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Tuesday, April 17, 2018

#ConManKen Goes on the Lam - Little Monsters "Sold" - Ken Looks for a New Community to Grift

It's been a busy day here at The Tavern. Beleive it or not, now we have some news from our very own #ConManKen that he posted on Facebook. Actually, I'm surprised it took this long:
As of 6pm tonight, I am no longer manager/owner of Little Monsters Games & Comics, LLC. I will be staying on till the end of the month to help with the transition of new owners. I will begin persuing a full time career in the motion pitcure industry as well as finishing up some unfinished kickstarter business. I appreceate all of you who have helped my time at Little Monsters an incredable experience.
Yep folks, its time for a new episode of ConManKen Goes on the Lam with Marcus playing the part of the chief enabler.

Mind you, all that follows are a whole bunch of suppositions. Strong ones, sure, but still suppositions.

Now, let us be real. Ken was NEVER the owner of Little Monsters. It was a shell game that benefited both Ken and Marcus UNTIL Ken was served last week with a lawsuit. The store being in Ken's name, even if only on paper, put Marcus in an awkward spot. Spotting Kenny a few bucks and giving Kenny a place to sleep (even if it was a cot in the store's office) is one thing - being on the hook to lose a whole business because of Ken's past shenanigans is a totally different ballgame.

Full time career in the motion "pitcure" industry? Where? He has a rep in Atlanta and it isnt a good one. The West Coast won't take him. Vancouver, maybe? He can claim refugee status in Canada ;)

As for the unfinished Kickstarter business - it's ALL unfinished. Not some of it - ALL of it.

Psst! Kenny - the business you sold may still be at risk from your current lawsuit, as the "sale" happened after you were served. Just a thought...

edit- I originally had "Lamb" instead of "Lam" in the post title. I blame it on Ken ;)


  1. That's "on the lam". "on the lamb" would be something entirely different... :)

  2. Yup, sale of assets to defraud creditors is a big no-no.

  3. So he admits that he hadn’t been working on Kickstarter business.

  4. Haha, but you failed to change it in the body of the post:

    "Yep folks, its time for a new episode of ConManKen Goes on the Lamb with Marcus playing the part of the chief enabler."

  5. Replies
    1. Canadian residents can run Kickstarters, so I hope he goes elsewhere.

  6. Those poor, poor little lambs....can we leave the barnyard animals out of this?

  7. This comes as no surprise. I pretty much expected Ken to run as soon as a court caught up to him. I mean, he has run EVERY other time somebody has gotten close to holding him accountable for his various misdeeds.

  8. The never ending saga continues.....

  9. Is there any real consequence of the k-man not showing up in NY? I know nothing of the US legal system and how this kind of thing operates between states.

    1. Not showing up will result in a summary judgement in favor of the side that showed up.

    2. And in the case that has been filed against Kenny that would result in what? A fine or a custodial sentence?

    3. Not a lawyer, but I think the plaintiff would be awarded a judgement in the amount the plaintiff asked. From that I believe a lien could be applied against any property Ken owns, and would hit his credit. (Ha! I know). However, I believe this can be replicated in other states. With luck he couldn't effectively banish himself from the US and perhaps any country that has backers of his KS projects and a similar legal system for small claims. Eventually this might draw the attention of a district attorney somewhere who might pursue actual criminal charges. That last part is a huge maybe, but at this point doing anything to hold Ken to account might be thought by some of Ken's backers as better than doing nothing.

    4. Meant to say that he COULD effectively banish himself from the US.

    5. Thanks for the insight, the adventures of Kenny are second only to the idleness that is Gareth. I guess Gail gets an honorary mention.

    6. IF there is a court date. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE EL TENKAR POST IT FAR AND WIDE. I will fly in for that event. It will cost me more in hotels than the KS I paid for but it will be WORTH IT.

  10. Great now I've got the mental image of Kenny drilling some poor baby sheep...thanks Erik!

  11. Still not sure whether you've covered John Adams' Appendix N Kickstarter or Bill Barsh's Cataclysm at the Acaeum. Both have taken about 5 or6 years so far.

    1. Appendix N has at least delivered SOMETHING. Ken has delivered nothing.

  12. His Facebook post has been amended to be "As of 7:20pm...", 80 minutes after the original time specified.

    Why is he being so specific about the time? Why specify an exact time at all?

    1. Good Question, maybe something to do with what Tenkar mentioned in his post about the timing of the business sales and when he was served about the lawsuit against him?

    2. Ken's trying to have the store basically sold before the court summons so he thinks he doesn't have to report the sale. That's not how this investigation process works there Whitty McWitWit

  13. Old "Cut and Run" Ken. How fast can you run, Kenny? The law is right behind you...

  14. Looks like Kenny was in touch with Louis, trying to get him to agree to a settlement: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/d20e/kodt-live-action-series/comments
