Swords & Wizardry Light - Forum

Thursday, December 15, 2016

OSR Christmas - Day Three - OSRIC Pocket SRD - Print + PDF

Its Day Three of OSR Christmas. Before we get to today's festivities, let's find out who is the recipient of yesterday's awesome gift.

I would do a drum roll but that doesn't work so well on a blog post. Oh well.

Erik Myers - congrats. Email me at tenkarsDOTtavern and we'll get you hooked up.

Now for today's gift. We are giving away the OSRIC Pocket SRD in Print & PDF. OSRIC is a cornerstone of the OSR. Note, the PDF is free and there is absolutely no reason anyone should not have a copy.
This book represents a compilation of rules for old school-style fantasy roleplay gaming, and is intended to reproduce the underlying rules used in the late 1970s to early 1980s. A complete game manual in itself, this source reference document (SRD) includes everything the game master and player alike require for beginning to advanced level play.
Comment on this post before 8 AM Eastern Time, December 16th, 2016 to be in the running for $13.50 in an RPGNow Gift Card. OSRIC Pocket SRD, Print plus PDF is exactly $13.50 (plus shipping which is on the winner) or use it for other purchases at RPGNow. The choice will be yours - if Santa picks you :)

This prize is available because of readers like you. Your use of The Tavern's affiliate links allows for giveaways like this.

More OSR Christmas

+James Spahn is giving away 12 prizes over 12 days and all you need to do is comment on one blog post. You will need to follow the instructions carefully if you want a chance to be gifted.

Note: You MUST comment on the Halfling's Luck blog. This post it just to let you know where to go.


  1. I just got new glasses, so bring it on, Pocket Edition! :-D

  2. Great book! Love the PDF; getting it in print would be nice. The barkeep is a scholar and a gentleman!

  3. This week on the osr network...a very osric Christmas spectacular with guest appearances by emit otters jug band!

  4. Ooh ooh ooh, pick me Mista Kotta!

  5. Oh, a pocket version would be amazing

  6. Awesome! Would love to have a copy of this in print

  7. I'm down. In an old school way, of course.

  8. I wasn't even aware this existed. Thank you for sharing.

  9. I'm a sucker for digest sized books. Count me in.

  10. I would be the perfect precipitant of this great package!!!

  11. I've wanted this in print for a while. Good luck everybody!

  12. Who doesn't like small books for RPGs?

  13. Playing games in my pockets often helps relieve stress so count me in.

  14. Oh, this would be a very nice thing to have... :)

  15. Comments? We don't need no steenking comments! Oh, we do? Well, then, carry on.

  16. very generous of you. Merry Christmas!

  17. I never know what to say in these comments.

  18. OSRIC isn't my go-to RPG of choice, but I wouldn't mind having a physical reference handbook around.

  19. My first OSR game! It'd be awesome to win it :D

  20. First Ed fan here, so of course would love the Osric in print.

  21. Wow, I love this book, I only have it on my paper white e reader. I WANT IT NOW

  22. What I enjoy about squirrels is that they always look like they are...

    Wait. Wrong blog.

    Ahem. I would love a chance to win the OSRIC SRD.

  23. Osric is my favorite character in Hamlet.

  24. Have theebook, would love the digest

  25. I haven't won a drawing at Tenkar's yet...my luck has to change!

  26. This comment has been removed by the author.

  27. Checking in for another wonderful day of OSR Christmas.

  28. My middle son would enjoy and use the bejeebers out this one so ME PLEASE!

  29. Pocket edition and a second edition. Cool.

  30. Must have missed the second edition. Pocket versions are great, though!

  31. I'd like in. Thank you and Merry Christmas!

  32. Very neat of you to do this! Thanks!

  33. Count me in please.

  34. Alas poor OSRIC, i knew him well..

  35. I would like to be entered into this drawing. Thank you very much for doing this.

  36. Well, there goes the pattern I thought I was observing. Not that I much mind being proved wrong, in this case.
