Prohibition & Powers
The set-up for *Capers: A Super-Powered Game of Gangsters in the Roaring
Twenties* is really simple. It is the 1920s. It is the USA. Prohibition is
in ful...
1 hour ago
Gameplay focuses on managing your limited stamina, predicting your opponent's actions, and whittling their defenses down until you can land a final, crushing blow.
The game takes about five minutes to learn and 10-15 minutes to play. There are no random elements -- the only unknown is which cards your opponent's playing and how much they're willing to spend to gain the upper hand.
At its heart, Clash of Steel's gameplay is a series of tactical decisions. Do you want to hurt your opponent, stop them from hurting you, or edge for an advantage?
You won't be drawing random cards from a constructed deck; there aren't any lucky streaks; it's just several careful decisions, round after round, until one duelist is mangled to the point of defeat.
Every round works the same way, making the game quick to learn and easy to play, but allowing for enormous tactical variety.
One round you might fight aggressively, selecting cards to inflict maximum damage. But in the next round, you might take your time, reposition to a range more suited to your weapon, or try to mitigate your foe's advantage.That was easy. I'm in :)
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Art by Patrick E. Pullen |
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Art by Patrick E. Pullen |
Satanic Panic is a tabletop roleplaying game set in the fictional 1970’s and 1980’s where players take on the role of secret government agents tasked with combating the evils of tabletop. The players work as a team with the common purpose to contain, control, and eliminate the threats to our world. They must do all this while keeping the truth from the public, lest a panic ensue.Interesting pitch Not sure if it makes a great RPG, sounds more like an awesome novel, but its not my KS.
Je Shields was kind enough to start a GoFundMe in an effort to get me out to North Texas RPG Con this year. That in and of itself is an act of amazing generosity. What has been even more generous has been the fact that a plethora of folks from the OSR community chipped in and made it happen - and in less than four days!
I kept silent during the funding, but wanted to now say "Thank You,." This whole experience has been quite humbling and has left me in shock at the kindness shown by everyone.
So, I'd like to show some kindness in return. From this point forward both *_White Star*_ and the _*White Star Companion*_ will be set at a Pay-What-You-Want price. This includes PDF, Softcover, and Hardcover. For hardcover and softcover, you will still need to meet the cost to cover production - but that's it. I wanted to do this as a way to show a small measure of appreciation for all your kindness.
So, I guess the only thing left to say is: I'll see you at North Texas RPG Con!Thanks to +James Shields , +Pete Spahn , +Jacob Ross and everyone else that made this possible for James.
The Moonshae Trilogy. Cyndre, HobarthAh well. I guess I don't know the Forgotten Realms as well as I thought I did.
The Druidhome Trilogy. Deirdre Kendrick
The Icewind Dale Trilogy. Artemis Entreri, Dendybar the Mottled
The Legacy of Drizzt. Jarlaxle
The Finder's Stone Trilogy. Cassana, Flattery Wyvernspur, The Mouth of Moander, Zrie Prakis
Masquerades. Victor Dhostar
Prince of Lies. Fzoul Chembryl
The Cleric Quintet. Aballister Bonaduce, Ghost, Kierkan Rufo
The Harpers Novels.
Red Magic (#3). Maligor the Zulkir of Alteration, Szass Tam the Zulkir of Necromancy
The Ring of Winter (#5). Kaverin Ebonhand
The Shadowking Novels (#6, #11). Lord Cutter of Iriaebor
Song & Swords. Elaith "The Serpent" Craulnober, Kymil Nimesin
King Pinch (#1). King Manferic III
War in Tethyr (#2). Baron Faneuil Hardisty
Escape from Undermountain (#3). Halaster Blackcloak
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Art Copyright Claudio Casini |
Barbarians. Natives. Berserkers. They are called many things, but nothing defines them more than their distaste for civilization and magic. Well, perhaps their loyalty to their friends and their enmity towards nearly everyone else.
Fearless on the field of battle, many have been known to work themselves into a rage in combat, throwing themselves at their enemy with only one thought - death to their enemy. Sometimes, when all the enemies are vanquished, they have been known to turn on their friends. Nothing personal, you know, sometimes battle gets the best of everyone.
- Barbarians may "enrage" once per day in battle. They will discard any shields and rush their enemy. For the next 5 rounds they are + 3 hit and + 3 damage. If there are no enemies left standing at the beginning of a round (within the 5 rounds) they must roll a Save (bonus of + 1 for Wisdom 15+) or attack a random ally at + 3 hit and + 3 damage until the 5 rounds have passed.That's a quick peek. I'll be outlining the first few issues as the week goes on. Which theme or genre comes first will depend on what writes itself ;)