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Thursday, September 15, 2016

Stock Art - Publisher's Choice - Fantasy Character Subscription (Fat Goblin Games)

Fat Goblin Games has recently released +Rick Hershey 's latest stock are subscription, the Fantasy Character Subscription. It clocks in at $95.95 and will be releasing approximately 1 character image a week until Rick hits 100 images. For those doing the math at home, thats less than 96 cents an image once the subscription hits it end date.

I'm already a subscriber to Rick's Publisher's Choice - Creatures A to Z: Subscription (amazing work, just don't ask what my first self published release will be ;) Really, for the quality art and the final price per piece of that art, it simply can't be topped if you are in the market for stock art.

Remember, all purchases using The Tavern's RPGNow affiliate links puts 5% of your purchase price into The Tavern's coffers. Don't leave that money on the table for the greedy corps! Tip your barman!  ;)
This new line of stock art aims to bring you a huge variety of popular and diverse fantasy characters presented as single image download! This file includes  300dpi Tiff at 4x6 or larger with transparent background images featuring a full-color depiction of a fantasy character! One character added every week! 
The Publisher's Choice - Fantasy Character Subscription in the next 24 months, I will release 100 pieces of art, at roughly 4+ pieces per month until I hit 100 pieces. And you can buy it now, for about $100! Also, subscribers have access to being able to submit ideas for character art! 
Current characters Include:
Dwarf Mage
Thief #1
Plague Doctor
Halfling Cleric
Cleric #1 
Publisher's Choice Stockart is provided to aid new publishing companies in creating high-quality publications by providing the design essentials to compete with larger competitors. In addition, the line is perfect for adding fresh new content to the seasoned publisher's art library and aiding in keeping design budgets manageable.


  1. The idea is OK, but I fail to see how the three characters on this cover are substantially better than your "Far West" avatar you were so disappointed about.

  2. I've bought their stock art before, but I am on the fence about getting this one. Most of Fat Goblins/Rick Hershey's stuff has been great but it's hard to tell what sort of style the later figures are going to have.
