Yep, here's the first part of the
Swords & Wizardry Light to
Swords & Wizardry Complete Conversion Guide. As always, feel free to give feedback. This document will be for you to use and should supply enough information to transition as seamlessly as possible. If there is detail lacking please comment below. The second part will address races, weapons & spells.
Lets address the
Ability Scores first.
Strength - Use the chart given on page 7 of the SWC rulebook. Low strength score may now have a penalty. Bonuses for Fighters now kick in a a Str of 13.
Intelligence - Use the chart given on page 8 of the SWC to determine languages, max spell level, percentage chance to know spells and min / max number of spells per spell level known. Keep all spells currently known and use the version in SWC going forward. High Int no longer gives a penalty of -1 to the saves of opponents.
Wisdom - As per page 8 of the SWC rulebook, a Wis of 13+ grants a 5% experience bonus. Clerics with a Wis of 15+ retain their 1st level bonus spell.
Dexterity - As per page 8 of the SWC rulebook, Dexterity Bonus kicks in at Dex 13. Low dexterity score may now have a penalty.
Constitution - As per page 8 of the SWC rulebook, Constitution Bonus kicks in at Con 13. Low constitution score may now have a penalty.
Charisma - If you have a Torchbearer they are now a Hireling. Max hirelings is as per table on page 8 of the SWC rulebook. Note, a Cha score of 13+ grants a 5% experience bonus.
Now we'll peek at
Classes. Remember, conversion assumes
Swords & Wizardry Light level 3 characters to same level in
Swords & Wizardry Complete.
Fighter - Add 2 HP to your 3rd level fighter's HP total. Use the BAB chart on page 38 of the SWC rulebook to calculate new BAB. Remember to adjust for new Str Bonus if applicable. Str score of 13+ offers a 5% experience bonus.
Cleric - HP remain the same. Bonus to Saves is now +2 bonus on saving throw rolls against being paralyzed or poisoned. New Turn Undead Table is on page 43 of the SWC Rulebook. Wis score of 13+ offers a 5% experience bonus.
Magic-user - HP remain the same. Intelligence now determines chance to learn new spells going forward. Darts may now be used as a weapon. Int score of 13+ offers a 5% experience bonus. High Int no longer gives opponents a penalty to their save against magic.
Thieves - HP remain the same. Still can use any weapon but note, only magic weapons available are swords and daggers. Convert thief skills to percentage based skills using table on page 24 of the SWC rulebook. Dex score of 13+ offers a 5% experience bonus.