There is SO much wrong with the
Dungeons and dragons: the whispering ring Kickstsarter (and yes, that is the exact title of it.) Let's see, where shall we start?
1 - Maybe the damn title itself? You can't call it
Dungeons & Dragons (or Dungeons and dragons - its the same shit)
2 - Look at the pic above. Look at the spine of the book. Yep. Can't miss it, can you?
3 - Anyone want to take a stab at editing the pic below?
I count at least 11 edits needed. I may have missed one and I'm not counting awkward grammar.
4 - Kickstarter charges between 8% and 10% in fees. Something doesn't add up:
5 - Read what I highlighted below:
I thought the problems with universities and unprepared students were unique to the US. The person that is running this Kickstarter is graduating university in the UK and this is how they present their best, most professional side while begging for money using another company's property.
Hasbro shouldn't even bother with the takedown, as this won't even fund.
I needed this right before Gary Con ;)
edit - in the time it took me to type this post, they edited the title and the main graphic - doesn't change the piss poor editing...