Prohibition & Powers
The set-up for *Capers: A Super-Powered Game of Gangsters in the Roaring
Twenties* is really simple. It is the 1920s. It is the USA. Prohibition is
in ful...
1 hour ago
Among the stars in a distant galaxy there exists a region of densely populated habitable worlds. It is here your story begins, a place commonly called "the frontier" where people dwell and tales unfold.
The Galactic Federation's power now wanes as corporations rise to fill the void left behind by the loss of their protection and authority. Citizens push on against adversity and defy the obviousness of their limitations. They live their lives doing work for the large interstellar corporations and governments. They huddle around spaceports and seek passage to the next system. They fight and they love and they die... but above all else, despite the vastness, despite the isolation, despite the dirt and the dust and the danger... the frontier is alive. And that's what makes it worth fighting for.
The Player's Handbook is the essential sourcebook for every FrontierSpace role player. Contained in this book you'll find all the rules you need for creating, training, equipping, playing, and developing your character. This is a companion volume to the Referee's Handbook, available soon.
FrontierSpace is built upon the foundation of the d00lite system, the same game engine used to power BareBones Fantasy and Covert Ops roleplaying games. Years of feedback and continued game system development has evolved this product into something that flows at the game table while getting out of the way of a good story.
Angels, Daemons and Beings Between, Volume 2: Elfland Edition is more than just a sequel to AD&BB, Volume 1: Extended, Otherworldly Edition, it is a project that author James Pozenel Jnr. and publisher/editor/artist David Fisher have poured their creative souls into for over a year. The final product will be a hardback book of approximately 150 pages.
Like Volume 1, Elfland Edition will provide Dungeon Crawl Classics RPG gamers another great selection of patrons to use at their gaming table but with a distinct fae flavor and like its predecessor, Volume 2 requires the DCC RPG Core Rulebook for use (see below). DCC elves are, after all, compelled to have a patron from the beginning and we felt the selection of patrons could be richer for the Elf class. We strove to reflect the varied depictions of elves in mythology and folklore from which Appendix N authors drew upon for their fantasies.
Angels, Daemons and Beings Between Volume 2: Elfland Edition unleashes the hidden patrons of Elfland. From fey barbarians and vagabond thieves to vile demons and alien vegetation, this tome shines light on 13 new patrons of distinct fae character. With accompanying art, spells, spellburns, patron taints and the rituals required to commune with these patrons, this volume is a must for your campaign’s elves… and wizards, of course!
This is pure gonzo-light, science-fantasy, eldritch pulp awesomeness! O5R compatible (including Crimson Dragon Slayer) scenario pretty much requiring The Islands of Purple-Haunted Putrescence (if you don't already own it, get it - you'll thank me).
Within Battle For The Purple Islands, you'll come across cultists, cannibals, talking apes, and other strangeness... and finally the chance to meet H.P. Lovecraft! Random tables up the wazoo - that will add to any jungle exploration and hexcrawl / sandbox setting. Also, fantastic artwork and superb layout by Glynn Seal of MonkeyBlood Design.
Are you the type of Dungeons & Dragons player that just wants to sleep with everything?
Hi, I'm game designer Jason Anarchy. I make the Drinking Quest series and this is my new game!
Chuglox, Daiquirin, Bartlebut and Annoying Sidekick ARE BACK! And this time they are REALLY OUT OF SHAPE FROM ALL THE DRINKING! Except for Annoying Sidekick who is now in great shape because he's really annoying.
Drinking Quest is a really simple, quick-start RPG but when your hero dies... you chug your drink in real life to continue!
The last Kickstarter (For Journey into Draught) Added two extra quests, a coin token, a cloth map and other extras... and we're starting with that standard this time without even having to unlock them as stretch goals!
If you've never played Drinking Quest before, this is a great starting point. If you have played Drinking Quest before, then you know to expect a fun new adventure!
Please quest responsibly.It funded in 4 hours...
