Thursday, October 20, 2016

So, who gets The Northlands Crypts were Full of Alphabet Things? I'll tell you Who...

I do love giving stuff away. Rach loves it too, as my gaming collection keeps growing and I am loath to downsize it. Giving away some of the duplicates I've collected over the years doesn't hurt and keeps the collection from growing too fast ;)

So, who gets the Crypts & Things (1st Edition), along with the Northlands Saga N2 and N3, in Print, for Swords & Wizardry as well as The Dungeon Alphabet?

Weird Dave, step forward! Email me at tenkarsDOTtavern at that gmail thing. Let me know if you want it inscribed "From the Tenkar Games Collection, 2016"  (please tell me you live in the states ;)

I'll need a valid US mailing address. Shipping won't happen until next week as I have a few more things to give away and would like to make as few trips as possible to the post office.

Remember, by backing the current Swords & Wizardry Complete KS for a buck you are in line to get some sweet loot in PDF ;)


  1. Holy moly! I never win anything! :) I am in the states (MN) so I'll shoot you the info here momentarily. Thanks!

  2. Figures, some weird guy won...ha ha congrats

  3. Congrats, Weird Dave! I look forward to a slew of module parodies from you a la Weird Al's slew of music parodies. ;)


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