Friday, March 31, 2017

Kickstarter - DCC Lankmar

I've said it before and I'll say it again, although I support every DCC RPG Kickstarter, I do not play the system very much. I do, however, use the various adventures with the Swords & Wizardry rules, as good adventures transcend system.

There. I've said it. That all being said, having played DCC Lankmar at NTRPG Con with +Doug Kovacs , I'm damn tempted to give it a try with the system it was written for. It simply played that well.

You can back for the boxed set for as little as 50 bucks, but if you want the stretch goals that won't fit in the box you'll need to pony up 100. I'm in at 50 for now, but that may chance in the near future.

Did I mention the KS has already hit its second stretch goal and is knocking on its third?

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