Friday, November 10, 2017

Kickstarter - Fog Dice Tower for Dice Collectors and Tabletop Gamers

The Fog Dice Tower for Dice Collectors and Tabletop Gamers Kickstarter looks good. Not like I need a dice tower that blows fog. But shit, its so damn cool a concept. I don't need it but I want it. And if I want it I want it painted.

Unpainted isn't bad at $49.

I'll see how the finances are as the month goes on. Needs over wants. But hell, this is a pretty want.

Oh, almost missed that if you subscribe to any of a various number of crates - Mythoard and Tenkar's Tavern crate jump to the front, you get a $25 credit to a crate sub. Interesting.

1 comment:

  1. The main problem is that smoke machines are loud and awkward at the best of time.


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