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Thursday, December 20, 2018

OSR Christmas - Day Six - Only Halfway Through? Oh My!

Here we go with Day Six of OSR Christmas. Print books can only be delivered in the US with this gift pool, digital can all be delivered worldwide. Let's see what's in the mix today:

1) 1 Dragon Heresy in Print from Gaming Ballistic (US Only)

2) 1 PDF Copy of The Midderlands from MonkeyBlood

3) 1 Bundle of OSR Patches from Thad Moore

4) 1 PDF Copy of The Hero's  (James Spahn / Barrel Rider Games)

5) 1 PDF Copy of the World War II: Operation WhiteBox adventure "The Argentine Connection" (Stouthearted Games)

6) 1 PDF Copy of The Sentinel Chapel (DQ / System Neutral) 

7) Undying Orb in Print from Silver Bullett (US Only)

How do you enter for a chance to be gifted? Simply comment on this very post. On Saturday, December 22nd, 2018 sometime after 6pm Eastern (so comment before), we will randomly determine those to be gifted from the comments received. It really is that simple. Check back often, because we'll have at least 12 days of OSR Christmas during the month of December (and definitely into January too)

Note - If you live outside the US and get picked for a Print gift, I will substitute a $5 OneBookShelf Gift Certificate and the print prize will go back in the pool.

Note 2 - Anything shipping from me (Tenar) won't be shipping until after Christmas

Note 3 - I've fallen behind on emails again. Tomorrow, hopefully, will be catch up time.

(edit - all comments at The Tavern have to be moderated - approved by an admin - meaning me. The Tavern has become the target of spambots and others and this is the best, if most tedious, way to handle such. I approve comments as fast as I can. I appreciate your patience - Erik)

Below is a more or less complete list of the upcoming month of gifting.

We have an amazing list of gift givers and gifts. The gifts list is literally growing daily, but here is a quick list as of this moment:

Far Away Lands - PDF Bundles
OSR Patches - Multiple sets - some shipping worldwide
World War II: Operation WhiteBox adventure "The Argentine Connection" - PDF copies
Castle of the Mad Archmage and all the expansions (Level 3 East, Musicland, and Bitterbark's Circus - in Print)
Lord of Suttham Oldfeld bundle for The Midderlands shipped anywhere in the world
Daily PDF giveaway of the Midderlands
Print copy of For Coin & Blood, Eorathril, and Print copy of Fallen Justice anywhere in the world.
ZWEIHÄNDER Complete Digital Bundle (all 13 digital products)
3 PDF’s of the Sunken City Omnibus (DCC RPG)
ALL Frog God Games Swords & Wizardry releases in digital format (that they can account for) in a bundle for 1 person
Some Frog God Games Print products signed by Bill Webb (shipped by me)
Outdoor Encounter Cards and Dungeon Challenge Card - in Print (shipped by me)
4 Class Compendium PDFs, 4 White Star Galaxy Edition PDFs, 4 The Hero's Journey PDFs
Random Gaming Material from a Taverner's Gaming Collection
Random Shit from the Tenkar Game Collection - at least three Priority Mail boxes of stuff
6 copies of Dragon Heresy in Print
2 copies Undying Orb in Print
PDF copies of The Sentinel Chapel for DragonQuest / System Neutral
The Mystery at Port Greely”, an AS&SH adventure module, signed by the author, Jeffrey Talanian

For those wondering about the OSR Patches:


  1. Happy OSR-mas! Roll for initiative.

  2. What the heck is going on around here

  3. Count me in! Happy holidays to all.

  4. I got a 1?! That does that mean?!?!

  5. Tenkarclaws is coming to town.

  6. Merry Christmas, everybody! May you all get in some time-off gaming in the coming weeks.

  7. What will we say AFTER Christmas. :)
    Put me in coach! Thanks!!

  8. Dexterity bonus on that initiative roll? I'm in.

  9. All of these look really nice!

  10. Feliz Natal! My blog is being attavkedtoo by spambots. I think it's a blogger tbing

  11. here’s hoping I get to enter this time!

  12. Once more into the breach...
    Also, a big thank you for all involved.

  13. Uh, huh-huh, huh-huh.
    Contests are way cool, Beavis.
    Mostly when you win.

  14. Tries to avoid getting a lump of coal...

  15. Great stuff as always Tenkar, win or lose I love that the OSR comes together to do this. :)

  16. Thank you to everyone for what you do for this hobby! Merry OSR Christmas!

  17. OSR, OSR, OSR all the way ...
    Oh what fun it is to prod
    With a 10-foot pole all day.

  18. Is this thing on? Merry OSR Christmas!

  19. Make your peace and roll the dice.

  20. Tossing my hat into the ring again! Thanks Erik, we do appreciate you

  21. Merry Christmas to the OSR, one and all!

  22. Rolling to summon the spirit of Christmas...

  23. May be too late. Rolled a 1 on initiative.

  24. Off work for a week and a half. Whohoo!! Time for some gaming.

  25. A chilly frost in the air as the necromancer says "rise my elves, there's toys to make"
