Sunday, July 24, 2016

Another WTF Kickstarter - RPG Gaming table

If pictures can say a thousand words, this is worth about three. What The Fuck?

Notice it isn't a picture of a prototype table.

Here, let me give you the whole sales pitch for RPG Gaming table (don't worry, he has a modest goal of $8,500):

He's in Indy? Maybe he'll be at Gen Con.

Wait, I forgot to mention the rewards:

Why is the supply list and build instructions shipping 3 months AFTER the tables?


  1. I asked if he had actually built one yet. I eagerly await pictures.

  2. I'm vaguely impressed that someone has given him $51 so far...

  3. Sometimes it's hard to get out of IKEA with only the instructions...?

  4. What I want for a thousand dollars is free shipping on my free table that cost a thousand dollars.

  5. What I want for a thousand dollars is free shipping on my free table that cost a thousand dollars.

  6. But he won't know how to write instructions for building a table until he's built a couple, eh?


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