You groggily come back to consciousness after a long cryosleep. Your ship’s warning system is telling you the ship has entered the atmosphere of a planet and is about to crash land under autopilot. Crawling to a seat, you buckle in, joining your fellow astronauts as you quickly check instrument readings.
Through the cockpit window you see a barren, desolate landscape flashing by. The ship skims a large lake before coming to a stop just off the pebble shore. The computer indicates that there is a breathable atmosphere, and after gathering survival packs the crew exits the ship.
“Where are we?” you ask each other, as everyone wades to the shore seeing a wasteland with little vegetation.
“Which planet is this? We must have gone off course on our return from Alpha Centauri.”
Then there is the sound of hoof beats, adding to the disorientation. Hoof beats? Are we on Earth?
Around an embankment comes several riders bearing rifles. As they approach, the sun glares in your eyes and a shot fires; a companion to your left falls to the ground holding his stomach. A large rider stops in front of you, momentarily blocking the sun and providing a clear look at his face.
“An ape! We’re on a planet ruled by apes!”
Apes Victorious is a roleplaying game in which you take the role of an astronaut from the 1970’s who finds himself marooned on a future Earth ruled by intelligent apes.
Players may also take the role of an ape, a degenerated human, or a psi-active underdweller. Fight to survive in this post-apocalyptic future ruled by four species of apes. Or play apes who hunt humans for sport. For a different kind of campaign, play highly intelligent but insane underdwellers who have advanced technology and powerful psi powers.
This book contains:
- A complete game
- A post-nuclear apocalyptic setting in which apes have become the dominant species
- Seven player classes
- Animals and creatures of the post-nuclear future
- Campaign advice
- A complete introductory adventure
- Conversion notes for compatible games including: Labyrinth Lord, Mutant Future, Starships & Spacemen
So you are probably asking, what exactly is The Storyteller's Arcana? Well, when I was 14 I managed to get my hands on a newly printed copy of TSR's Unearthed Arcana and AD&D was forever changed for me. That book introduced me to so many great wrinkles in the system, and over the past thirty-five years I've tried to translate my own gaming knowledge into a series of notes and rules that I think can resonate with all gamers, be they OSR die-hards or newly minted 5E campaigners. By compiling and expanding on everything I've addressed during my time around a table, it is my hope that this new 'Arcana' will hold a special place on the shelves of gamers just as those old Orange Spine hardcovers do.We do have the table of contents pages to refer to, so you can make a choice if the content is for you:
At the recommendation of artist Denis McCarthy, we have compiled a superbundle of stock art, publisher resources and additional materials, the proceeds from which will go to benefit Puerto Rico through the Direct Relief charity. Link to Puerto Rico Direct Relief Bundle
ALL PROCEEDS FROM THE BUNDLE (Aegis Studios gets 70% of what we sell at DriveThruRPG) will go directly to Direct Relief.The bundle is valued at over $56 and costs $25.
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Art copyright Denis McCarthy |
The Devil's Swamp is a Call of Cthulhu adventure book for the classic 1920's era, licensed by Chaosium. The book contains a series of five or more adventures set in the Hockomock swamp in Massachusetts to be used with 7th edition Call of Cthulhu RPG.You know me - I love to pick out inaccuracies with Kickstarter projects and I'm calling one out now. Thanks to stretch goals its now SIX adventures with a seventh nearly reached ;)
While we will not guarantee any minimum page count, the first 5 adventures are almost finished, and the book is currently around 60-70 pages. The more people pledge, the more adventures we will add in and the longer the book will be. If we hit the stretch goal for 6 adventures, it will probably be 70-85 pages. If we hit the stretch goal for 7 adventures It will expand to be 85-100 pages. If we hit the stretch goal for 8 adventures, it will expand to be 100-120 pages. If we get all the way to 9 adventure modules, we could push this well over 130 pages!
The delivery time for the books includes the anticipation of the extra adventures.
