Wednesday, May 11, 2016

The Tenkar's Tavern Facebook Community has Hit the 400 Members Mark

Yep, The Tavern's Facebook Community has hit 400 members. Not too shabby for 5 months or so of existence.

Now I need to think of something special to celebrate.

Give me time - I'll think of something ;)

Thanks to everyone that's joined and everyone that reads The Tavern. I couldn't do this without you.


  1. You are retired, that beer you are thinking about celebrating with can be opened before 11:30 :)

    Congrats to be sure though

  2. You are retired, that beer you are thinking about celebrating with can be opened before 11:30 :)

    Congrats to be sure though

  3. Woot! Congrats, Erik. I'm glad I "found" your site just before your FB site launched and have enjoyed the OSR reading & getting OSR links to check out.

    Here's to 400 more!


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lights on and the taps flowing. Your Humble Bartender, Tenkar

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