Thursday, April 26, 2018

Alignments by M*A*S*H

Cat knocked the mouse off the desk for the umpteenth time and its acting flakey.  In the meantime, enjoy ;)

Tip of the hat to Michael G in The Tavern's Discord Server


  1. I would have gone with Potter as Lawful Good, but everything else seems spot-on.

    1. Move Hoolihan to Lawful Neutral (she wasn't "good" until later in the series), and move Frank to Neutral Evil.

  2. Agree with both of Tim Snider's comments. The fact Frank Burns was a married man engaged in a longterm affair would imply to me he wasn't Lawful Neutral as he was going against tradition and the oath he took.

  3. 'Hot Lips' should not be Lawful Good, she had an affair with a married man, maybe Radar should be switched with her.

    1. I think Radar sending a Jeep home piece by piece probably knocks him out of Lawful Good


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