From the first story ever told, to tales on the silver screen. They all have at least one thing in common: Grappling.
Grappling is thrilling, dangerous, and drives thousands of years of epic storytelling.
Dungeon Grappling brings those thrills to the oldest fantasy RPG with rules and examples for Swords and Wizardry (and other OSR-style games), the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game, and 5e.
Dungeon Grappling provides:
- Simple, unified mechanics, using the same concepts as weapon strikes
- Variable outcomes – grapples can be good or bad
- Dynamic, tense stories
- Weapons, talons, magic . . . they’re all in here.
- Grappling just got scary again!
What’s in the Book
First and foremost, this book contains rules based on Open Gaming License content from several editions of the industry’s most popular RPG – explicit examples for Swords and Wizardry, the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game, and Fifth Edition.
Let’s look inside:
Just a reminder - Through Dungeons Deeper: A Survival Guide For Dungeoneers As Written By A Survivor released today. If you go to The Tavern post that announces the release, you will find a discounted link to save you 3 bucks off the regular PDF price.
- Introduction: How can grappling be as epic at the tabletop as it has been in stories throughout history?
- Core Concepts: Dungeon Grappling shows that the same basic concepts that you use to smite a foe with your sword are perfectly appropriate when grappling. The attack roll, target number, and effect roll are all unified in the context of grapples to minimize special cases.
- Grappling Effects: Dungeon Grappling presents a variable effect roll - using both "control points" as well as conditions to make grappling exciting and unpredictable.
- Grappling Techniques: This section gives you options, from simply rendering them immobile, to tossing or dragging, to takedowns, throws, choke holds, grappling with weapons, using magical spells to grapple in a way that makes all of them follow the same basic principles.
- Monstrous Grappling: Let’s face it. Grappling is for monsters. A dozen examples are provided to highlight how to calculate the attack bonus, grappling target number (the equivalent of armor class for grappling), and the grappling damage roll, as well as brief discussions of how such monsters fight.
- Combat Examples: An example vignette and grappling-oriented combat is provided for each of Swords and Wizardry, the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game, and 5e.
- Quick Reference Sheets: All of the key calculations, tables, and concepts are summarized in three pages in the back of the book for easy lookups and rules checks.
- Art and Layout: Laid out and illustrated in full color by a great team of professionals, the interior is as beautiful as the rules are elegant.
- Navigation and Layering: The PDF is hyperlinked in the Table of Contents and Index, and Bookmarks are provided. The document is also layered, allowing the background, art, or text to be turned on and off for ease of printing or readability.
Have you ever wanted a primer on dungeon delving and dungeoneering? Ever wanted to know the stuff that real experts know about how to survive and thrive while looting dungeons of everything they have that's valuable and isn't nailed down?
Written by master dungeoneer halfling Maximillian Sparfoot, veteran of a thousand dungeon delves (according to his own bio). Follow along with Max as he:
- Explains the 10 Dungeon Axioms!
- Introduces you to his 78 Rules of Dungeoneering, including preparation, your role in the party, how to fight wisely, and how to make a last will and testament, among other Very Important Rules If You Don't Want To Die! Tactics! Strategy! Other stuff!
- Gives you important information about magic items, curses, owlbears, traps, mimics and gelatinous cubes!
- Tells you the important things you need to know about the races and professions that you'll be dungeoneering with!
- Includes a sample simple will from Stonehand & Associates, lawyers to dungeoneers!
So, what are you waiting for? Buy Max's super guide to dungeoneering today for yourself or a loved one who is considering delving in the darkest dungeons. You don't want them being unprepared, do you? DO YOU?
Digital+ files (ebook and raw text) will be added to this download soon. Those who purchase the digital version will receive a discount code for the POD version once it is available.
An update following soon will enable internal hyperlinks as well as additional artwork, and a version of the PDF with layers.edit: As per Jason - "anyone who buys now will get a discount of the PDF price against the POD version."