The write up for this at Not Another Dime is perfect. Really. Go read it. Ken does what Ken does best.
I'm just going to share this little screenshot:
How this reprobate was ever given an ounce or responsibility, less alone authority over the use of trademarks and the hard earned cash of members of our hobby never ceases to amaze me. Does Ken and his 8th grade education even allow for the use of proper grammar? At least it appears he's learned how to use the spell checking capabilities built into most web browsers.
I love how Kenny throws around the words "unfair" and "fairly". Like that would even come into the equation for Kenny. It's all about the money.
What, you haven't read the original at Not Another Dime yet? What do we have to do? Go already!
When the Clouds Come Down
On certain days, at twilight, the clouds gather themselves down along the
horizon and become indistinguishable from hills. At such times, the
9 hours ago
The man is loathsome. His constant lying merely made it worse for a while. Since hitting rock bottom he continues to TRY to dig himself deeper but really, there is no further for him to sink. He has reached a level of depressing and foul perfection coupled with universal disgust that is seldom achieved without donning a sheet.
ReplyDeleteGiven what Marc Miller himself has done with his own IP it doesn't really surprise me that he doesn't give a shit what Ken does with it. Three (ish?) years after Traveller 5 shipped as a physical product he still hasn't come up a viable combat system that works with his precious die mechanic. Most expensive paperweight I've ever had shipped half way across the world to take up space on my book shelf. But I'm not bitter. No wait, I AM bitter :-)
ReplyDeleteYou should run a contest to see if someone can annoy Ken enough to get pushed even further down the list! Maybe shoot for January 1st 2023 or something (of course I'm just kidding, as no one who paid for these will ever see one)
ReplyDeleteErik,you might want to edit a couple lines before mocking his grammar.
ReplyDeleteeh. I'm not the one owing folks multiple kickstarters for thousands of dollars. I know I make grammatical mistakes. When I charge for it, then there's a problem ;)
DeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
DeleteSad thing about Ken is he singled out a backer who pledged a considerable amount of money and believed in the project. Her reward for having the audacity to ask where the products she was promised are...? She will get her dvd LAST. What a bastard that guy is.
ReplyDeleteNot only did he sell her $100 Knights of the Dinner Table Cover book to a couple of retailers (along with the books meant to go to other backers) but another backer gave up his personal copy to give to her last year at GenCon. So Ken can even take credit for getting her the one item she was supposed to get.
Yet he took time out of his busy day to single her out with his comment while ignoring a dozen other backers basically asking the same question.
He's never going to answer the question.
DeleteYet again Ken attacking a woman with what ever power he can muster either it s physical (rapid pod) emotionally (Barb) Product (Natasha )
DeleteBack when this kickstarter was happening I was in a real financial bind. I was very upset that I wouldn't be able to help with this project after being a subscriber for so many years, not to mention starting to read them back in Dragon Magazine. I remember watching the old unofficial flash cartoons and wondering what a live-action series would be like.
ReplyDeleteNow? I'm not regretting not backing this at all. Not because of anything Jolly or ANYONE at KODT has done. They've been amazing through this entire ordeal.
Whitman, on the other hand. Reading his history with kickstarter is like reading a parody of some comic-book conman. HOW does he keep getting away with this stuff? How has he never been brought up on charges for fraud? And most importantly, HOW is he still not banned from kickstarter or other fundraising sites?
Hey, are those unofficial flash KoDT cartoons still around anywhere on the webs? I remember those, but have no idea where to find them, if they're still around. The way "hoody hoo" was spoken is still the way I hear it in my head.
DeleteActually, I think they got archived on Youtube somewhere. Last place I saw them, anyway.
DeleteOnly thing worst then Ken's grammar is his Math. 72k for KODT:LAS unfished major drama broke all promises. $1600 22 minute superhero ideo project set for production later this month.
ReplyDeleteWe've just shot "2.0" for around that $1600 price. At that budget, it's a student film. People get fed but not paid. S-f is expensive. The part I'm most worried about are the special effects - the SFX artist says he's still owed money, to even if Ken is genuinely "chipping away" at the editing, I dunno what's going to happen there.