Few things make me smile more that having someone with inestimable talent dedicate something to little 'ole me.
Damn. Mike, you've left me nearly speechless.
I know, hard thing to do but you did it.
If my readers haven't checked out Victorious yet, you are doing yourselves a disservice. I'm not a huge fan of supers in my RPGS but Mike has found the perfect mix of Victorian history, steampunk and super-heroics. Rach and I had a blast at NTRPG Con playing in Mike's Victorious game.
Heck, even if you don't play Victorious, grab Manifest Destiny. It's a great alt history piece and I love all history.
It's built off of Castles & Crusades, so anyone from White Box through 3x should be able to grok it with few if any issues.
Alright. I'm all verklempt. Carry on...
Character Creation Challenge: Ander
[image: Ander the Shadowmaster]
Let's continue with the evil characters today with another of the
Riddlemasters, this time a neutral evil "Shadowmaster."
13 hours ago
Sweet. And Victorious is an awfully fun game.