The Evils Of Illmire
After watching several videos praising it, I decided to grab a pdf copy of
The Evils of Illmire. The adventure was written, produced, and features
layout b...
3 hours ago
The Fighter
You are a warrior, trained in battle and in the use of armor and weapons. Perhaps you are a ferocious Viking raider, a roaming samurai, or a medieval knight. Whatever type of Fighter you choose to play, you will probably end up on the front lines of your adventuring party, going toe-to-toe with dragons, goblins, and evil cultists, hacking your way through them and taking the brunt of their attacks.
The Fighter character is best equipped of all the character classes to dish out and absorb damage. Clerics heal, and Magic-users cast spells, but the down-and-dirty hack and slash work is up to you.
You’re going to serve as the party’s sword and shield, protecting the weaker party members and taking down the enemies before you. Perhaps one day they will tell legends of your battle prowess, and followers will flock to your castle stronghold—where you revel in your fame, riches, and newly earned nobility. Fail, of course, and you will die—just another forgotten warrior in a dangerous world.
Table 5: Fighter Advancement
1 0 1+1 +0 16
2 2,000 2 +1 15
3 4,000 3 +2 14
(add in levels 3 through 10)
Fighter Class Abilities
Weapon/Armor Restrictions: Fighters are trained in warfare and as such have no armor or weapon restrictions.
Combat Machine: Against foes of one hit dice (HD) or fewer, Fighters get one attack per level each turn.
Saving Throw: Fighters get +1 on saving throws vs. death and poisons.
Establish Stronghold (9th): At ninth level, a Fighter character who chooses to build a castle is considered to have the rank of “Baron” bestowed upon him by the local ruler or monarch and may choose to attract a body of loyal men-at-arms who will swear fealty to him.
XP Bonus for Strength: This class bonus is due to a high strength attribute.Here's the Fighter entry from Swords & Wizardry Light (prior to final edits)
The FighterNot only are you getting information on what your character can do, you are also getting weapon and armor choices as well as the damage they do and the protection they give. The idea is to expedite character creation and get the player right into the game. Four classes as well as the spells for Cleric and Wizard fit on one page.
You are a warrior, trained in battle and in the use of armor and weapons.
Hit Dice: 1+1 HD at 1st level, a 2nd HD at 2nd level and a 3rd HD at 3rd level.
Saving Throw: 16 at 1st level, 15 at 2nd level and 14 at 3rd level.
Basic Hit Bonus (BHB): +1 at 2nd level and +2 at 3rd level.
- Fighters start with either Long Sword or Battle Axe (1d6 damage) and Bow / Chain Armor and Shield AC 4[15] or Two Handed Sword (1d6+1) and Crossbow / Chain Armor AC 5[14]
- Fighters have no armor or weapon restrictions. Against foes of 1 Hit Dice (HD) or fewer, Fighters get one attack per level each round. Fighters also get +1 on saving throws vs. death and poisons.
Knock – LockThere you go. A short peek of what's in store. Now I need to spend some time on the Light Support Page ;)
Range: Close Duration: Permanent until dispelled - The targeted door, gate or portal can be opened or locked by this spell. A locked target is unlocked and opened (including those locked by this spell) Targets locked by this spell can be unlocked by this spell or broken by brute force (GM’s discretion)
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Del Teigeler did the art at The Tavern's Facebook Community |
What is AS&SH?
Astonishing Swordsmen & Sorcerers of Hyperborea is the creation of Jeffrey P. Talanian (Castle Zagyg, Charnel Crypt of the Sightless Serpent, Mystery at Port Greely). It is a role-playing game inspired by the fiction of Robert E. Howard, H.P. Lovecraft, and Clark Ashton Smith, with rules descended from the original 1974 fantasy wargame and miniatures campaign rules as conceived by E. Gary Gygax and Dave Arneson.
The heroes of an AS&SH game delve dungeons filled with horrifying monsters, lethal traps, and bewildering puzzles; they explore savage wilderness frontiers and hostile borderlands; they probe ancient ruins and investigate cursed tombs; they match steel against sorcery and sorcery against steel; and they plunder for gold, gems, and magical treasure.
A complete and easy to play Fantasy Roleplaying game, with monsters, magic and exotic locales.
OpenQuest uses the classic D100 rules mechanic, which uses percentages to express the chance of success or failure.
This is the 2nd Edition of the game in full colour with 80 new pages of content. The Deluxe version of the game aims to be a self contained game with rules and advice on how to run a full campaign where the adventurers progress from their poor and ill experienced beginnings to the lofty heights of Godhood!
Open Quest is based on the Mongoose RuneQuest SRD (MRQ SRD), with ideas from previous editions of Chaosium's RuneQuest and Stormbringer 5th, mixed in with some common sense house rulings from the author's twenty years of experience with the D100 system.
I wrote OPERATION UNFATHOMABLE originally to be a one-off adventure and for utility as a convention scenario. As such, the gloves were off both in terms of danger level for player characters and the campaign-changing potency of the enchanted treasures they might run off with. Going against my own advice, I used it to start a campaign.
Four years and hundreds of game-hours later, the campaign continues (and is still fun).
As every DM knows, there is no substitute for play when it comes to breathing life into a setting. I believe the Underworld of OPERATION UNFATHOMABLE has that lived-in feel precisely because it has been explored extensively at the table and its secrets probed by a number of minds sharper than my own (I have awesome players).So, what is Operation Unfathomable?
OPERATION UNFATHOMABLE is an internally-consistent, gonzo funhouse that runs like a subterranean wilderness trek instead of a “down the 10 foot hall and kick in a door” affair. There are random elements aplenty to keep GMs guessing as well as players. No balanced encounters to be found here, but the clever setup allows low level characters to drop into the dungeon “deep end” and still have a chance of making it out alive—if they’re smart and wary.
Underworld Phenomena: Novel environmental hazards to challenge explorers like Horizontal Cave Lightning, Whirlwinds of Unbidden Transportation, Sudden Seismic Events, and many more!
Fractious Factions: Enter a crossroads of Underworld civilization where combat is only one of the options (and often not always the wisest!) for dealing with its denizens. The PCs can make a temporary truce with Blind Antler Men or forge an unlikely alliance with the minions of Nul the Mindless God!
Races, Weirdos and Chaos Godlings Galore: Over two dozen new creatures, from Batwinged Dwarfs to Shaggath Ka the Worm Sultan, malevolent...and even more malevolent!
Near-Endless Adventure: Enough NPCs, encounters, and areas to explore to keep a campaign going well beyond the initial scenario.Basic buy ins are $9 in PDF and $15 for the at cost POD and PDF. If you want to add the stretch goals hit in PDF, it goes up to $25 and $40 respectively. I'm currently in at $40 myself.