So, I woke to an email pointing me to this Facebook page. It appears Kenny has a hard drive problem. This is the very same problem Kenny had with the KotDT: LAS.
Don't worry too much Kenny. I doubt Georgia would go through the effort to extradite you for this obvious misunderstanding. That's all it is, right? A simple misunderstanding.
This isn't imaginary though.
I just called my imaginary contact at the imaginary FBI and they told me you never filed imaginary charges with them for non existent offenses.
Ah well. If you do get served with charges at least you'll know what non-imaginary charges and a real criminal offense looks like.
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54 minutes ago
Oh no! Not a hard drive problem! LOL
ReplyDeleteGod dammit. Several of us tried to warn her last summer to be careful working with that guy. Sorry to see she apparently got burned as well.
ReplyDeleteAnd what gets me is ... we have Marcus King telling us to stop warning people because we are ruining Ken's life. Unfortunately Ken's actions make it a choice between his life and the lives so many know he will ruin by being in business contact with him.
DeleteYes, whatever cons Ken runs now? Marcus certainly has a small share of the blame for having worked so hard to make them possible by promoting a con man.
DeleteKen is the best sweeper Marcus ever had...
DeleteAnd this isn't the same woman who PM'ed me a few months ago saying Ken owed her money. So multiple victims (again).
ReplyDeleteI am confused. Who is suing whitdawg in that post? The OP or someone else?
ReplyDeleteApparently she paid Whitless a lot of money upfront for some film work and he skipped town. Same old story. Isn't it ironic he's withholding the footage/hard drives again?
ReplyDeleteHopefully Ken will kick the door in here again and threaten to sue everyone for hurting his business. Like he really needs our help.
ReplyDeleteYup, the imaginary police have been here every day since his threat. I've been imaginarily arrested, tried, found guilty, and executed for the crime of being mean to Ken.
DeleteLet's not mince words, Ken is a career criminal. He should be arrested and jailed. If someone wants to defend him, they are either deluding themselves or lying. We've been told that this is driving him to the brink of suicide... I think that too is BS. I think it a sob story spun to his lone vocal supporter in an attempt to drum up more sympathy while Ken continues to victimize people.
Reading this on the PC vs Phone now I can see the gist of the issue.
ReplyDeleteDo people not do their homework anymore?Are we not doing a good job of SEO by tying Ken Whitman's name(s) to Fraud and Failure?
If there is EVER a court date/arraignment to be had in ken's future I hope to see notice so I can fly in to see this show. It will be one for the ages.
Thing is he stepped over into a new community AND changed his name. True a little basic research would have exposed him for what he was.
ReplyDeleteBut I guess this punches a hole in the theory he 'means well'.
Is there a post that explained what happened? I'm totally out of the loop and ive always thought Kenzer Co to be a great company.
ReplyDeleteEric McDaniel ... a single post? For the litany of Ken Whitman? No mate ... try and entire website ... hope your day is free to catch up with stories of 3 years of lies, fraud and theft. http://notanotherdime.blogspot.com/
ReplyDeleteOh to be clear ... Kenzer & Company are a great company and have NOTHING to do with Ken Whitman other than being another victim in what has become a lifetime tale of victim and social destruction.
also http://www.tenkarstavern.com/search/label/ken%20whitman
ReplyDeleteIt just makes me sickened to see folks scamming for a living these days. I am sure its gone on but the internet has truly allowed these pond scum to take it to a whole new level. Recently, we picked up a visa card for my son to used on his recent trip to Washington DC for the inauguration. (no political garbage please the trip was planned out long before there was a winner) We go to activate said card just to find out that the 100 bucks he had for souvenirs was already spent by some scumbag at Walmart. Apparently scammers will get jobs at places like that and use their phone and a modified square device to scan bar codes of all the gift cards. Then when the unsuspecting customer picks it up and loads it, they get a notification that is live and loaded and wala butthole scammer spends your money on whatever they like. Worse yet because its small amounts the singular infraction is not enough to draw police attention until they can catch multiple counts and link them together to the person in question. Most of the time the person scanning them simply sells the card numbers off for a set fee and somewhere overseas they actually sit and wait for the card to go live before stealing it from you. It just makes you sick people will go to these lengths to screw folks over rather than I don't know get a job and actually work for it.
ReplyDeleteGotta point out the obvious here, with Ken making frequent pre-advertised appearances at Marcus's store it would be a simple matter to serve papers or arrange for the police to make an arrest...
ReplyDeleteRight? I'd love to see several process servers show up at his next "Hi, I was an extra" autograph session...
DeleteThat would be Feb. 11, it appears:
Needless to say, I'll be following this one with great interest. It is long past time that charges were filed and, as this moves forward, hopefully others will do the same.
ReplyDeleteDocument, document, document!
ReplyDeleteIntent is often a consideration in a court-case. Keep a record of actions and dates to check if there is a pattern of making NO movement to rectify a delay or problem of the past (which often occur with the best of intentions), but just initiate new projects and collect more money for new projects.
What is most surprising is the use of video equipment secured from promises of past projects to make a whole new video project trying to aggrandize a non-speaking extra role, hoping for a spin-off maybe? I tell you, BETTER CALL SAUL this ain't! Enough said! There's no cinematic drama to spin off from an extra who died, and is still dead, unless it's an amusing animated cartoon asking the question of whether fly-maggots are still around in that season...at least THEY'RE proven to get something out of Mr. W.!
There is more about this story posted here:
Poor Ken. Same crap happens to him again and again. Change over in friends every six months. Rinse and Repeated Failures. He should change up his game plan. Doesn't seem to be working for him.
ReplyDeleteWhat's that definition of insanity? The one about doing the same thing over and over?