Wednesday, April 11, 2018

Tavern Tidbits - Minor Magics - Flying Stuffed Monkey (SWL / SWC)

Continuing with the revisiting and updating of some earlier magical items / creatures that have graced The Tavern.

Flying Stuffed Monkey

The Flying Stuffed Monkey is a sort of quasi-golem. It can fly (up to 60', in a straight line, screaming monkey screams the whole time), walk, fight and even die for its master, but so long as it’s master retrieves the majority of its remains from the field of battle, it will be ready to fight the following day.

Hit Dice: 2 (roll new HP each time it reforms)
Armor Class: 6 (13)
Attacks: 2 Claws (1d6-1), 1 Bite (1d6)
Saving Throw: 14
Special: Reforms 24 hrs after being defeated. 23 Points of magical fire will destroy the Flying Stuffed Monkey for good
Alignment: Neutral
Number Encountered: 1
Challenge Level/XP: 2 / 30


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