Friday, June 10, 2016

Ken Whitman - 15 Days / Zero Dollars Raised - I Think We've Reached a Proper Level of Awareness

Screen shot kinda says it all.

15 Days

Zero Dollars

Fuck you sir!

BTW Kenny, reread the law you quoted. It doesn't say what you think it says.

That little word "and" changes the whole meaning.

Little things have huge impact...


  1. Huh, after a little research, it seems that O.C.G.A. § 16-11-40 was repealed by Section 3-1 of HB 252 as of July 1st 2015.

    Empty threat much?

    1. Hahaha! It also turns out that it was declared unconstitutional in Georgia back in 1982! Which fact I found by Googling "criminal defamation georgia".

  2. Heh... I see they also switched out the Walking Dead image for one slightly more fitting. And what's this??? A contributor!!! Awww, Jolly, you do the kindest things... LOL

  3. I think Jolly Blackburn must have seen the post because he just backed $5.

    1. was the only way I could push his buttons by leaving a comment. lol. Totally worth ti.

  4. Replies
    1. It's when Olive Oyl catches you breaking a law.

    2. "Voilators wills be persecuted!"

      Either that or it's some sort of obscure gladiator type, no doubt armed with a tin of spinach.

  5. "Little things have a huge impact"...that's what he'd like you to think.

  6. Oh, geez, this jerk's in MY backyard?

  7. "Screen Play Written by Wit Whitman" -- Kenny can't even spell his own alias.

  8. Two things:
    1) As a lawyer, I'm not sure you can be brought up on charges of "liable."
    2) Speaking as a Utahn, Sundance doesn't want you.

  9. So if he were to bring anyone up on charges, couldn't they just submit numerous posts here from the Tavern (and the related links) as counter-evidence that there is no wrong-doing in pointing out KW's prior uses of crowdfunding, and presumably have the case thrown out...?

  10. Nothing says "Trust me" like a few lines of poorly-written legalese on top of a crowdfunding project...

  11. Kickstarter has hurt themselves badly by pretending they have not responsibility for what goes on.

    1. Which would be neat, except that Kenny is doing this on GoFundMe.


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