Pocket Sized Perils #5
For every Ptolus: City by the Spire or Zweihander: Grim & Perilous
Roleplaying or *World’s Largest Dungeon* or Invisible Sun—the desire to
make the bigge...
1 hour ago
The award-nominated role-playing game, Astonishing Swordsmen & Sorcerers of Hyperborea™ is back with a brand new, exciting adventure, written by the game's creator, Jeffrey Talanian.
This sword-and-sorcery adventure module is site-based, fleshing out a small portion of the Hyperborea setting and providing classic, memorable adventure material.
The Mystery at Port Greely is designed for the AS&SH™ game, but it is suitable for use with the traditional editions of the world's most popular RPG, as well as its modern simulacra, such as OSRIC™ and Swords & Wizardry™.
Physically, this module will be saddle-stitched, ranging from approximately 32 to 40 pages, and measuring 8.5 x 11 inches. It will feature a full-colour, card stock cover, and sharp, black & white interiours on durable paper.
Daring Men of Tomorrow and intrepid Deep Space Explorers face off against a horde of savage White Simians in the floating jungle of a lost world. Plucky Sidekicks escape relentless Bounty Hunters aboard their modified skyboards. Somewhere on the edge of the galaxy, an Orbital Battle Station is about to obliterate an entire planet with the push of a button.
The White Star Companion brings nearly one hundred pages of new options to your White Star: White Box Science Fiction Roleplaying experience. New classes, new aliens, new creatures, new weapons, and new starships are all revealed. Complete rules for planetary vehicle combat are provided along with ways to generate complete star systems simply by rolling a few dice. The brand new skill and Serial systems can instantly flesh out a character's history and talents.
With the White Star Companion, you'll expand your game to the edge of the galaxy and beyond! White Star: White Box Science Fiction Roleplaying is completely compatible with Swords & Wizardry WhiteBox and many other old-school roleplaying products.Here's the list of new classes:
Remember those flashes of inspiration
that electrified your brain when
you first picked up that hardback volume
of monsters all those years ago?
The countless nights you sat up thinking of how to use those monsters,
where to put them, and when your players would meet them? Those unceasing
waves of joy that swam over you and your players as you unleashed
those creatures, critters, beasts and behemoths upon their characters?
Collected herein are over 200 monsters from Abysmal to Zathoa,
instilled with that same spirit, presented in a “dual-stat” format,
and designed to be used with most early editions of the world’s
original role-playing game and comparable retro-clones.