Because I didn't have an easy way to replace him with a pile of shit |
Ah, sweet #ConManKen. Never at a loss to make folks laugh. See, Kenny took to
Facebook Live for a live sale yesterday and my, the laughs were flying. And yes Kenny, folks were laughing AT you.
Now, it WAS authentic Kenny as you will see from the following shots taken by one of The Taverners" of the scroll at the bottom of the feed:
Some folks went s far as commenting about Ken's Kickstarters that he's failed to deliver, failed to update - fuck it, he's basically a failure.
Then Kenny complained about the Trolls - he started deleting posts and blocking people:
This is the post that got James banned: "Will unsold product be available as a Stretch Goal reward in future Kickstarter projects?" |
He also made the statement that those trolling were in violation of Kentucky Law for causing a loss of business and it was a Class D Felony. I couldnt find the relevant law.
The following does, however, seem potentially relevant:
KRS 517.120 Operating a sham or front company
Kenny, can you quote us the law you are threatening folks with in the above format? It may help.
Because folks want to know which law you are threatening them with via PMs:
Turn you over and pour you out...
Kenny, where's my FBI Agents? I've had tea and coffee cake ready for them for 15 months and they never came. What was the federal law that I was violating again?
#ConManKen , if he wasn't so full of shit, he wouldnt be Ken...