"New" Projects
I have had a burst of creativity over the last couple of months, and my
desire to get things off my WIP plate has been strong.
You all may have noticed ...
1 hour ago
The Mazes & Perils Role-playing Game (MnP) takes a page from the first wave of the Old School Renaissance (OSR) when it wasn’t OLD at all… Inspired by the 1977 “Holmes” edition of the world’s most popular role-playing game, it shuns pages and pages of rules for a simpler time when House rules were the order of the day.
First released in 2012, MnP drew a line on the map of OSR retroclones as something easy to pick up and play where your heroes weren’t superheroes. There are no superpowers here. Fighters have swords and armor. Clerics have their faith. Thieves skulk in the shadows seeking better items to steal. And Magic-Users sling magics at their foes until they run out of spells. This style of gaming is about grit and wit – and if you die, it must be time to roll up a new character.
The original book was awarded a Gold Ennie Award in 2013 for "Best Free RPG" and now we've updated it with even more great content!
Now in 2016, a new version of MnP – with some new classes, new spells, new optional rules, and a new look! Mazes & Perils Deluxe offers everything you liked about the original with a new coat of paint and a few new tools in the toolbox! New bits include:
Originally $7.99 in PDF and recently reduced to 4 bucks, for 24 hours only Mazes & Perils Deluxe Edition is on sale for $2.40. Probably the biggest bargain in OSR gaming this week, if it isn't in your virtual rules collection, it should be.Come check out a blast from the past and see why OSR is alive and well!
- New Class – The Enchanter – along with 20+ new spells in his arsenal
- New Class – The Shaman – along with nearly 20 new spells of his own
- Rules for Variable Damage for Weapons and Variable Hit Dice
- New layout, more art, and plenty of editing
Content Warning: While I cannot tell you what the game is about, it is my responsibility to let you know The Tower deals with mature subject matter involving deadly violence and its consequences both physical and emotional. Anyone who might not find this to their liking might not want to back this campaign.
Some ideas are a hard sell. They may have an important message you want to share with the world but there's something about the idea that's controversial or risky. Particularly when it comes to making a game about a terrible event that will spiral out of control in ways we never imagined until it becomes a part of modern life. You know you may never be able to share it but it never truly goes away. Until you see a sign and the opportunity suddenly presents itself.
The Tower is a mature tabletop roleplaying game about a terrifying moment that changes the lives of the people involved. And you won't be able to play it until I'm dead. In the spirit of Break Kickstarter, this campaign will provide you with a password-protected PDF of the finished game by the promised delivery date. The password will only be provided by me in the event of my death by natural or accidental causes.Yeah, I think not. It will complete but your reward will not be usable. Sure, it breaks Kickstarter but its also useless.
THE LOST TREASURE OF ATLANTIS - The Lost Treasure of Atlantis, by Chainsaw, is an adventure in HYPERBOREA designed for from four to six characters of 6th through 8th level.
In the far reaches of Hyperborea’s Crab Archipelago lies a small, mountainous island known as Crystal Point. Passing sailors recently have witnessed a crimson glow in Crystal Point’s waters and beams of russet light shining up from its steep cliffs. Too, unusually frequent lightning storms in the area have torn the sky in blinding flashes, shattering the air with their awesome sound. The seedy wharf taverns of Khromarium and elsewhere buzz with these strange tales—some even speculate that Crystal Point may hold the lost treasure of Atlantis!
THE SEA-WOLF'S DAUGHTER - The Sea-Wolf's Daughter, by Jeffrey P. Talanian, is an adventure in HYPERBOREA designed for from four to six characters of 7th through 9th level.
Your party finds itself in the employ of Ragnarr the Sea-Wolf, a jarl of New Vinland and a reaver of old. His daughter, a shield-maiden named Gunnhildr, has been abducted by a brute called Björn Blackbeard. During a desperate search, the Sea-Wolf crossed sails with a former rival, and from the blood-flecked lips of a dying foe, he learnt the location of Blackbeard’s stronghold. Now, deep in the misty fjords of Brigand’s Bay, where cutthroats, pirates, and freebooters thrive, you have been charged with liberating the Sea-Wolf’s daughter.Funded in 3 hours. 3 hours? Seriously? Damn! heh
We RPG game masters have a lot of tools to help us run our roleplaying games. Our monster books and bestiaries give us piles of foes to throw at our adventurers. The various guides for game masters often give us non-player characters, treasures, and story-building tips.
One of the hardest parts of game mastering, however, is coming up with interesting adventure locations for our characters to explore. These locations need to be fantastic, detailed places that capture the minds of our players every session we run. Good locations are hard to improvise and often hard to strip out of a fully-fleshed-out adventure.
Sly Flourish’s Fantastic Locations is a book, available in PDF and print-on-demand, that gives you twenty system-agnostic locations to drop into your favorite fantasy roleplaying game. Each location builds on a fantastic theme, such as a mysterious ancient structure under the ice, a cursed castle of a mad king, a fallen celestial fortress, and a dwarven mine that cracked into the tomb of a dead god. Each location includes artwork by Brian Patterson of D20Monkey. Sometimes this artwork takes the form of maps. Sometimes it's an overlook of a specific location.
These sites and structures aren’t full adventures. Instead, you and your players build your own stories in these fantastic locations, then you populate them with the monsters that fit your story.
Thanks to the support of 779 backers on Kickstarter this book was expanded to include a total of twenty locations each with full color artwork.
