10. I have the soft cover next to me for review purposes (I need to read the whole thing - like what I see thus far) and it has a nice heft to it ;)
What follows are repackaged Encounters storylines...
Ghosts of Dragonspear Castle - this was written for (and includes) the last of the 5e / D&D Next playtest rules. Includes all you need to get your characters to level 10. Nearly 300 pages.

Dreams of the Red Wizards: Dead in Thay - continuing the story from Scourge of the Sword Coast.
Murder in Baldur's Gate - comes without 5e / Next, 3.5 and 4e stats. Yes, editionless.
Legacy of the Crystal Shard - again, without monster stats, so edition is flexible.
Strangely enough, the current Adventurer League releases are not included in the sale, unless you grab the bundles, which come in at 40% off.
Murder in Baldur's Gate and Legacy of the Crystal Shard both have 5e/Next monster stat block supplements available for download; like, totally legit, WotC produced. Dinosaur that I am, I found it much easier to do a google search than navigate WotC's nightmare of a website. I really feel like there were 3.5 stat blocks too at one point, but that many have been one of my many D&D dreams.
ReplyDeleteOn the other hand, anyone who's reading the comments section of Tenkar's Tavern probably has the right handy-capable OSR attitude to just open their Monster Manual and use the version for their preferred edition.