Prohibition & Powers
The set-up for *Capers: A Super-Powered Game of Gangsters in the Roaring
Twenties* is really simple. It is the 1920s. It is the USA. Prohibition is
in ful...
1 hour ago
From North Wind Adventures, an exciting new Kickstarter campaign for Astonishing Swordsmen & Sorcerers of Hyperborea™, a role-playing game of swords, sorcery, and weird fantasy. This bundle features four new products intended to improve the fun and excitement of your AS&SH™ game day.
The Hyperborea Players’ Manual compiles Volumes I, II, and III of Astonishing Swordsmen & Sorcerers of Hyperborea, as originally presented in the AS&SH 2E hardback. The milieux of AS&SH are inspired by the fantastic literature of Robert E. Howard, H.P. Lovecraft, and Clark Ashton Smith. AS&SH rules and conventions are informed by the original 1974 fantasy wargame and miniatures campaign rules as conceived by E. Gary Gygax and Dave Arneson.
The Hyperborea Player Character Folder is a valuable supplement for players of Astonishing Swordsmen & Sorcerers of Hyperborea. This 9 × 12-inch,two-pocket folder will feature wraparound cover art by Del Teigeler, with colours by Glynn Seal. The folder will contain 10 booklet-style AS&SH character sheets, each measuring 8½ × 11 inches (i.e., a single 17 × 11-inch sheet folded in half) on classic goldenrod paper. Additional AS&SH character sheets can be downloaded and printed from our website at Keep your character sheets, notes, and maps organized with this great new resource!
The Hyperborea Referee’s Screen is a useful game day accessory for referees of Astonishing Swordsmen & Sorcerers of Hyperborea. This 44 × 8½ inch, four-panel screen will feature an exterior panoramic scene of Hyperborea, with art by Diogo Nogueira and colours by Daisey Bingham. The interior will display the most relevant AS&SH tables for ready reference.
Rats in the Walls and Other Perils will feature the classic Astonishing Swordsmen & Sorcerers of Hyperborea adventure, “Rats in the Walls”, by Jeffrey P. Talanian. This adventure, originally published in 2014 as a special “swag bag” giveaway at Gary Con VI, was inspired by the eponymous story by H.P. Lovecraft. This revised and lightly expanded version will bring that title up to date with our current catalogue of adventure modules.
Rats in the Walls and Other Perils also will include two more short adventures: Chainsaw’s “The Brazen Bull”, and “The Lamia’s Heart”, by Jeffrey P. Talanian. (An early draft of the latter was published in the AFS fanzine.) Edited by David Prata, all three adventures are set in the dismal City-State of Khromarium and designed for from four to six characters of 1st or 2nd level. Like our popular adventure module The Anthropophagi of Xambaala™, we think you will find this to be a great AS&SH campaign starter. It contains just enough mystery and danger to whet the appetites of your players, introducing them to the weird world of sword-and-sorcery role-playing in the City-State of Khromarium.There are MANY different backer levels for PDF or Print, with the above on their own or bundled.
Gary Gygax was one of the great minds of the 20th century – his innovations have influenced generations of artists and spawned tens of billions of dollars in global revenue.
With Dungeons & Dragons, Gary crafted a vehicle for engaging the mind at a creative, analytical, social and even emotional level - all at the same time. There is truly nothing else like it.
Gary's work has woven itself into the fabric of our culture, yet there is no monument to recognize him, not even in his own hometown. (wonder how that failed to happen?) We intend this project to be a filmic monument of sorts – a high-quality, emotionally engaging record of Gary’s story that can be appreciated by gamers and non-gamers alike for generations to come.
As a lifelong player of D&D, I feel this project has been a dream come true. I've met so many of my idols, made so many friends, and developed a deeper understanding of Gary Gygax and his magical game.
This movie has been three years in the making and is now just months from being completed. We have dozens of interviews and hours of other great footage, and in a rough cut, it already tells a compelling story.
With your support, we can bring it across the finish line by giving the movie high-end color grading, sound mixing and additional archival photos and video. We have a talented post-production team in place and ready to work as soon as we fund.
Please help us bring Gary's inspiring story to life and create a lasting addition to his legacy.
- Pat Kilbane, DirectorWatch the video on the Kickstarter page. It's less than 3 minutes long and I find it enticing.
Yet the urge to create is a hungry god, and gods demand nourishment. It was originally conceived that an annual publication would exist in some form to showcase the brilliance of the DCC RPG community. This would be the DCC RPG Annual, published each year to distribute these gaming creations.
The best of things happened: the DCC RPG Annual was never needed. The DCC community burst forth a verdant jungle of inspiration, with ripe fruit on every limb. Blogs and personal posts; zines; community publications; the Gongfarmer’s Almanac; officially licensed third-party works: there is a vast supply of inspiration from whence the DCC judge can draw and iterate.
And thus we come here to Kickstart a volume which has no place. If you are a DCC fan, you absolutely do not need to support this Kickstarter. Should you to desire to do so, however, you will receive a book that has become a legend, despite never before being published.Interesting that the fan base supplied what the annual was conceived of to do.
We’ve heard a lot of great feedback, but one thing we weren’t expecting was SO much interest for us to expand outside of just Dungeons & Dragons! (somehow I doubt this) Therefore, we’ve decided to broaden our approach and become RPGSports!
We have a new Twitch channel here!
This wider umbrella means that we can position ourselves to easily collaborate with other tabletop games. What other tabletop games would you like to see in a competitive style in the future?
Of course, in other ways this doesn’t change too much. The first RPGSports tournament this November will still be played using the Dungeons & Dragons fifth edition rules. We noticed some confusion online, and so wanted to take this opportunity to clarify that this is an EncounterRoleplay production. While D&DBeyond are sponsoring this tournament, Wizards of the Coast are not affiliated with RPGSports. (emphasis mine - read these two sentences carefully)
We’re excited to start releasing more information on rules, to announce the star-studded teams, and to tell you how you can get involved in RPGSports!
Thanks for sticking with us while this exciting project continues to expand and grow.Then there is THIS later down the page:
Who is involved?
The EncounterRoleplay & D&DBeyond crews have teamed up to bring this production to life! While we’re playing Dungeons & Dragons, we don’t have any affiliation with Wizards of the Coast. (again, emphasis mine)It suggests to me that the DnDSports title was politely contested by a company distinctly not affiliated with the project