Wednesday, July 6, 2016

Swords & Wizardry: Light - Sandbox Setting Map - Tweaked and Finalized

Click on the map to see a larger version

So, the idea is that this map will be a 2 page spread in the middle of a 4 page release. It will be released without a grid (but with a distance indicator) with a gridded version of the map available for download. It looks much cleaner without the grid in my humble opinion and if someone wants to use a grid it's easy enough to print.

I tweaked some stuff with the latest revisions to make the labels easier to read. As the overwhelming response was to go "Print" or "Script" (and I agree, it is much easier to read) I did so.

There are three unnamed hamlets and one unnamed tower on the map. I don't expect to name them or describe them at this point. Yep, leaving more stuff in the hands of the GMs. Heh.

There is a ruined city on the coast, a ruined tower over at Far Point, a haunted battlefield, a mad hermit, a wizard's tower, a diseased forest, two indicated dungeon locations in the mountains, five noted population centers, a keep, ruins of an ancient city beyond the mountains and a huge city to the north. And probably about 2 pages to describe it all. The aim will be "hooks" over "details".

I'm figuring the first adventure will take place in the Town of New Velgare. Centrally located and a good starting location for the PCs.

Alright, I need to get back to the Tavern Cards. Many more to fill out and mail out.


  1. I want this book pretty hard. The sandbox will be perfect for pick up games. WB Lite or TBH or whatever.

    1. I'm not sure the order that the releases will be "done" in, as I tend to go where the muse takes me, but there is a schedule in mind, and the sandbox is probably after rules and adventure.

      That being said, it will be worked on here at The Tavern, so you'll have a WIP available much sooner than later.

  2. I really like New and Old Velgare. There's always a good story to why they left to make a new city. Remember Tulan of the Isles from Midkemia?

  3. I really like New and Old Velgare. There's always a good story to why they left to make a new city. Remember Tulan of the Isles from Midkemia?

  4. I want this book pretty hard. The sandbox will be perfect for pick up games. WB Lite or TBH or whatever.

  5. I'd suggest moving that gray gradient to the ocean side of the coastline. Right now, it looks like the sea is higher than the land.

  6. How far is this located from Tenkar's Landing?

  7. I like the look of this. Very interesting.


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