Thursday, May 23, 2019

Wayward Kickstarter - Erotic Adventures - Apparently it Has Performance Anxiety

Ah yes, this winner of a Kickstarter, Erotic Adventures. I backed for a buck just for the drama ;P
The Erotic Adventures book, compatible with 5th edition, will feature the sexual attraction system, fetish rules, new spells, new items, new feats, new races, new monsters, new gods, and new specialties. Play a barbarian maenad and use sex to recharge your rage. Play a rogue paramour and manipulate others using seduction. Cast a spell to enlarge your breasts, or gain an additional penis. Fight a gender bending semen ooze. And much, much more...  
The goal is 1000 dollars, but, for each additional 100 dollars I raise, I will add a picture to the book. If we reach 2000 dollars, I will make an android app based on the book and put it for sale on SlideMe.  
So back this project, and be one of the first to bring sex into the world of 5e! 
PDF was due in December of 2017. Print book in December of 2018. (It funded October 5th, 2017)

Here's the update from earlier today. At least it's an honest one.

How many Kickstarter Creators suffer from depression? I ask because it crops up A LOT, certainly more than it appears in the general population.

I guess there's still no sex in 5e...


  1. ... nor the champagne room, apparently.

  2. Where are Phil and Dixie when you need them?

    Several of my RPG related Kickstarter projects are/were seriously (6+ months) behind schedule due to depression. One has delivered. As best I can recall, none of the other types (board games, software, art, hardware, film) have used that explanation (and I've got enough seriously late ones in the boardgame category that I'd have expected to see one by now). Maybe because RPG stuff has less logistics and can be more easily done with less human interaction, the prone to depression folks are weeded out of the boardgame/software/etc. camps by the upfront work more than RPGs?

  3. Some might be bullshit but I think, especially if it's your first time, publishing can be overwhelming. A first project at not anticipate all the legal forms for those involved and the pressure to make something perfect.

    Experience publishers just get it done and work the kinks out later.

  4. That is the nature of manic depression. You are hyper creative and efficient some point, then you can't function the next. I can see many KS happening during a manic phase, then falling away in the depression phase.

    1. That is actually exactly what happened. I'm kind of tempted to go off the mood stabilizers and see if I can kick off another manic phase. This depressive phase is lasting waaaaay too long.

  5. We call depression the "common cold" of mental illness in psychology for a reason, it is everywhere. I would say Kickstarters are actually no different in this respect.

  6. Honestly it doesn't seem like this would be hard to make or be that useful if it was made. That being said I hope he kicks himself into gear and can do something to make him less depressed. I have a bunch of side things that help keep me moving and not get trapped by a depressed mood, like walking, programming, 3d printing..anything to get me out of down mood.

  7. Maybe if this guy would research the sex part of this project, it might cure the depression?

  8. Here is the latest Update on this project posted on KickStarter tonight!

    Posted by Charmscale
    Jun 24, 2019
    External link
    View on Kickstarter
    Hey. Sorry about the lack of progress. Despite multiple medication changes, therapy, and careful adherence to both my medication and sleep schedules, I'm still tired all the time, and often depressed. It seems unlikely at this point that seasonal depression is the issue, or any other psychiatric disorder, for that matter.

    I've been talking to several doctors, and the most likely culprit seems to be sleep apnea. That's basically where you stop breathing briefly multiple times a night, so you get poor sleep and run the risk of multiple health problems.

    Unfortunately, I can't get tested for it until next February, and, until I've been tested, I can't be treated. Yeah, I'm frustrated about that too.

    I'm sick of being tired. I'm sick of being either unhappy or kind of numb. I'm sick of looking at things I once enjoyed and wondering what the point is. Most of all, though, I'm sick of not being able to get anything done.

    So, yeah. Sorry the project isn't going that well. And sorry I'm such a downer.

  9. Credit where it is due. Playtesting link went out today. If a creator is sending updates with real content (work details, WIP copy, playtest, artwork), I'm going to cut them some slack on a late project- they are a far better person than a certain conman (shouldn't there be another Ken update?).

    Cut and paste below:
    === cut here===
    Here is a link to the rules complete enough for playtesting:

    (link removed by me)

    With any luck, I will be adding to the folder soon. I'm feeling a bit better today, possibly because I slept for 14 hours...

  10. Besides the fact that she launched a second kickstarter for the same project, both without fulfillment, she has been plenty active across various sites (Twitter, fetlife, patreon, etc.) And generally shows that she is ripping everyone off while hiding behind a shield of mental issues.


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