It's going to be a hot one today with temperatures knocking on 100 degrees here in NYC. So, its a perfect day to look at polearms ;)
Ah yes, polearms. Often misunderstood and truthfully, rarely used in game, polearms get a special treatment in the AD&D 1e Unearthed Arcana. Why?Link to Episode #46:
Link to the blog post on Spontaneous Gaming
Gary was obsessed with *%&#@ polearms, lol! I was using a 16' tree trimmer this morning, and the thing wobbled and was unwieldy in the extreme. I can't name one heroic fantasy character who used one! In the section's defense, I'd guess that was the #1 request in 1e days from players - 'what's the difference between all these frickin' polearms?!' I know we talked about it (before buying longswords).