This book is system agnostic. You can use it in just about any fantasy roleplaying game.Normally 15 bucks in PDF, until tomorrow morning Sly Flourish's Fantastic Locations is on sale for 6 bucks.
Step into a world where you control these ancient beasts where every stomp of the foot, twitch of the tail or flap of the wings could be their last. The game is easy to learn, fast-paced, quick to set up, has a high replay value, and is just great fun.
You can play one-off scrimmage battles, a series of battles in a tournament setting or use our campaign rules to run a stable of dinosaurs through an entire league season. You can add in Mutations, Tech Upgrades and Training to ready your prized prehistoric gladiator to take on any beast in the pit.
Ultimate Dinosaur Fighting is a miniature board game for 2-6 players with a playtime of 30-45 minutes, no downtime and no player elimination.
This is the second edition version of the game, with minor tweaks. We've upgraded the victory point tokens to a victory track and fully overhauled the artwork for the box, board, cards, counters, everything.
We are also releasing the first Ultimate Dinosaur Fighting expansion: Triassic Terror. Triassic Terror includes two new dinosaurs, the Diplodocus and Pteronodons.Oh my. Look at those minis. I may need to get this to play with my niece :)
Remember what it felt like to open a book when you were a kid and be mesmerized by what was inside? This was our goal in creating the Far Away Land OSR RPG. Far Away Land is weird. Far Away Land is colorful and quirky and super imaginative. Did we mention its really fun too?
Far Away Land (FAL) OSR is a re-imagining of the Far Away Land RPG – through the lens of OSR-style games and mechanics. This project was inspired by Swords and Wizardry Light, a stripped-down, rules-lite version of Swords and Wizardry that uses only d20s and d6s. FAL was originally inspired by simple, old school gaming mechanics that place emphasis on characters, story, and adventures rather than heavy rules. This version of FAL uses familiar mechanics (6 stats, HP, AC, etc.) mashed into the Far Away Land setting. It maintains the tradition of a rules-lite game while using a more well-known system that is compatible with the world’s most famous rpg and many of its clones. Essentially, FAL OSR is a complete circle, back to what initially inspired the original game, set in the gonzo world of Far Away Land. So, while the rules have changed to be compatible with other systems, the unique world of FAL is the same.
Far Away Land OSR is a great introduction to rpgs. The book contains simple rules for combat, vehicle combat, naval combat, mass combat, character creation, magic, tons of mini games (like level 0 character grinders and deadly games), like 99 monsters, location descriptions and maps, crazy powers, there is even an adventure included. It’s jam packed with awesomeness.
The book is full color, about 130 pages, 8.5x11 inches.10 bucks for the Far Away Land OSR RPG: Core Rules PDF, 35 for the SC print plus PDF, 45 for the HC print plus PDF. I have the Harc Cover myself :)
At project launch, Delayed Blast Gamemaster #2 is a 24-page, saddle-stitched, 5.5-inch by 8.5-inch B&W printed zine. I plan to use the same printer, paper, and construction for this issue as the first, so you know that if we succeed, the physical presentation of the project will be as attractive and professional as I can manage.Stretch goals can double the size (and have already added 4 pages of adventure hooks to the zine as I type this)
What you will not find in Delayed Blast Gamemaster: Dedicated game rules and an excessive number of details that obstruct your own needs. Everything packed inside the zine is intended to get your creative juices flowing and give you a starting point when sitting down to plan an RPG session. And if something I've written is in your way . . . trash it! Make it your own! What do I know?10 bucks for Delayed Blast Gamemaster #2 in print plus PDF, shipping included in the States. 20 bucks for issues #1 & 2 in print plus PDF. PDF only is 3 bucks for issue #2 and 7 bucks for issues 1 & 2. I'm in for 10 bucks myself.
I’ve been quiet recently, I know. (but not on Twitter! I kid! No, not really kidding)
First things first: Far West is NOT dead. I only have one chapter remaining to assemble from the earlier drafts. (the same chapter I've been talking about since - forever) Things are moving slowly, and I figure that I owed you an explanation. (We've had plenty of excuses - I mean - "explanations over the last seven and a half years)
It’s no secret that among the many trials and tribulations that have plagued this project, my depression and anxiety have been at the forefront. I have been my own worst enemy. (there is no arguing with this)
Well, a few months ago, my family convinced me to finally seek treatment.
So I’ve done that.
The initial stages of the process, where, among other things, we were trying to zero in on the right combination of prescriptions and correct dosages, made it very difficult to get anything done. I just couldn’t focus on anything other than my mental health. (so, for the last couple of years, where you've produced work for the Star Trek RPG among other RPGs, occasionally under a psuedonym, none the less, your mental health issues only prevented work on Far West?)
Now that we are further along, and I’ve begun to feel the effects, I’m coming back into myself, in a way. And that includes finishing Far West. (I don't want to not believe you, reslly, but the outright lies over the past seven plus years...)
So that’s what I’m going to do.
I appreciate the patience of so many people who have given far more than I could have ever asked. “Thank you” seems terribly inadequate, given the circumstances.
As a final administrative note: All official updates will now appear on this website. We have a forum here where I can be reached for questions. The Kickstarter page will be used purely for delivery of texts, PDFs, etc. to backers. (that is NOT the way Kickstarters are updated, but I know, you want to control the narative and censor the dissenting voices)
Now, the home stretch. Talk to you soon.