Friday, January 5, 2018

I'm Swimming In Emails - OSR Santa Needs a Holiday

Alright, to the best of my knowledge, all of the outstanding OSR Christmas emails have been addressed / forwarded / SWCL ordered / etc. I say to the best of my knowledge as it is possible someone / something was missed.

There are some unclaimed gifts. Gifts still unclaimed as of January 12th, 2018 will be forfeited. Sorry, OSR Santa can be a biatch at times.

Frog God gift recipients will be having their info forwarded this weekend.

I have one thing to mail out that is not coming from Amazon - that will require a trip to the post office. That will be in the later half of next week. I'll need to dig my car out (no mail deliver the past 2 days)

If you haven't received an email from me AND your gift isnt coming from the Frogs, email me again. Damn, I probably should check the spam folder.

Now, on to reviews this weekend, as I'll be mostly stuck home with a foot plus of plowed snow keeping my car in place and single digit temperatures keeping my travels very close to home ;)

1 comment:

  1. It’s good your giving some time Santa Tenkar :D other’s may have been affected by that snow too. Here in Jersey it wasn’t too bad.


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