Friday, November 17, 2017

Announcement - Frog God Games sponsored Extra-Life Team broadcast is Live - For the Children

My apologies, as I lost track of when this when happening only to realize it started an hour ago. Still 23 hours left ;)

Here's the Frog God Games Press Release / Reminder. I'll be popping in later tonight to enjoy the festivities:
Hate Children? Think their hospitals for them a waste of space? 
Then you are a bad person, like this fellow...

If you, on the other hand, support Children's Hospitals, please tune-in for the Frog God Games sponsored Extra-Life Team broadcast beginning at 6 PM EST.


It is guided by Edwin Nagy, conversion specialist and all around good guy.

Please donate and spread the word. For Children! If you cannot watch you can still donate by going here...


Seriously, its a good cause and a fun time. I'll see you all after yoga. No, not my yoga - I pisk up Rach from HER yoga. Damn these sinus headaches!

1 comment:

  1. Apparently if you donate $50 or more you get matching gift certs for Frog God pdf's. So you can donate $50 and get $50 in pdf's of your choice all at once.


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