This is probably the best and greatest Old School bunde anywhere - forget Bundle of Holding - the Humble Bundle - Old School Fantasy Roleplaying Bundle is what you want to grab!
Why? Well, if a picture says a thousand words, I've got a couple of thousand words for you ;)
Let's look at the One Dollar level. You get all the following for a buck:
All the above plus the following for Eight Bucks:
All the above and the following for 18 bucks:
I dare you to find more old school gaming value for your gaming dollar.
Yes, that's an affiliate link above. When you shop using The Tavern's affiliate links, a small portion of sales made go to support The Tavern. Huzzah! for beer ;)
Kickstart Your Weekend: More Witches! More Adventures!
These people want to keep making a liar out of me.
Both of these have already funded and blown past their funding goals.
*Sickest Witch RPG - Core Rule...
34 minutes ago
I've got most of this stuff and I'm still tempted to get it for the few things I don't. Hell of a bundle.