Thursday, July 20, 2017

Doctor Who RPG at Humble Bundle - Starting at a Buck!

I'll be the first to say I don't follow Doctor Who all that closely. Sure, I used to watch the earlier Doctors on PBS in my younger days and in truth, I had no idea WTF was going on. Cheap and campy scifi for the win, it was still fun even if I was lost while watching.

I understand there is some controversy over the next season / next Doctor. Whatever.

All I know is for 15 bucks I know have access to all of the Doctor Who history that I never knew I wanted, but now I find that I do. Its by Cubicle 7 too. I expect quality when I get around to reading these.

Here's the Humble Bundle Doctor Who RPG link.

So, here's what you get for a buck, eight bucks and the all in price of fifteen bucks.

Enjoy. Even if you only sag it for a buck, the price is impossible to beat.

1 comment:

  1. Sweet deal, let alone the 30% off at the Cubicle 7 store.

    I may go whole hog and get the Classic Who books in Dead Tree format if that cupon works for that sort of purchase.


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