Swords & Wizardry Light - Forum

Sunday, December 16, 2018

Reminder - RPG Breakfast Club - 10 AM Eastern - Sunday, December 16th - Tenkar's Tavern Discord Server

I know the reminder is a bit late and I apologize. Its been a busy week for the Tavern Master and Uncle Duties are currently in effect - Shannon turned 8 on Friday and is sleeping over tonight ;)

Anyhow, tomorrow morning at 10 AM eastern the Tenkar's Tavern Discord Server is hosting the weekly RPG Breakfast Club.

Your hosts will be Archon, Tom Knauss (go figure, I just interviewed him on the Tavern Chat Podcast), Todd, Jerry247 and Niven81. Yeah, I need to get a list of true names behind the Discord Handles so we can bind folks in magic circles...

Here's an invite to The Tavern's Discord Server if you aren't already a member. Hope to see you on the flip side - assuming my niece allows me.



  1. One of these times I am not going to be a ram ling mess during one of these. Got to say thought a rambling mess or not, I was very honored to be part of it again.
