Tuesday, May 17, 2016

State of the Tavern Keeper - Tuesday May 17th, 2016 - Lots of Reading in the Immediate Future

So, I mentioned yesterday that your Tavern Keeper was feeling under the weather. Well, I went to "urgent care" this morning and yes, I'm fighting off an infection. Cephalexin 500mg 4 times a day for 7 days. Lots of bed rest for the next few days. Joy.

More details after the page break for those that want. Squeamish may wish to just stop here ;)
Sitting is a literal "pain in the ass". What I thought was just a nasty hemorrhoid was as I feared, the return of the abscess from 4 years ago. Last time I was stubborn and waited over a week for the "hemorrhoid" to go away. The resulting drainage was worse than most crime scenes I've been to and the pain was immense, but afterwords I could have danced a jig.

This time I caught it early, as it only started to be felt on Sunday. So early, they didn't drain it. Meds, hot baths, bed rest and back in 2 days to see if it needs to be drained.

I suspect the next post will be sometime tomorrow. Wish me luck. I'll be reading in bed today (although I am obligated to head to work around 11 pm tonight for pizza and wings for the promotion party that got kicked a week)


  1. Ugh. I had a prostate infection that lasted almost two years before the antibiotics knocked it out, and it felt like I was sitting on a knife half the time. So I definitely feel your pain. Good luck and get well soon!

  2. Praying for a quick recovery. Get better soon, "Elevenkar." 😉

  3. My wife still likes to make fun of me about the "butt infection" I had several years ago. As with you, the relief once it was...dealt with...was immense. Glad you caught this one early!


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